Sunday, September 4, 2011


Wild written by: PeppahLouie



A recently widowed Bella moves to Seattle to start a new life. Upon reconnecting with her friend Alice Cullen, Bella meets her brother and business partner, Chef Edward Cullen. Celibate by choice for two years, what will happen when Edward finds himself undeniably attracted to the sexy new Bella that Alice helps create?
**WINNER OF 5 SUNFLOWER AWARDS: Best Bella, Best Alice, Best All-Human, Best Drama, Best Romance**

Ramble: This story is on the longer side, but a really good read. Personally, I liked the beginning and the end more, just because the plot in the middle of the story was slower. Restaurant setting, with Edward as head chef and Bella as a server. I was really happy to see that the author posted pictures of the cloths they wear in the story, they look awesome! While Edward and Bella enjoy cooking, the world around them seem to keep throwing curve balls at them. While I really liked this story for the food aspect of it, I also enjoyed the mystery at some points of the story.

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