Friday, September 30, 2011

slave to My Heart

slave to My Heart written by: luvrofink

Summary: Edward is an experienced slave that serves his Mistress in 24/7 submission. Just as their feelings for each other change, tragedy strikes. With healing comes love and all the kinky deeds in between. AH/OOC Slash

Ramble: Gah, I actually followed this story as it was being written, and just found out that I forgot to include this here! I will say that this is one of my favorite subward stories so far. At first I was a little hesitant to continue after reading about how his mistress' house is run, but after a while, it started making sense to me. That, and afterwards, I started noticing other stories that had one dom/e with multiple subs sometimes. Anyways, this is a great story that was well worth the wait!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Night and Day (one-shot)

Night and Day (one-shot) written by: SassyGeminiMom

Isabella an assistant to a high society lawyer, Edward, seems so meek and innocent. But after her 9-5 Isabella works at a tattoo studio, inking people who only know her Bells. What happens when Edward, drunk and out with friends on New Year's Eve, decides to blow off some steam and runs in to the ink covered and pierced Bells?

Night and Day (Banner created by ginnyweasley)

Ramble: I love the idea of Bella living two totally different lives in this story. While I like office assistant, boss kind of stories, this one takes the cake in the category. It combines the office attraction with a hidden personality that gets revealed by accident, and results in possibility of further development. Personally, I thought that this is a wonderful one-shot!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Chance of a Lifetime (one-shot)

A Chance of a Lifetime (one-shot) written by: magan bagan

Summary: Bella is happy with a fulfilling career and great friends. What more
could she ask for? Nothing, at least until her cousin decides to take matters
into her own hands. And Bella is fighting to win the heart and love of
eligible Bachelor Edward Cullen.

Ramble: This is actually a pretty good bachelor story. As a one-shot, I have no complaints about what happened in the story, but a part of me wishes for some more details as the girls were getting to know Edward a bit more, but I know that would only be present in a multi-chapter story instead.

In My Mother's Arms

In My Mother's Arms written by: Hfrankz

Edward was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis when he was six years old. Now, at twenty-two, he's trying to be a normal college student. The only thing is, he had to agree to share an apartment with his sister, Alice, who helps take care of him. When Alice gets accepted into a fashion school three hours away, they have to rely on a family friend, Bella, to live with Edward. Totally against having any help from anyone, Edward has to learn that you can't get through life alone.

***This story is not a happy-go-lucky love story. It is a drama and involves the issue of the illness CF. If anyone is sensitive to this subject, I suggest you don't read on.

In My Mother's Arms

Ramble: Ok, so this really is a story where people should read the summary carefully before reading. For me, I am not really sure how to take this story, because there are cases where the patients pull through, but then again I would be like the other people who complain about the ending, which is not my intention (truthfully, I guess it just hits a bit close to home). But as a whole, the story is pretty good. There seems to be a paragraph or so of text that keeps repeating, but kind of ties in pretty well at the end.

Storm Warning

Storm Warning written by: JavaMasta

Bella and Edward are both finishing the same graduate program, and have been friends for 5 years. Of course, Bella is in love with Edward, but won’t tell him because she thinks there’s no way he would be interested in anything but friendship. During a particularly difficult week in April, when he shows up to help her move, she discovers the truth about her good friend Edward.

Three-chapter fic written for Fandom for Storm Relief, to benefit the victims of the April and May 2011 tornadoes.

Storm Warning Banner by CircleTime

Banner by the amazing CircleTime

Ramble: I am not really sure how to label this story, so I'll just stick with the basics. In one of the chapters, there are a couple of Indian words, which I loved having in the story. A really short and quick read that is really good. The storm in this case, is literally a storm and not just metaphorical. It was interesting to see Edward rescuing Bella from a crazy driver.

Friday, September 23, 2011

A Hard Day's Night

A Hard Day's Night written by: SexyLexiCullen

Summary: The doctors at this busy, New York hospital all have the same goals; saving lives, setting the on-call rooms on fire, and maybe, falling in love? Grey's Anatomy concept with Twilight character twist. Canon Couples.

Ramble: I really liked this story. While I do watch Grey's Anatomy every now and then, there is too much drama between characters some times (well, that and I don't have time to watch it), this story has a really good balance of the Twilight characters, and some of the plot (and funnier phrases/happenings) from the TV show. I know I should not have done it, but I was able to finish this story within two days, even though I should not have been reading lately.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Secrets and Lies

Secrets and Lies written by: BellaScotia


Bella once told a lie. A lie that cost her everything she ever wanted. 10yrs later, she returns to her hometown to an ailing father, an angry ex-best friend, and the man from whom she has kept a secret that threatens to unravel her existence. AH/OOC/M.BxE

Ramble: At first, I thought that this would be a predictable story, just because it starts out in high school, and the lovers don't meet again until 10 years later. I was pleasantly surprised with the way the story came out. Right off the bat, I will say that if you are a Carlisle fan, you might want to reconsider reading this story. The Carlisle in this story is really different from the ones in a lot of other stories. Personally, I wanted him to suffer a lot by the end of the story, so be warned that this one is really different from the kind and loving father figure he normally is. The beginning of the story is rather sad, but the rest of the story focuses on Bella and Edward, as they try to regain their trust in each other.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Nightingale Journals

The Nightingale Journals written by: kimpy0464



Special thanks to pkitten21 for the awesome banner!!

Pediatric ICU night nurse Bella Swan blogs about her work experiences via "The Nightingale Journals." When Dr. Edward Cullen is named the PICU's newest Fellow, their immediate attraction to one another is undeniable. They are both trying very hard to maintain their professionalism, appreciating one another as colleagues. Despite this predicament, Edward is determined to get to know Bella; when he learns that she is writing a blog, he makes it his mission to read every entry to find out just what it is that makes nurse Swan tick. Epic banter and UST result. Will they ever be able to admit their magnetic draw to each other?

Ramble: This is a story that is well worth the wait. It is finally complete, and I have to admit that it is up there as one of my favorites right now. Stories in hospital or doctor/nurse pairings are pretty common in the fandom, but this really takes the cake for me. The interactions seem more real, and believable to me. Not only that, but I feel like this is a good story for people to read if they want to be a part of the medical field. It gives a pretty good representation of what can happen or take place in a hospital, and how people interact in that setting.


Wild written by: PeppahLouie



A recently widowed Bella moves to Seattle to start a new life. Upon reconnecting with her friend Alice Cullen, Bella meets her brother and business partner, Chef Edward Cullen. Celibate by choice for two years, what will happen when Edward finds himself undeniably attracted to the sexy new Bella that Alice helps create?
**WINNER OF 5 SUNFLOWER AWARDS: Best Bella, Best Alice, Best All-Human, Best Drama, Best Romance**

Ramble: This story is on the longer side, but a really good read. Personally, I liked the beginning and the end more, just because the plot in the middle of the story was slower. Restaurant setting, with Edward as head chef and Bella as a server. I was really happy to see that the author posted pictures of the cloths they wear in the story, they look awesome! While Edward and Bella enjoy cooking, the world around them seem to keep throwing curve balls at them. While I really liked this story for the food aspect of it, I also enjoyed the mystery at some points of the story.