Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Don't Forget Me

Don't Forget Me written by: Gracie-Joy

Summary: "One year. Meet me here in one year" Elizabeth told him. Mr Darcy is back, but where is Elizabeth? Memories haunt Darcy and he is sure he has lost her forever. Will she keep her promise and return as he has done? One shot.

Ramble:  A super quick story.  Short with a sweet ending. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Seeing Bella

Seeing Bella written by: sherryola

Summary: Alice has a vision of a girl with no vision. She will either save Edward from his life of lonely brooding, or she will destroy him with his destruction of her. Can Bella discover the Cullen family secret if she can't see? Canon vamps and couples. AU

Ramble:  This is an amazing story!!!  Every now and then I enjoy reading a story like this.  I look forward to going through this story again and leaving reviews as I go (I don't like leaving reviews when I'm on mobile so I try to go back and backtrack when I am on my computer).  Between the awesome story, recs at the end, and especially the author notes, I'm hooked.  Part of me wants to go through and read through the notes again because there are some good resources in there about accessibility.  For some reason, getting things accessible to people is something I like to learn more about.  I've tried to play around with some of the ease of access stuff on my computer before, I had little to no luck with that (it was difficult for me to set some of the stuff up, let alone use it).  Well, here I am going off topic.  I'll stop here, but I look forward to following this author to see what other stories this author will write and share. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Student Relations

Student Relations written by:?  for:  Taste of the Forbidden Contest

Summary: Professor Cullen is having a HARD time literally with his new TA and he doesn't know what to do, can she help him with his problem?

Ramble:  This kind of reminds me of the professor/headmaster ( yeah, I remember rereading that a few times already) story I love.  This is a lot shorter, and innocent when compared to the story I am thinking about.  A quick comment about things are not always as they seem (or something like that).  Though I have to admit, I am curious to see how things turn out when more people find out about their relationship as well as what happens to the presentation at the end of the story. 

My Best Friend's Wife

My Best Friend's Wife written by:? for Taste of the Forbidden Contest

Summary: How does Edward tell his best friend's wife, who he happens to be in love with, that her husband is cheating on her? His plans to let it go for the night are spoiled when the woman he loves knocks at his door at four a.m. EXB Mature

Ramble:  So Bella starts out married to Jacob and things don't go as planned.  Instead of enjoying her marriage, she eventually feels more like a trophy wife than anything else.  A nice story pretty quick read.  While it is a quick read, it is well paced. :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Midnight Caller

Midnight Caller written by: Nocturnal Emissions

Summary: Bella enjoys pleasing herself with the curtains open, that is until a mysterious man calls to tell her that he is watching her. Bella's world is turned upside down as she enters into a D/s relationship with her Midnight Caller. exb BDSM

Ramble:  Ok, so I'm going to go check out the author's page to see how things are going for this story, and maybe some of their other stories too.  Things get revealed by the end of the story, which is really nice.


Halo written by: garnetcitrine

Summary: Bella and Edward seem perfect for each other. But can they make it last even though Edward's a busy doctor and Bella's struggling through college? Canon Pairings. One-Shot. Rated M for Language and a Lemon.

Ramble:  The problem of couples being too busy with other things to spend time on their own relationships.  Surprisingly, there were a few time jumps.  Not that it is a bad thing, just that I don't really like them too much in stories (general rule). 

In High Gear

In High Gear written by: TwoTwiMoms

Summary: The world of fast cars and easy women is what race car driver Edward Cullen is used to. When Bella Swan is hired to promote him and his racing team his rookie year she turns his world upside down. He struggles to keep his own secrets and let her into his world – will he succeed?

Ramble:  A short and sweet racing story.  From what I can see, this is a story I've seen mentioned on twitter, but couldn't find for the longest time.  I'm going to keep looking and reading stories from this author (well authors).  So be sure to keep an eye out for their stories!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Outside the Lines

Outside the Lines written by: SoRobsessed

Summary: Bella had been through hell and back throughout the years, she drifted from foster care to foster care; getting a lot of abuse along the way. A year before her 18th, she was sent to the Cullen's; will she have the same life she's always had, or will she find love, comfort and a true family who loves her; Please give it a chance and I hope you like it :

Ramble:  A quick warning that this story mentions abuse and such when it covers Bella's history in the foster care system.  A very interesting story, especially when things seem to fall apart for her again.  *quick spoiler* Jacob turns out to be not so good by the end of the story.  Random fact:  auto correct changed it to 'Jacob turns out to be not so food cut in the end.' in the e-mail I sent to myself...

Dangerously in Love

Dangerously in Love written by: Bee1982

Summary: Bella thought she had found everything in Edward Masen, but when he mysteriously vanishes from her life without a trace Bella has no choice but to move on. When Bella moves to Washington DC three years later her past comes back to hit her in the face with dangerous consequence's . AH

Ramble:  One of the longer stories, but so amazing.  Bella in the beginning reminded me a lot of the Bella from the book when Edward leaves her.  This is a little different, and I will admit that I love her character by the end of the story.  A story that pulled at my heart strings as I was reading. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

His Own Eyes

His Own Eyes written by: Pardonthepun

Summary: After meeting a stranger in a bar, Bella spends the night with him. When morning comes and she realizes what she's done, she runs, leaving him with no way to find her. What happens when she is left with a permanent reminder of the man she left behind? *Complete*

Ramble:  Shows that there are times where love is not enough if the timing is not right.  The title is a very good hint as to the permanent reminder Bella has from the one night.

Maybe Someday

Maybe Someday written by: Elizabeth142

Summary: Edward & Bella are both single parents.Bella thinks she has to handle everything on her own & hates asking for help. Edward just got custody of his daughter & has no idea what he's doing & needs some help. maybe they can help eachother all human EXB

Ramble:  So two single parents who also have to do with their own ex-spouse.  The children in this story are really sweet.  It is interesting to see how the two children get to know each other and fall into a pattern (rather quickly I think) in the story. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Singing in the Rain

Singing in the Rain written by: gabby1017

Summary: Bella and Edward were small time singers, until they hit the big time. After thirteen months on the road and revamped into Izzy Mar and Tony Maz, they both had hit the bottom. What they shared from their childhood was lost. What they wanted they kept from one another. Edward drank, while Bella pulled away. Can Alice and Jasper save the day?

Ramble:  This story moves pretty quickly from start to finish, and the summary pretty much sums it up.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Pulll My Strings

Pull My Strings written by: GeekChic12

Summary: He's watched her for years, never knowing she was so close. When their worlds collide, will their secrets bring them together? Or will it be too much for them to handle? ExB

Ramble:  A different fetish fic.  This is probably one of the tamer fetish stories I've come across so far.  A little different from what I expected from the summary, but turned out to be a really nice surprise. 

Meals On Wheels

Meals On Wheels written by: ALWAYS-B-HAPPY

Summary: After a terrible accident Bella moves to Forks. Edward falls for her and helps her heal emotionally. Along with sweet fluff. Full Summary Chap.1 Cullens are vamps, B human, Wolves may come in later. Cannon pairings. M FOR A REASON

Ramble:  I will admit that the title of the story mislead me for a bit.  This has nothing to do with bring people food.  Edward in this story is super duper sweet!  Like some other stories, I am not too crazy about Renee in this story.  *quick spoiler alert* So a big difference here is the fact that Bella gets pregnant (with twins) and is changed after she gives birth.  There are some pretty interesting stuff that happens that makes the epilogue that much more interesting. 

La Dolce Vita: Hollywood Living

La Dolce Vita: Hollywood Living written by: johnnyboy7

Summary: What happens when newly divorced, mother of one, Bella meets mega movie star Edward dealing with a full life of his own? Can they make their love work in the crazy town called Hollywood? All Human, Canon Pairings, some OCC

Ramble:  Lots of twists and turns.  Bella is newly divorced, while Edward's wife died in an accident.  Right as things seem to be going good, things change.  Some for the better, some for the worse.  I found some of the background talk (the things happening behind the scenes during filming) and descriptions to be pretty interesting.  Personally, I was expecting the story to end a little later, and from what I can tell, the author was going to continue with the story for a bit, but then decided not to. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Night at the Ugly Duckling

A Night at the Ugly Duckling written by: Emmamama88

Summary: It's been twelve long years since the hell that was high school. How will Edward and Bella, barely recognizable as the awkward teenagers they were then, handle the unexpected and unwelcome reminder of a time they'd rather forget?

Ramble:  Such a wonderful story!  A cool story that reminds me a lot of how karma will get the mean people... eventually.  Mike Newton is such an interesting and bleh character in this.  Pretty much through out the story, he doesn't seem to realize what is happening at the bar as he tries to drown his sorrows (as well as try to get some action). 

Today is Yesterday's Memory

Today is Yesterday's Memory written by: Dinia Steel

Summary: A/U Edward is an ancient vampire searching for the love of his life that was ripped from him over 3 thousand years ago. Reincarnation theme. Canon pairing.

Ramble:  Not quite what I thought it would be.  There are lots of flashbacks that lead up to the 'current' reincarnation of Bella that has some similarities to what happened in the book Twilight (or at least what I remember of the book)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

You Don't Know Her Like I Do

You Don't Know Her Like I Do written by: beegurl13

Summary: He's a broken musician, haunted by the memory of her walking out on him. When he knows she's at his show, will he be able to make his one last chance count? Will his song tell her all the things she needs to hear? Will she listen? Can Edward win back his Bella before it's too late? O/S for the No Kid Hungry charity comp. AH, E&B, M for language

Ramble:  I did not like this Jasper... at all!!  His character in this story had me wanting to smack him a few times.  Edward tries to get his girl back through music, pretty much undoing what Jasper wants/did before.  Short, with Edward who writes his own songs and such.  The pressures and not so nice side of the entertainment industry. 

Left Behind But Never Forgotten

Left Behind But Never Forgotten written by: whitepapernblackink

Summary: Jasper was Bella's brother before he went off to war. They BOTH turn into vampires. While Jasper is in the Newrborn Wars, Bella meets Edward. A turn of events tears them away from each other. What will happen when Bella reunties with her brother and love?

Ramble:  *spoiler alert* This caught my eye, probably mainly because of the Jasper being Bella's brother thing.  Not only that, but because of the time they were changed, both of them fought in the newborn wars.  They didn't fight each other but were part of opposing armies.  Bella tended to travel quite a bit for a while.  During her travels, she runs into Edward as he was in his human drinking time.  They see each other as angels and eventually get married.  Bella gets taken away from the five vampires that make up her family, forced back into the army she was apart of in the beginning.  Eventually she finds the Cullens again (as she is on the run from the Volturi) and finds that there are new additions.  Not only that but Jacob imprinted on her, and because of the while 'natural enemy' thing, the wolves put her through a broken imprint thing where she gets wings. 

London Calling

London Calling written by: TurningPageFiction

Summary: The London Olympics are one week away and when athletes Edward and Bella crash into each other in the Olympic Village, sparks fly and lemony goodness ensues. OOC AH/AU One-Shot.

Ramble:  Bella is a beach volleyball player and I cannot remember what Edward plays (and can't find it through a quick skim through the story).  Very short with a lemon at the end. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Fortunate Sons

Fortunate Sons written by: Louise Clark for:  SMYPContest

Summary: Carlisle is an award-winning war correspondent, who has lived out his dream. His sons follow in his footsteps; yet make their own way. The three of them survive being sent to Hell on Earth, the war-torn country of Vietnam, only to return home and realizing their lives are forever changed. This is their story. My entry for the 2012 Show Me Your Patriotism Challenge.

Ramble:  I remember being confused during part of the story, wondering who the two brother are talking about, before realizing that they are talking about Emmett's animal buddy/brother/partner.  Short with a touch of men in uniform. 

Let's Roll

written by: Letzigprincess for:  SMYPContest


Ramble:  Ummm.... so remember when I said that I don't really like this system... yeah, here is the perfect example.  I know I read the story, I found the story mentioned on the contest page, but can't include a link since the author has not posted (I don't even know if they will post it at a later date).  Well, I guess this will be a place holder for the story.

By Your Leave

By Your Leave written by: jonesn353402 for:  SMYPContest

Summary: *WINNER* Judges Vote SMYPContest 2012! Honorably discharged Sergeant Major Edward Cullen meets widow Bella Black and her young son Seth. The ad says room for rent, but maybe they have more to offer each other than just space. FOR THE TROOPS! I dedicate this to you and your families.

Ramble:  I had a mini attack when I couldn't get to the story through the link I saved.  Little did I know that the contest page got rid of the entries since authors started to post them on their own profiles.  This is a pretty sweet and short story.  Seth seems like a super cute kid in this story!  Some of his questions and mannerism reminds me so much of the little people I know.

Letting Down the Walls

Letting Down the Walls written by: Edward's my obsession1971

Summary: Bella is a transfer to U Dub from Phoenix with severe self-esteem issues from a chronic disease. Edward is a med school student seeing patents at his Dad's practice. When they meet, will Bella let Edward in her life or is she too damaged for love?

Ramble:  *spoiler alert for the ramble* Edward is training to be a doctor, working under his father for some of the cases.  Bella is introduced to the Cullen family through school (except Edward).  At first, Edward is involved in treating Bella before he gets pulled from the case because of his personal relationship with her.  There is a crazy Jacob with a kidnapping scene that seems really familiar to me.  I can't quite place it, but there are parts that I thought were similar to something else I've read before.  One setback I am finding with working on the posts like this, is the face that I cannot remember parts of the story.  For example, it took me a while to figure out why Jacob kidnaps Bella.  Now I kind of remember... stalker/creepy/obsessed person alert. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Smokeless Fire

A Smokeless Fire written by: walkingwithgiants

Summary: He retired without achieving all but two of his goals. When Edward Cullen is offered the chance of a lifetime, he takes it. Except the World Cup wasn't the only thing he wanted after all. One-shot for Fandoms4SpecialOlympics.

Ramble:  So as I was working on this, I see a companion piece to this story, that covers Bella idolizing Edward as a little girl.  This has Bella as a soccer player who is learning from Coach Cullen as they play the world cup. 

Picking Up The Pieces

Picking Up The Pieces written by: TFAraujo7

Summary: Alice is madly in love with her best friend Jasper. Now that Jasper is single after being dumped by his fiance Maria. Jasper looks toward Alice for the comfort that he so desperately needs. Can Alice take being second best in Jasper's life or will she let go of the only true love that she has ever known. AH/OOC One-shot

Ramble:  With the way the story goes, it is not hard to see why Alice thought she was a rebound girl for part of the story.  A short story that shows a girl being there for her best friend, and second guesses her place in his life. 

My Chiropractor Roomie

My Chiropractor Roomie written by: ZenOne

Summary: Bella's back hurts,can her new roommate Edward the chiropractor help her? Will they behave? Or are they naughty to the bone?

Ramble:  A story that I remember starting in the past but cannot remember if I finished it.  Well, now I can say that I finished the story.  Bella is moving in with her new roommate and runs into some back problems because of all the lifting.  With 'secret' crushes on each other, you get tension and sparks between the two. 


Remarkable written by: evilnat

Summary: Bella Swan has a thing for men in suits. She has an even bigger thing for men with tattoos. What happens when she encounters a remarkable specimen by the name of Edward Cullen? AH BxE

 Ramble:  An interesting way of Bella meeting Edward at her job.  Starts out with a crush and moves on to looking forward to seeing each other as much as possible.  A sweet and quick story.  Pretty much short and sweet from what I gather. :)

Jar of Hearts

Jar of Hearts written by: sunflowersongs

Summary: Bella Swan, a shy, quiet librarian finds herself bewildered to be pursued by the handsome and charming anthropology student Edward Cullen. A little drama, a tiny bit of angst, a little humor, a lot of romance.

Ramble:  A pretty sweet story.  This is a little different from the other student and librarian stories that I've read so far (in a really good way).  Such a sweet relationship with a nerdy/geeky Edward who has a very interesting reputation for who he really is. :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Break Room

The Break Room written by: for:  Taste of the Forbidden Contest

Summary: Bella has been lusting after Edward Cullen, VP at Providence Medical Center in Portland, for years. Too bad he's married, and her boss.

Ramble:  This contest looks pretty interesting.  There are quite a few entries that have some very good (and tempting) summaries.  I look forward to reading some more of these when I have time.  It is hard for me to describe this story without going into too much detail.  The rambles for the stories in this contest are probably going to be short and sweet for most of them...

For Your Eyes Only

For Your Eyes Only written by: Nolebucgrl

Summary: Edward Cullen is working on the biggest deal of his life when a strange manila envelope shows up containing something designed to take his mind off work. Will he give in to the distraction? Will he find the mystery mailer before it's too late? Read and find out!

Ramble:  I love reading stories from this author! It is interesting to see how people over look things so easily.  Looking at things from a different angle can make such a difference.  A short office story that leaves quite a bit to the imagination.  I say that, because we search for the mystery person with Edward in this story, not knowing who it is until he does.  Quite an interesting story that reminds me of perspective. 

When Sparks Fly

When Sparks Fly written by: tolivenadtodream

Summary: Bella has been in love with her best friend for what seems like forever. Can one night change everything? ExB One-shot Rated M for future stuff

Ramble:  The power of Truth or Dare when played between friends. ;)

Pas de Deux

Pas de Deux written by: sadtomato

Summary: Bella is a ballet dancer, and so is Edward. They have a volatile history and generally ignore each other, until Edward decides to pop in to the rehearsal room one day... O/S for The Twinklings FMF. Lemons, cheesy R&B music, and leg warmers included.

Ramble:  A quick and cute dancer story!!! I can't really think of how to put this into words.... just that it is a really cute and short story. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

How I Met the Man of My Dreams

How I Met the Man of My Dreams written by:  niknak995

 Summary: Struggling author Bella Swan meets a charming stranger after a mishap at a local diner. What happens when she recognizes his face on the cover of a national magazine? Mostly fluff. BxE RxEm AxJ

 Ramble:  So I kind of knew how Bella felt at the beginning.  With the whole not really knowing who Edward is thing.  I loved the way the author decided to start the story.  A glimpse of the ending before going back to the beginning. 

Strangers on a Plane

Strangers on a Plane written by: CandyCane85

Summary: Bella and Edward sit next to each other on a plane and strike up a conversation. Bella exits the plane and airport thinking that she will never see him again. What Bella doesn't know is that Edward is her new boss. What will she do when they meet again? AH, AU, Slightly OOC. Rated M for language and possible future lemons.

Ramble:  A very interesting Bella and Edward.  Bella is afraid to fly, and Edward makes some not so good choices... With that wonderful combination, the two try to work things out as best they can.  :)

My Beautiful Daughter

My Beautiful Daughter written by: Momentarily Sane

Summary: In Breaking Dawn, Bella was discouraged by the Cullen's reaction to her approaching Renesmee, and she hides in Edward's room. Edward and Alice try to convinced everyone and Bella that she won't hurt her daughter, but Renesmee takes it into her own hands.

Ramble:  Ok so this is probably one of the first stories I've read about Renesmee that is pretty much an expansion of the book scenes.  I know that there are probably more stories like this out there, but I've never felt like reading them.  That probably has a lot to do with the fact that I haven't finished reading the series, and I do not have plans to do so at the moment.  If my memory serves me correctly, I'm supposed to be reading the third book... somewhere in the middle... and I've seen teh first movie if that counts for anything... Yeah, I'm a really bad Twilight fan, but I like to think that I'm a pretty good Twilight fanfiction fan. :)

Do I Know You?

Do I Know You? written by: Momentarily Sane

Summary: Bella was not Charlie and Renee's daughter, in fact she was born centuries before them. When moving to Forks she runs into our favourite vampire family, but how does she know one of them? And who is she running from? Why?

Ramble:  So a continuation of this type of story.  Though to tell the truth, I actually read this one before the last one, but I guess I just didn't log it into here.  In this one, the Bella&Carlisle rating is because of the relationship they have.  By the end, it is an E/B story. 

You Look Familiar

You Look Familiar written by: Momentarily Sane

Summary: Okay, lets see, Bella and Edward were best friends back in 1918. They were close all in all, but what happens when Edward 'dies' from the spanish influenza, and human Bella is met face to face with a lion! Many years after all this happens....

Ramble:  So for a while there, I was really into the whole meeting up as humans, getting separated and then reunite after they are all vampires again.  This one is really different from the other ones that I've read so far.  I think it is mainly because I am not too fond of the way Elizabeth was portrayed for the most part.  That is just me though.  As I mentioned before, the rambles are mainly to jog my memory about the story. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Trust, a Little Green and Easybella outtake

Trust, a Little Green and Easybella outtake written by: SqueakyZorro

Summary: Esme's perspective on what it's like to be Little Green's mom - and the difficult decisions that come with the job. Written for the Fandom Gives Back at bettigefecht's request.

Ramble:  A super wonderful story from a parent's perspective.  If you haven't read Little Green and Easybella, you really should head over and start!  This is a very interesting story, partly because it is hard to see what Esme is thinking in the original story, and this gives readers a glimpse of what she was thinking and what she went though.  At the end of the story, I remember asking myself "that's it?!?!"  I am not sure if there will be more to this story, I really hope there will be more to come one of these days.  This allowed me to take a step back and see things from a different perspective. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Meeting Edward Cullen at the Olympics

Meeting Edward Cullen at the Olympics written by: lenny85

Summary: Bella Swan gets a job working at the Olympics. She then meets the elusive and sexy Edward Cullen. Will romance bloom? Will Edward win gold? For Michael Phelps lovers! Enjoy! R&R!

Ramble:  This was kind of interesting.  Well to start off, it is kind of interesting how so many stories has Edward as a swimmer.  This one is a little different, and there were some points that took a while for me to wrap my mind around.  One of the first, is why it took so long for reporters to approach Bella.  With her wishing Edward luck, the way she did and the amount of cameras that are around Olympic athletes, I did not expect it to take so long for her to be approached.  But that is just my thought.  As a whole, this story was pretty good.  A good read around the same time as the Olympics. :)

Dreams of Gold

Dreams Of Gold written by:Bella-with-the-blue-eyes

Summary: Bella is a 16 yr old Olympic gymnast for the USA. Edward Cullen is the all around American and World Swimming Champion, and gold medal favorite at only 18. Going for the Gold takes on a whole new meaning when these two champions meet in an all out competi

Ramble:  So something that took me a while to get is the fact that this was written around the time of the 2008 Olympics about the London 2012 Olympics.  Yeah, for a while there, I was wondering what was happening.  This is a pretty fast moving story, while the chapter count is high, they are pretty short chapters.  I would love to read the next part of the story, but it has not been updated for a while now, and I am reluctant to start reading something that I'm pretty sure will not be updated soon. :-/

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Day My Life Came Back

The Day My Life Came Back written by: KlumzyKat

Summary: Isabella Swan was born in 1845. Shes now a vampire going to visit an old friend. Dr. Carlisle Cullen. ExB

Ramble:  A few twists and turns that I did not really expect in this whole story.  At the end of the story, the author mentioned a sequel, but I didn't see it on the profile after finishing this story.  It has a lot of similar thing to the other stories I've been reading.  I'm pretty sure I've read this  story before, because I remember Joseph. :)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mama Soldier

Mama Soldier written by: MelissaRM

Summary: All Human. Edward leaves Bella after they have a BIG fight, not knowing she was prego. Now, she's in the Army. What happens when they meet up again?

Ramble:  Starts out as a single mother story, that develops into 3 other rather long chapters.  There are some very cool people in this story.  Ren (I'm too lazy to check the spelling of her name) sounds like a really cute kid.  One thing I really like about this is the siblings in arms thing that was mentioned in one of the chapters. :)

Isabella Bielifed

written Isabella Bielifed by: MelissaRM

Summary: Born in 1653, loving her parents and brother, Carlisle, Isabella lived the first 18 years of her life. Bella is changed the same day as her brother and they meet up years later in Forks, WA. Bella has her own coven... full sumery inside, i own nothing!

Ramble:  Biggest thing about this story, is that it is written in really small chapters.  At the beginning, I was wondering how many vampires will be in the coven, since it seemed like people were being changed every chapter for a while there.  The ending left me with a slight sense of being not quite complete, but that is just me.

Daughter Lost

Daughter Lost written by: Pslizy

Summary: Bella is Carlisle's daughter from his human life. She also has connections to all of the Cullens from their human lives. AU, Cannon Couples *Mature themes- please adult readers only*

Ramble:  At the beginning of the story, I was a little hesitant with continuing at a first glance.  There is a chapter where there are a lot of time jumps.  That chapter is actually one of my favorite ones in this story.  One thing that caught my attention, is how often the characters seem to pray, through out the story.  That is just something that caught my attention and stuck really well to my memory.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Do I Know You?

Do I Know You? written by: Momentarily Sane

 Summary: Bella was not Charlie and Renee's daughter, in fact she was born centuries before them. When moving to Forks she runs into our favourite vampire family, but how does she know one of them? And who is she running from? Why?

Ramble:  I'm pretty sure the next few stories will follow this theme for now.  I saw someone looking for a similar story, and got caught up with some of the results I got on my search.  One thing that really stuck out to me in this story is Irina's power in this story.  Does she have a power in the original story? I will admit that I am not a really good Twilight fan... I haven't really finished reading all the books...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

My Little Girl Carlisle's lost daughter

My Little Girl Carlisle's lost daughter written by: BellaJaperCullen21

Summary: In 1663 Carlisle was married and had a two year daughter. In 1917 she met Edward Mason and they fell in love but then she left to protect him. she mets up with them at the high school how will she react. will carlisle accept the couple?

Ramble:  What is here is a little short.  I mean, I know it is not complete, but I can't help but to wonder what Bella's power is in this story...


Found written by: dreams of bubbles

Summary: Bella is Jasper's younger sister. After discovering the news of her missing brother, she runs to the forest where she is found by a vampire and changed. Now, years later, she is in Forks, and she finds the person she thought she had lost forever.

Ramble:  Ok, so I finally added an incomplete label with this story.  This is the second time I remember reading this story, and wanted to have a way to keep track of all the stories I read.  Looking at the last updated date, I don't think this story will be updated any time soon though. :/

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

One more dance

One more dance written by: bibble bubble

Summary: AU Bella is Carlisles daugther from human live. She and her creator are moving to Forks and meet the Cullens. Story better than summary. R&R Rated T just to be save. I don't own twilight or anything else.

Ramble:  A pretty good quick read.  I think there will be an increase on this type of story, where Bella has a missing family member who got turned into a vampire.  Through out this story, it reminded me of the song, Dance with My Father Again.

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Different Cinderella Story

A Different Cinderella Story written by: Laura the explorer 91

Summary: Lily McManus lives with her evil Stepmom and sisters who are always giving her hassle, ever since her dad died nothing has been the same. One day online though she stumbles across a chatroom and meets a guy named MacMan.. could he be her Prince Charming?

Ramble:  A little different. Instead of high school, this story takes place in combination between university and real life. Lots of similarities to the movie.  Closet writer along with creator of Family Guy (I didn't know that till the middle of the story). 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Realizing Reality

Realizing Reality written by: 1heart1love1life

Summary: What if Austin had taken Sam's mask off at the Dance? He know's who his Cinderella is. Sam rushes off claiming she's late for reality.But Austin is determined to make her realize that he, and what they have is the reality.Regardless of their status

Ramble:  Many changes from the original movie.  There is a lot more lovey dovey details before the happily ever after.  I consider this to be a rather quick read, perfect for short study breaks.

Fairytale Romance

Fairytale Romance written by: Gabriella Somerfield

Summary: Sam and Austin life before they know who each other and after they know who each other is. Starts at the beginning of the film with a lot of texting and chat rooming between Sam and Austin but with some changes after the dance.

Ramble:  A little different from other stories.  Most of the story is based on the messages between Sam and Austin.  It does not follow the film completely, but has some pretty nice changes.

Intentions and Insinuations

Intentions and Insinuations written by: Eyes-of-Pearl

Summary: FINAL CHAPTER COMPLETED Modern Persuasion and P&P The blending of two stories, and two cultures in a tale where the only thing that stood between two people was circumstance. It was that and love, mankind's greatest folly.

Ramble:  To tell the truth, I got really sad a few days before finding this again, not knowing that the author moved it to the crossover section on  It is one of my favorite Persuasion stories that I've come across so far.  This story pretty much puts all the characters from both stories in the same area with each other.  For readers who have read both stories, it is easy to see what comes from which story, but readers who have read only one of the stories would not get lost.  So before I dig myself a bigger hole, I'll just leave it at that.

Silk & Satin

Silk & Satin written by: sadtomato

Summary: Edward's afraid to reveal his love of lingerie to his new boyfriend, but he's forced to confront the truth when Carlisle finds his panty drawer. Will Carlisle be into it or will he GTFO? Slash. Lemons. Panties.

Ramble:  I have to admit that I was a little reluctant to read this in the beginning.  I mean, I know I love reading sadtomato's work, but the summary looked a little intimidating to me (don't know why, but it was for a while).  After thinking about it, and seeing a few other people who recommended it, I decided to dive right in.  This story got me hooked, in the first chapter.  I have to admit, that I've already read this story a few times by now.  While it is a little different from what I normally read, this truly is a must read.  The summary gives reader a general idea of what the story is about (every now and then, I read a story that does not really match up with the summary).  Personally, I found  this to be a really nice change from some of the other stories I've been reading (or rereading as the case may be).

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Masque

The Masque written by: ElizabethAnneSoph

Summary: What if Darcy and Elizabeth meet at a masque? And Darcy did not make his rude comment? And had met as children? What if Jane and Elizabeth had been stolen from their biological family?

 Ramble:  This is a little different from other Pride and Prejudice stories.  It actually offers a reason as to why Elizabeth and Jane were so different from the other Bennett sisters.  This is a quick and easy read with little to no 'beating around the bush.' 

Good Things for Those Who Wait

Good Things for Those Who Wait written by: linsadair

Summary: Alice doesn't get it and Jasper can't tell her. For the Remember When This Was Fun contest. Jasper POV

Ramble:  I have to admit that this caught my eye on Twitter, and got me intrigued.  Between the post by the author herself, as well as recs from one of my favorite author of all time, I had to give this story a try.  Alice and Jasper are a sweet couple, and this story has a super duper sweet Jasper (the perfect example of a Southern gentleman).  This is a short one-shot that is worth every word!!  So stop reading my mediocre words, and click on the link, you won't be disappointed!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Biology Take 2

Biology Take 2 written by: luvrofink

Summary: Blood is life, whether it's pumping through veins or into my mouth as I blissfully swallow it down. It's hot and decadent, and I need it to survive. AU/EPOV Main character death.

Ramble: If you haven't read this yet... why are you still here, reading this? Really, click on the link and read it first. This is nothing compared to the story!!! A different take on what happens during the first biology class in Twilight. To tell the truth, I like this version a lot more than what happens in the book. It would have shorten the first book a lot, and the other books would not have any story to tell, but this Edward just seems more real to me. In the book, Edward tells Bella about how addicted he is to her, yet he can just sit there during the first class, and not really show it, other than digging his fingers into the desk?!?!? Yeah, that part doesn't make much sense to me. The first time I read the book, this didn't seem too bad to be, but after rereading the book for a class looking at vampires and such, things started to unravel for me. Anyways, I'm getting further and further away from the topic... Just go read, you will not be disappointed.

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Unlikely Meeting

The Unlikely Meeting written by: giselle-lx

Summary: April Fool! Full title: The Unlikely Meeting of Edwistian Greysen and Anabella Stolen, a Parody.

Ramble: It has been a while since I've last felt like reading. I actually had to look back to see how I normally make posts. This is an awesome story! It has been a while since I've last read Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey (under a different title) but from what I can remember, this is a quick and funny combination of the two stories. While I might not be able to name which parts were inspired by which story, I can say that as a whole this story reminds me a lot of the two.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fear of the Dentist

Fear of the Dentist written by: mandy52799

Summary: Bella has an irrational fear of the dentist. Will she be able to to find her happy place, or will she run away screaming? Rated M for smut.

Ramble: This story is super duper funny (to me at least)!!! After reading this story, I think I have a better idea of why Bella might run away screaming. Her appointment is not for a regular check-up, and I guess that is why there is a chance for her to run away screaming.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Cool written by: LifeInkognito

Summary: What happens when Nerdward gets trapped in a bathroom with the girl of his fantasies, the sexy and rebellious Bella Swan? Edward's floppy disc may turn into a hard drive. AUH Rated M.

Ramble: A super short story that is just awesome. The description of Edward in the summary reflects on how he is seen as a geek in his classes, but just oh so cute in his actions and thoughts.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Compendium of Thoughts

A Compendium of Thoughts written by: ItIsRaining

Summary: After Edward is struck with a serious illness, Bella offers to give him a ride to school every day. His musings on life are priceless and unique. Based in its entirety on a true story.

Ramble: This is based off of someone's story and a really great story. As I was reading the story, I found myself agreeing with the author in her author notes. Can't wait to see if this writer will continue writing!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Father's Hope

A Father's Hope written by: Kare831

Summary: Edward is an ex-Marine devastated by the betrayal of his ex-wife and kidnapping of his daughter. Bella wants him to let her in and he wants his daughter back. Encouraged to find a way to let Bella in and fight for his child, he has nothing but hope.

Ramble: The ex-wife thing in this story has a lot of similar characteristics as evil stepmothers in Disney movies. Though it does not really seem so at the beginning, the author assures readers that Edward will end up with Bella by the end of the story.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Last Kiss Before We Say Goodnight

A Last Kiss Before We Say Goodnight written by: Melanie Carter

Summary: This is how I would always remember him. Strong, beautiful and my Edward until the end...

Ramble: A really good short story. Reading stories like this makes me want to work in or with the medical field to prevent stories like these from happening in the future. But there is always a part of me that keeps me from acting on that impulse.