Friday, October 22, 2010

Come Back Café

Come Back Café written by: Kassiah


While being interviewed by a kid for the school paper, Edward looks back on his past, reminiscing about the girl that got away. What would happen if she ever walked back into his life? Rated M.

My entry for the Love Lost Contest.

Ramble: Although I don't really like sad stories, nor do I like the whole lost love ones, this one has some details that I really like. I guess that is my way of combating the facts reality gives me a lot of times. My way of hiding, or separating myself from reality. Younger people, asked to interview someone they admire often gives the teacher some interesting results. While typing this, I just realized the title of the story is probably the name of the shop. Another fact that I missed, is the fact that the story is an entry to a contest. The title of the contest should have let me know of how the story will probably end.

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