Saturday, September 18, 2010

Babies on Their Mind

Babies on Their Mind written by: Aussiemum1204


Life in a maternity unit is full of ups and downs!

Bella Swan, an experienced midwife at Forks Hospital meets the new obstetrician, Edward Cullen and the attraction is instant.

As their hands touched, she gasped softly as she felt the shock of electricity that seemed to pass through their skin. Dropping his hand abruptly, her brown eyes wide in surprise, Bella stepped back. Without volition, Bella felt her face flame with another cursed blush. Damn, she was 26 years old. When was she going to stop blushing like a schoolgirl?

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Ramble: This is a pretty long story. It is a good thing, as long as you have time to read it of course. Having both Edward and Bella working in the hospital in the beginning is really interesting, especially since both of them seem reluctant to start a relationship with a co-worker. Reading the summary should give a hint of how babies will be making a lot of appearances in this story. There are some ups and downs, and for the really down parts, the author was kind enough to mark it for the readers who would not feel comfortable reading things like that.

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