Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Sunrise written by:  flamingpen18

Summary:  Bella Swan has always "sensed" that she was meant for something more. When she moves to Forks, Wa., she finds out that she is more a part of the supernatural world than her dreams could have ever prepared her for. With help from the Cullens, Bella will embrace her destiny.

Ramble:  When I got to the end of the story, I felt like I got tricked again, since I'm pretty sure I've read this story before.  Well trick might be a strong word, but the story ends as a set up for the next story, which has yet to be shared on the site I read it from. :? I like the premise of the story, and where it was going, but at the same time I feel like it ended with a big cliff hanger.  And the main reason why I mainly read completed stories is because I don't really like being left on the edge of a cliff.  And honestly, other than that, this is a pretty cool story setup.

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