Saturday, April 24, 2010

Semper Fidelis

Semper Fidelis written by: il_suo_cantante

Summary: Bella is pouty when her deployed boyfriend, Edward, doesn't have
time to talk to her on their anniversary. How can he possibly make it up to
her? Written for PPSS Officer and a Gentleman contest. Rated M for lemons.

Ramble: Always learning something new. The title of the story mean 'always faithful' in Latin, and has been used a lot through out history. I've seen the phrase around and decided to look into what it means, where it came from etc. I finally noticed that there are quite a few stories written by this author. Right now, I am just going through the story list on Twilighted, and reading any of the completed stories that catches my eyes. But there are notes for myself, to go back and take a closer look at some authors and stories.

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