Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pride and Professionalism

Pride and Professionalism written by: Leahtheweary


Edward Cullen is a hot-tempered, successful lawyer. Isabella Swan just landed her first "real job" as a legal secretary at the law firm he's partner of. Her sweet appeal tends to cleverly conceal the fiery woman inside.

Plenty of attraction, arguements and sexy stripper shoes to go around. How does she handle his callousness? How does he handle those big brown eyes? Let's keep things professional now, shall we?

Ramble: At first I thought I found a new story, only to realize that I already read the story a while back. A good lawyer story, with a side of romance. With a touch of doing what you want to do, instead of what is expected of you. (I am starting to really like the images and banners with the summary of the stories. If the author posts the summary with an image/banner or if I see one for the story and remember, it will be included for all posts starting here... if I remember...)

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