Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Prostrate in Prada

Prostrate in Prada written by: mskathy

Summary: Edward forgot the milk. "You know what to do," she said. BDSM, Subward

Ramble: It feels like I haven't read a story from this author for a long time now. This was a surprise I found while lurking around the web today. While I probably should not have read this story yet, I did and I cannot really say that I am sorry for falling into 'temptation' (multiple times) today. Right now, I am glad that I read this, later... I am not so sure...

Christmas Wish

Christmas Wish written by: crimsonmarie

Summary: Successful musician Edward Cullen could have any woman he wants. But there's only one he can't stop thinking about and she seems oblivious to his feelings. Could a Christmas wish change everything for both of them?

Ramble: A story I've read in the past before starting this story log. Edward is a musician who spends some time with his manager around the holidays, and the two slowly bond as they talk to each other.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Prints Charming

Prints Charming written by: crimsonmarie

Summary: Written for the Write What You Know Contest. Both aspiring photographers, Bella and Edward had quickly become best friends. She fell in love with him. He didn't feel the same... at the time.

Ramble: Although I cannot remember where exactly I found this story, I enjoyed reading it a lot. I love it when the story revolves around photos or photographers, and this story has a really good balance between what is happening and the pictures. The name of the story is really catching too!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Written in the Stars

Written in the Stars written by: Lissa Bryan

Summary: Edward is king of a dying race, his planet torn by civil war. Bella is abducted to become his bride. From college student to Queen... Can she learn to love this strange man and help save his people? AU/OOC. Rated M for lemons, violence and mature themes.

Ramble: Wow, this is a great story. At first, I was a little hesitant to continue with the story in the beginning, but now I am really glad that I continued to read this story. It is really interesting to imagine how things might be in the future.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Fearfully Rage UC Outtake, Chap 18, EPOV

Fearfully Rage UC Outtake, Chap 18, EPOV written by: Savage7289

Summary: Sir Edward has just lost a jousting match, humiliating himself in front of Isabella. As his childhood demons overtake him, he finds the comfort he needs in his wife's touch, makes a revelation he does not expect, and for which he had only dared to hope.

Ramble: A quick look into what happened at the tournament in Edward's point of view. In this story, I found it really interesting to see how Edward needs to have Isabella by his side to keep him from going off on a rampage. This chapter show that really well.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Buttercup written by: Saritadreaming

Summary: Lisabetta & Edward meet at music school. An unlikely friendship guides them both through difficult times, creating a life-long bond and helping them find their way home to the ones they love. Stand alone outtake of Betti Gefecht's Little Green&Easy Bella

Ramble: A super cute outtake of Little Green and Easy Bella. I found this to be a really good and wonderful outtake of one of the stories I've been addicted to. Right now, I am kind of sad over the fact that it took me this long to find out about the story.

In the Wings

In the Wings written by: Saritadreaming

Summary: Bella is a disillusioned cheerleader who jumps off a cliff into the churning water below and gets more than she bargained for when she's saved by the man who's been waiting in the wings. Popularity doesn't always equal happiness. AH Won 2 SingleShotAwards

Ramble: Another story I came across during my first readalong. For a high school fic, I think I can say that this is one that is pretty different from the ones I have read so far. There is the whole clash between groups has been done before, but the way it is in this story makes it that much more amazing to me as I was reading.

Rainbow Stutters

Rainbow Stutters written by: Le Crepuscule

Summary: Insecurity meets a world of color. Can Edward stutter his way into the magnanimous Bella's life? B/E. AH.

Ramble: This is a really cute oneshot that I cam across during my first readalong just now. Edward and Bella make a really cute couple in this story. As a whole, this story is super duper sweet and good!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Let Down

Let Down written by: luvrofink

Summary: Edward's work life is demanding so he and his wife, Isabella, find a way to help him let down at the end of the week. Written for an anon prompt for TwiKinkFest. EPOV AH/OOC D/s themes and lemons.

Ramble: As one gains more power in the public, they may want to loose some when in private. This story is a good example of that statement. It is written for a prompt that holds a lot of potential from the beginning.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Time Heals

Time Heals written by: *** for: LikeTotally80sContest

Summary: Bella's twenty-fifth high school reunion brings her back to Forks to face the memories and the man she left behind so long ago. Entry for the Like Totally 80s Contest. AH

Ramble: One of my favorite songs. I feel like this song is ties in really well the story. Seeing things that slowly evolve from friendship, and eventually to more. Seeing how people start to drift away, and finally see each other again at a class reunion is really nice.

We Start Rememberin' When

We Start Rememberin' When written by: *** for: LikeTotally80sContest

Summary: Edward and Bella have been married for 23 years but have run into a rough patch. Can memories of their whirlwind romance from their senior year of high school bring them back together? Entry for the Like Totally 80s Contest. AH.

Ramble: I feel like this is one of the longer entries that I have read so far. There was a while when I was not really sure what happened, but we do get a pretty good idea of how Edward and Bella's relationship started.

Coming Home

Coming Home written by: *** for: LikeTotally80sContest

Summary: Best friends since grade school and destined to be together, but when will they realize it? Entry for the Like Totally 80s Contest. AH.

Ramble: A sweet story about childhood friends. It is interesting to see how they start to realize what other people had no problem seeing as they were growing up.

Livin' On A Prayer

Livin' On A Prayer written by: *** for: LikeTotally80sContest

Summary: With his wife's support, a guitar player struggles to find success in the music business. When a talent scout offers him the deal of a lifetime, Edward and Bella think their prayers have been answered. Have they? Entry in the LikeTotally80sContest. AH

Ramble: High school sweethearts who get married and are living life in a larger city. As they face hardships, it seems like the two will give up things they really like for the other person. Super duper sweet story.

Things We Do

Things We Do written by: *** for: LikeTotally80sContest

Summary: Bella is new to Forks High and gets coerced into a cheerleading audition, hoping to impress Edward Cullen, member of the football team. His reaction isn't what she hoped for. AH. Entry for the LikeTotally80sContest.

Ramble: This has quite a bit of high school factors. Everything from cheer leading and football teams, to attempt of revenge. I like the Alice in this story, although I question her motives a bit in the middle of the story.

Teacher's Pet

Teacher's Pet written by: *** for: LikeTotally80sContest

Summary: Bella just can't stop thinking about Mr. Masen. What happens when Mr. Masen finds out? Entry for the Like Totally 80s Contest. AH.

Ramble: The format of this story reminds me a bit of the story I read right before this one. It revolves around a teacher, student relationship between Edward and Bella; how it starts out, and what happens as time passes. A pretty good one-shot.

Down The Line

Down The Line written by: *** for: LikeTotally80sContest

Summary: Bella never thought that preppy Edward would fall for a hard rock girl like her. Turns out there is more to Edward than she thought. Entry for the LikeTotally80sContest. AH.

Ramble: I got a little confused when it comes to the song that inspired this story, and saw the connection later. I love the way this story is written, and while the plot is simple, for a one-shot it is perfect.

Surviving Bella

Surviving Bella written by: Savage7289

Summary: Spending time on a sailboat on the sea should be the time of your life! But when the ship sinks, Captain Edward and passenger Bella end up in a life raft together. Can they survive the elements and their colliding pasts? M for mature themes/language.

Ramble: The ship sinks, which leads to Edward and Bella floating on a raft. Bella doesn't know much about how to survive in that kind of environment, so she needs Edward. While Edward has a tough guy like personality in this story, Bella gets through to him some how, and the relationship between them change....

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Unexpected Circumstances

Unexpected Circumstances written by: Savage7289

Summary: When a knight from another kingdom wins his choice of bride, he claims the handmaid instead of the princess. Isabella finds herself married and tossed into the middle of political schemes. What happens when she can't give him the one thing he must have?

Ramble: I feel very lucky that I came across a commenting tweet about this story and decided to check it out. Not only does this happen in a setting I really like (royal family etc.), but it is highly addicting. As I was reading this story, I found it really hard to step away from my computer until I was done. The characters and plot of the story is really well written. Looking at it now, the plot seems pretty simple, with a few twists and turns to keep things interesting. It is one of my favorites right now.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Six Weeks

Six Weeks written by: vbfb1

Summary: Edward has been avoiding sexual contact with his wife for six weeks. What happens when she lays it all on the line? After Edward and Bella reconnect she finds out she is preganant. Pretty P0rn Entry Now Extended

Ramble: I read the one-shot from which this story is continued from. Recently, I found out that the author continued the story, so I jumped at the chance to read something new. Things are going slow for me right now. Other than stories that are in the works, when I read most of the completed works recently, I can only get half way though before I lose interest in the story. Anyways, before I get too carried away, this story follows Edward and Bella throughout the pregnancy, and even a little beyond the birth of their child. There is a time jump between chapters, but it is done really well.


Divine written by: luvrofink

Summary: Prompt for TwiKinkFest Edward Cullen meets artist Isabella Swan. They fall into a whirlwind romance and Edward decides to reveal his dominant side. Isabella is more than happy to accept this new turn in their relationship. BDSM themes. AH/EPOV

Ramble: This is one of the first stories for the TwiKinkFest I have read so far, and I pretty much fell in love with it. Domward in this story is one that I would prefer reading about every now and then. His characteristics in this one-shot just gah...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Take the Ice

Take the Ice written by: bellamarie117

Summary: Competitive figure skater Bella Swan meets NHL hockey player Edward Cullen. Bella's Olympic dreams are crushed by injury. Can he help her find the strength to take the ice again? Will they find love and friendship in the meantime? A/H, M, E/B

Ramble: I am going to say that the characters have a tattoo, but not multiple ones. I decided to include the tattoo label just because the tattoos are mentioned in the story. Bella is a figure skater while Edward the the boys are hockey players. The two meet in a very interesting way, and the world turns out to be really small. If you like Renee, I would suggest you to turn around now and just walk away (or at least be warned that Renee is a character with quite a few negative characteristics in this story). There are moments in the story, where I felt like taking the bat to some of the characters. But at the same time, the way the story movies, and other actions they do keep me from taking it out on my computer screen.

Friday, November 4, 2011

An Island In The Sun

An Island In The Sun written by: drotuno

Summary: Edward and Bella were friends in high school, but found love just before he went away to college. They haven't seen each other in 6 years. Will the lie she told him change everything when he finds out? Has years of struggle made a change in Bella? AH M

Ramble: Friends with secrete crushes on each other. We get an idea of how 5 close friends grow up and end up as couples (with the addition of one more person). There is a side of palm reading (very informal and super quick mention) to explain some of the actions between Edward and Bella. All in all, this is a good story for people who like the characters go though some obstacle before they finally get their 'happily ever after' type of ending.

Musings of a Mortician

Musings of a Mortician written by: Welcome2MyWorldxoxo

Summary: A geeky, socially awkward mortician who has a penchant for talking to his conscience finds himself in a position that he never thought he'd find himself in, especially in a morgue locker room. Ghosts aren't the only things that go bump in the night. ExB

Ramble: Just made it in time to find this cool read. This is great, especially when it comes to one-shots. It has just enough background and plot information for this one chapter, and leaves with a sense of the characters continuing on with their lives, without the need for the author to keep adding to the story. Socially awkward characters hold a special place for me, and it is not to say that the awkwardness is too much in this story. I feel that it is well balanced.