Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lowering the Wall

Lowering the Wall written by: kamce, kamills

Summary: Love and Luck has never been on Bella’s side. After her daughter’s birth she is determined to be a strong, independent, single mother, who can live without a man. However, when her daughter is hospitalized Bella finds herself jobless and soon to be homeless. In an effort to right her life, she finds herself going against her own beliefs and moves in with her best friend’s brother. Bella soon starts to question her way of thinking and decides to lower her guard for a chance at happiness. Things start to look up for Bella and her daughter, but are quickly turned upside down as Bella’s past comes back to haunt her. Will her encounters with the past ruin her new found trust? Will she let her one chance at true love pass her by?

Ramble: Wow, that is a really long summary! A story about Bella trying to to raise her daughter with close family and friends but without the aid of of the father of the child. A detailed story of how people change because of happens to them.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Art of Seduction

The Art of Seduction written by: far_to_jaded

Summary: Bella decides to give Professor Cullen a very special lesson of her own.

Ramble: A series about a student and teacher's perspective on mutual 'forbidden' lust that has to be ignored until the end of the semester.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Continuance written by: punchanella

Summary: Edward Cullen is a hot shot associate in the D.A.'s office. Bella Swan is at the top of her game as a defense attorney for the most prestigious law firm in Seattle. In the courtroom they are arch rivals but outside the halls of justice they are wildly attracted to each other. Will they give into their desires or will arrogance and stubborness keep them apart?

Ramble: A good old lawyer story. Not much else to say; I mean the story was well written, and the plot interesting. Not a lot of law jargon, and some of the characters are used in different ways. I really like how Mike is portrayed in this story, perhaps because I don't really read stories with him in it, so this is different.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hot for Teacher One-Shot

Hot for Teacher One-Shot written by: tawelephant

Summary: Edward starts Princeton and finds himself lusting for the TA in his English class. Can Bella quench his thirst for some knowledge? All Human & LEMONS Baby.....

Ramble: Gotta admit, this story can get some all hot and bothered. A good old hots for the teaching assistant story. I wish there was a little more lemon to it, but other that, this was a really good story.

Tension-A 'Cocktails & Dreams' One-shot

Tension-A 'Cocktails & Dreams' One-shot written by: whynot

Summary: The kids are asleep. The parents are awake. Dr. Masen is tense. What's a good wife to do? Written for 'The Fandom Gives Back' author auction.

Ramble: I don't know what I was expecting form this story, but I have to admit; it opens my eyes a little. Although there is a doctor mentioned, it takes more consideration into the people behind the job. By that, I mean it gives readers another perspective on doctors, a more humane side of why some act the way they do.

Running Away

Running Away written by: xoxPureFireworksxox

Summary: Edward finds Maddy crying in the hospital parking lot with her mom lying unconscious. When Bella and her daughter get a second chance and stay with him, what happens when she comes to leave again? Will Edward run after her? Will he let her go? Oneshot. BxE.

Ramble: The idea of a doctor Edward helping a Bella who is having some problems. A short story that summarizes meeting, healing, chasing, and admitting to loving each other. All the while with a little girl and strong family and friends in the equation.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Green-Eyed Monster Comes Out to Play (ONE-SHOT)

The Green-Eyed Monster Comes Out to Play (ONE-SHOT) written by: kimpy0464

Summary: Dr. Edward Cullen and Nurse Bella Swan trade barbs and innuendo on a nightly basis in the Pediatric ICU. Just how far will they go after several post-call rounds of tequila shots? Second place winner in Algonquinrt's Parkaward contest.

Ramble: I found and read this story long before I started this blog. When I found it again, and followed through some links...the author has a story up that is really similar to this and another story she wrote, but this time, it is a multiple chapter story, so I am eagerly awaiting for updates!!!

A Hands-On Experience

A Hands-On Experience written by: Phoenix Rising


With sneaky Alice's help, Edward has a special experience planned for Bella.

Written for MsKathy, who purchased my writing services during The Fandom Gives Back auctions for Alex's Lemonade Stand.

Ramble: Wow, I am making some good finds today. I have been looking for this story for a while now. I am so glad to have found it again. Now that I have it here, it should not be too hard for me to find it if I wanted to.

I Hate You with an Insurmountable Passion: Christmas Edition

I Hate You with an Insurmountable Passion: Christmas Edition written by: Crittab


Not so much an outtake, as an addition to my fic "I Hate You with an Insurmountable Passion"

Six years after Edward and Bella finally get together, Edward surprises Bella with a Christmas gift she never expected.

Rated NC17 for lemons.

Merry Christmas!

Ramble: Maybe today is a day for adding stories and authors to my 'to read' list. This one is a short but I feel like I am missing something, so it might be time for me to check out I hate you with an insurmountable passion soon.


PIANO MAN--One-Shot written by: kimpy0464

Summary: Shy researcher Bella Swan is coerced by her best friend Jacob Black to spend a night in a gay bar checking out the new piano player, Edward Cullen. Can Bella find the way to Edward's heart by bringing him a tasty apple pie?

Ramble: The good old, get girls off your back by pretending to be gay. Although the family has wealth, the people do not flaunt it, rather they use the money in a way so that they get to enjoy doing what they like without all the hassle of the attention they would normally get.

Semper Fidelis

Semper Fidelis written by: il_suo_cantante

Summary: Bella is pouty when her deployed boyfriend, Edward, doesn't have
time to talk to her on their anniversary. How can he possibly make it up to
her? Written for PPSS Officer and a Gentleman contest. Rated M for lemons.

Ramble: Always learning something new. The title of the story mean 'always faithful' in Latin, and has been used a lot through out history. I've seen the phrase around and decided to look into what it means, where it came from etc. I finally noticed that there are quite a few stories written by this author. Right now, I am just going through the story list on Twilighted, and reading any of the completed stories that catches my eyes. But there are notes for myself, to go back and take a closer look at some authors and stories.

Illicit Behavior (one shot)

Illicit Behavior (one shot) written by: KristenLynn

Summary: Entry for the Bridal Style smut-shot contest. Bella wants to spice up her sex life. When one of her fantasies is fulfilled, will it be all that she imagined or more than she bargained for? AU/AH, OOC. Rated NC-17 for language/lemons.

Ramble: Another one of the 'what is going on' stories, that gets all cleared up at the end. Meeting up in a bar, etc. You all get the idea...

Paging Dr. Cullen--One-Shot

Paging Dr. Cullen--One-Shot written by: kimpy0464

Summary: Difficult patients are not the only challenge facing nurse Bella Swan in the Forks Hospital ER--and Dr. Edward Cullen is the biggest challenge of all. He's determined to win her over, she's determined to keep him at arm's length. Who will win?

Ramble: Woot!! I found a treasure trove when it comes to doctor/medical field related stories from this author!! This was really worth the reading time.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Love On the Line (One-Shot)

Love On the Line (One-Shot) written by: TrueLovEph28

Summary: Edward and Bella are close, but their entire relationship is based over the phone. What will happen when the calls just aren't enough anymore?

Ramble: A meeting through the business world. True love being found through the phone, without really having the people meet in person.

First Time Caller

First Time Caller written by: bellamarie117

Summary: Bella is a grad student moonlighting as an 'Adult Phone Entertainer'. One night she gets a call she'll never forget. Fluffy O/S, BxE, AH. Rated R for language and adult situations.

Ramble: Really cool story! There is just something about a student Bella and a Doctor Edward. I will be off to review the story, to see if the author will develop it into a multiple chapter story. Looking at the other stories the author has up, I have a feeling that I will be following all the stories they post from now on.

First Day of My Life

First Day of My Life written by: il_suo_cantante

Summary: After a four year absence, Bella comes back to Forks to give her best friend Edward a very special birthday gift.

Ramble: Starting at the end of high school, focusing on the start of their career, while ending with the future out for the couple. Short quick read that is really simple.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

So Be It

So Be It written by: Anne

Summary: So Be It, Forks. That's the mysterious new nightly podcast that has everyone at Forks High tuned in. Will Bella Swan find out who's behind the sexy voice that's got her all hot and bothered? Twilight/Pump Up the Volume Crossover.

Ramble: I have such a sheltered life, I haven't even really listened to a podcast yet... Coming back to the story, the summary reminded me of another story I read a while back. Same idea of Bella falling for a voice over the air, etc. but this one is just different.

My Lord Cullen

My Lord Cullen written by: EnchantedSailorBella

summary: When the King turns his back on the Church in hopes of producing a legitamite male heir, Isabella is forced to chose between the Queen who has raised her and the man that she loves.

Ramble: I am still trying to figure out how to put the links up. Like in this case, the link is from Twilighted, but there is also a version of this story of fanfiction that I know of...anyways... This story covers one of my favorite periods in history. The story of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I are really interesting to me. Although in this story, Edward is only a Lord, it still fits the time of the story, and includes a lemon with a happy ending. It works really well for a quick read too!!

Training the Cullen

Training the Cullen written by: IvoryAdulation

Summary: Movie star Edward Cullen is sent to Seattle Crime Lab to train for his next role. A one night stand with an alluring woman rocks his world but not as much as finding out she's his mentor, she dosen't remember him, and she's nothing like he thought-EPOV/MA

Ramble: A long but really worth the read. After reading this, I feel like I want to add forensics back onto my 'maybe want as a job' list. Some parts that were a little odd/creepy, but it is not that bad. There are movies, and shows that present things more graphically. The references and changes in the plot really allows readers to imagine it in 'the real world'. Not everything is perfect, and everything has its own problems. I seriously lucked out when I found this story.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


MakeAWish written by: rbsschess

Summary: A one-shot for the Sport of Love Challenge at TWCSL. Edward is a hot new QB for the Steelers & BElla is a hot new rising star. In what seems like another life he is everything to her, can he redeem hmself and win her love. Maybe.

Ramble: A sweet wishful story between people. Really, a side of people that rarely comes out any more. There is mention of a childhood meeting. But I have to admit, the ending is really my favorite.

Incentive to Vote

Incentive to Vote written by: Whitney Love and ZephyerSky (Incentive to Vote)

Summary: Everyone needs to do their civic duty and vote. Edward and Bella do theirs. Just a little voting booth action to get your blood pumping and your fingers voting. A quick SmutShot from LoverSky. Vote for Play Fair!
Everyone needs to do their civic duty and vote. Edward and Bella do theirs. Just a little voting booth action to get your blood pumping and your fingers voting. A quick SmutShot from LoverSky.

Ramble: A very good idea for the story. I kind of wish that there was a little more action/lemon when they get into the booth, but then again, can't have everything you want... This story gets people to think "what else has happened here" when they go out and do the most boring things.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Vendetta at Twilightv

Vendetta at Twilight written by: muggleinlove

Summary: Edward and Bella have been best friends age 11. The attraction between them is obvious. Will they admit their feelings to each other? What is James and his family plotting? HP/Twilight crossover, only Twilight Characters in HP setting. Normal Pairings.

Ramble: I have to admit, this is one of my first crossover stories (to read of course!). I was really sad when the author marked it as complete, but there will be a sequel, so no worries!! Another first for me, well not first but rare, is that I read this story as it was being written. Yes, that includes waiting and hunting my e-mail inbox for the update alert. Basically, a really cool integration of Harry Potter and Twilight (I have yet to finish reading either series. . . ).

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Made with Love

Made with Love written by: aTREEtoaFOREST

Summary: Bella is 24 and a pastry maker at a popular bakery. Although she is content with her life, she is looking for love. She meets her boss's son and sparks fly. This is the story of their courtship. All-Human, a little OOC. My first fan-fic

Ramble: A bakery story, with a small side of medical school, and hints of a teacher. A rather short plot, with many mentions of weddings...

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Bare written by: stella luna sky

Summary: Winner of two Summer 2009 Indies. A beautifully plain girl writes the colors used to unravel a young prodigy of the brushstroke. What color are the eyes that see through the heart? Forest green and their rooted brown. AH/M. COMPLETE.

Ramble: Before reading the story, I found the summary a little confusing, but once the story is done, the summary seems to be a lit easier to 'understand'. Reading about an artistic Edward, and a writer Bella has not been as interesting to me before. The troubles of high school, growing up, and their own personal problems adds twists and turns into the plot.

Monday, April 12, 2010

You Don't Know Me

You Don't Know Me written by: philadelphic

Summary: For the Age of Edward contest. AU, AH 1950's Chicago Cynical lawyer and confirmed bachelor Edward Masen is looking for a secretary who can handle him. He gets more than he bargained for in the form of a shy, mysterious girl fresh off the bus from Forks.

Ramble: This story leaves ends with potential continuation, but so far, there is a one shot that got the idea for the story going, but that's it for now. When looking up the summary for this story, I was surprised to see that I have a story by this author on story alert right now. I really like it when I find a good author to follow for their stories.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First & Ten

First & Ten written by: Nolebucgrl

Summary: Bella Swan is an aspiring sports writer and her first big assignment is to interview the league's biggest, not to mention hottest, quarterback. Will Edward Cullen school her in the rules of the game or will she teach him a thing or two? Rated M.

Ramble: Wow! Really steamy story, with some interesting end results. Just in case anyone reads this, I do not want to give out the ending. But I am glad that I took the time to read this story. Just a hint, it is one of the stories that seem a little weird before really making sense at the end.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Worthy of Trust and Confidence

Worthy of Trust and Confidence written by: jadedandboring

Summary: When a rogue fraternity guy threatens First Daughter Bella Swan, Secret Service agent Cullen steps in to protect her. What happens after is more than either of them expected.

Ramble: After reading a whole book that took a glimpse of the first family's live in a book, I have not really ventured down this path again. The pull of reading about Secret Service agents doing their job is really the reason why I read this one. I would say that this can be considered like a one-shot, because the two chapters is really the same thing happening, except from a different point of view.

Miserable Birthdays and Pleasant Surprises

Miserable Birthdays and Pleasant Surprises written by: pinkpumpkin9

Summary: While on tour with his band Steel Junction, Edward misses his girlfriend Bella - especially on his birthday. He is unprepared for the surprises in store for the birthday boy. AU-AH; O/S submission for the "Very Sexy Un-Birthday Contest"

Ramble: This story offers a really cool surprise, that I would not mind getting as a birthday gift. I like how not all the attempts at the surprise is successful (as you can tell, I love it when stories are closer to reality, when things don't really work out the best way). The mention of a tattoo is really cool, and makes the story soooo much better for me. The fact that the tattoo has a meaning behind it really makes a difference.

pretty as a princess

pretty as a princess written by: jess2002

Summary: Bella lost her whole family by the time she was eighteen. all she wanted to do was go to college. she meets Alice and Rosalie and they get her employed by Vicki's escort agency called pretty as a princess. Edward buys her...this story is not for everyone

Ramble: I think the warning in the summary really drew my attention. I don't think there is anything explicit in this story. While there are some problems the characters go through, let's face it, the problems make them more real. The Cullens own a publishing house, Bella is doing things that she would prefer not to do, but keeps with it to put herself through school. There is some possessiveness (I'll leave it at that for now) from one of the characters, but things get worked out eventually. . .

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Coming to Terms

Coming to Terms written by: GinnyW

Summary: A one night stand, a handful of condom wrappers, and Bella decides she's meant to be alone. Fate has other plans. Canon pairings.

Ramble: I have to admit, this story is a lot better than I first thought. The summary does summarize the story really well (so it did its job). Once I got into the story, I did not realize how interesting pregnant Bella can be. The story starts at the one night stand, and pretty much follows her though out the pregnancy.