Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Mates for Eternity

Mates for Eternity written by: xxLuAshxx

Summary:  Male vampires are very possessive and dominant of their mates. Bella Swan is a vampire before she moves to the small town of Forks. What happens when she moves to Forks? *POSSESSIVE EDWARD & LEMONS. STEPHANIE MEYER OWNS TWILIGHT* R&R

Ramble:  The summary has a pretty good general summary of the story.  Bella is already a vampire when she meets the Cullens.  Very steamy, and pretty much an instant connection between Edward and Bella.  There is a newborn attack in this story and a happily ever after ending for the couple.  There is a surprise when they see the Volturi.  Something very different from other stories, but at the same time a nice surprise. 

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