Saturday, June 26, 2010

Healing through Love

Healing through Love written by: butterflybetty

Summary: When Bellla is diagnosed with leukemia, she and her parents move from Phoenix to Forks in hopes that Dr. Carlisle Cullen can save her life. What she doesn't realize is they need her as much as she needs them. MA

Ramble: I haven't had time to read the continuation of the story. There is a part of me that makes me read in phases, so maybe next time, when I want to read a medical like story, I will be able to enjoy it. 'Forcing' myself to read any story kills the fun in in, and make me feel like I am disrespecting the author for making it seem like a text book (I'm weird, so what?!)...

Friday, June 25, 2010


Starlight written by: TwilightobesessedfanxoxoEdward

Summary: Edward Mason is orphaned and sent to an orphanage. The same orphanage of Bella Swan, another orphan. They are soon best friends and everything goes great until a dark plot around Bella is uncovered. I am bad at summaries PLEASE READ IT IS GOOD!

Ramble: A rather long story... Not really what I expected for adoption stories, but then again, what do I know. So the orphanage aspect is expected, but it is intertwined with ancient prophecies, and such that needs someone to be sacrificed.

This One Time at Band Camp

This One Time at Band Camp written by: summer lovin contest

Summary: Bella and the gang are counselors at a sleep-away music camp. This summer, a hot new drum major comes to the camp as a counselor. Bella thinks she'll never stand a chance with the new guy, but there is a lot she doesn't know about this drummer.

Ramble: A good old summer love story. Fast tracked, but for a one shot, pretty good.

Reluctant Royal

Reluctant Royal written by: ZeppoGrl7

Summary: Princess Isabella Swan would rather dress as a commoner and learn to fight like the boys. She decides to test her fighting skills on a man she meets in the woods but is shocked to learn he may be her match, in more ways than one. Rated M! Lemons coming!

Ramble: Not exactly what I was looking for. It is a good story, don't get me wrong, but for the summary, I expected a more spirited Bella, who puts up more resistance, and does more things than just sneak out; if you know what I mean.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fall to Pieces

Fall to Pieces written by: butterflybetty

Summary: Bella hasn't spoken a word to anyone in over two years. Charlie is frustrated and lost at how to help her. When the Cullen's move to Forks, will they be able to help her open up? Will Charlie still be there if he really knew what she was hiding?

Ramble: A super long story, that is not for people who scared or paranoid easily. The rating is not just from the sex scenes, and let's just leave it like that, before I go ruining the story for other people. I will say that art and music plays a pretty big role in the story, and that will it.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Seeing the Sun

Seeing the Sun written by: butterflybetty

Summary: Bella and her parents return to Forks after being away for six years. Will her best friends welcome her back, especially when they find out she is blind? MA

Ramble: I know it has been a while since my last post, but a lot has been going on for me. That, and I have been skipping around from story to story without really finishing them... Anyways, back to this story, it is a sweet story about young love, need I say more? It is not totally predictable, and I really like how there is no 'bad guy'. It may be childish of me but it is refreshing to see a story that doesn't have people doing evil things.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sovereign Fate

Sovereign Fate written by: A Cullen Wannabe

Summary: Taking place in 17th century Europe, Princess Isabella, only daughter of King Charles I of Spain, faces her fate as her arranged marriage to Prince Edward, future King of England, approaches. The Prince is known for his indiscriminate cavorting with the ladies of his land, leading the Princess to fear that she will suffer the same fate as her mother and many other queens before and since, to be trapped in a loveless marriage to an unfaithful husband. Will Princess Isabella ever find happiness while bound to the fate of her birth? AH/OC/Eventual Lemons

Ramble: This is a must read!!! It is a wonderful combination of Edward and Bella's personality, and their responsibilities for being born to certain families. I have to admit that this is up at the top of my favorite story that has to do with monarchies taking place in the past.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Persistant Assistant

Persistant Assistant written by: Carleneharrison87

Summary: Bella starts work for Cullen Corp as Mr. Cullen's assistant. What happens when they get a little more than work related? First fanfic. Give it a try.

Ramble: A good old office drama. Edward with a lot of money from a business, who hires Bella and they fall in love. Typical story like with a lot of twists and turns that keep readers attached to their computers until the story is done.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Cullen Ballet Academy

Cullen Ballet Academy written by: butterflybetty

Summary: Just when Bella is ready to give up on her dream, she gets accepted to the Cullen Ballet Academy. Will Edward be able to help her deal with her loss? Can she save him from his? E/B, Em/R, A/J, C/E MA

Ramble: A story that has everyone involved in the ballet world. A lot of life's hard lessons, but that is how it is once in a while. The amount of love between people and a 'hobby' and another person is really showcased.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Beloved written by: SunKing


Three hundred years since he had seen her, and now he would see her again. It was as if a rope tugged directly on his heart, leading him to the place where she waited; silent and still, she waited.

Ramble: I actually read this story a while back, but didn't have time to add it here, so I bookmarked it. Not wanting to do what I am supposed to, this came up, so here it is. Finally joining my log of stories that have been read by me. A short story that shows how the death of Bella can impact the lives of the Cullens. Maybe I am getting over the BDSM phase...(during this phase, I found quite a few stories that I am waiting on to be done before adding them here).

The Training

The Training written by: tara sue me


Sequel to The Submissive and The Dominant. Edward and Bella embark on their new relationship, but who's training whom?

Ramble: It wasn't until after I posted abut the story did I notice the story is not in here!!! I guess I was hoping for more updates... If you like BDSM stories, check out the two that fits in before this, they are really good!! The banner itself is enough to catch people's attention. This story was not added to this earlier, because I want to only put stories that are completed. A part of me doesn't like waiting for updates, but at the same time I want to have some of the suspense. Even so, I mostly only comment on the last chapter of the story... sometimes... there is a part of me that does not really like to give reviews all the time, just once in a while when I feel like it.

Hockey Boy

Hockey Boy written by: Lori94

Summary: Edward is a NY Ranger. He's been hurt by love before. Can Bella get close to him, or will she get shut out? Written for a challenge on another website.

Ramble: Go outcasts!!! A good example of what not to do in high school, or just a reminder to be careful of what you do now... it might come back and bite you. Because of the phase of reading I am doing, it is missing some spice, but that's alright. I actually found this story looking at the author. If you are like me, and like your stories with a little more spice, check out the author's page. Sexual healing and healing moments are two pretty good stories with BDSM (fine, I will admit, I am in a BDSM phase for a while). After reading the ending of Training it put me wanting more stories that are like it, so off I go to see what else catches my eyes!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

No More Tears

No More Tears written by: The Irish Cullen

Summary: On the day Bella's daughter turns three, she cant help but remember her life and certain events that lead her to this day, do birthday candle wishes ever come true? One can only hope.

Ramble: At first I thought it would be a Bella gets pregnant and so how gets separated from Edward. This is not really what I expected, but at the same time is a really good short story.

Pride and Professionalism

Pride and Professionalism written by: Leahtheweary


Edward Cullen is a hot-tempered, successful lawyer. Isabella Swan just landed her first "real job" as a legal secretary at the law firm he's partner of. Her sweet appeal tends to cleverly conceal the fiery woman inside.

Plenty of attraction, arguements and sexy stripper shoes to go around. How does she handle his callousness? How does he handle those big brown eyes? Let's keep things professional now, shall we?

Ramble: At first I thought I found a new story, only to realize that I already read the story a while back. A good lawyer story, with a side of romance. With a touch of doing what you want to do, instead of what is expected of you. (I am starting to really like the images and banners with the summary of the stories. If the author posts the summary with an image/banner or if I see one for the story and remember, it will be included for all posts starting here... if I remember...)

As You Wish

As You Wish written by: WutheringBites


As You Wish BannerPhotobucket

Ramble: I know I read a summary of some sort for this story... but can't seem to find it now. This is a story about people who are too shy to act, but can/is more able to when hiding behind a mask of some sort.

If You Love Something

If You Love Something written by: amandalyn

Summary: Based on the saying "If you love something set it free.." Bella and Edward are best friends. She's in love with him and when he tells the family news of his engagement, she is heartbroken. Will he return to her or go on with it? Rated M for some language.

Ramble: Friends from childhood, yet something comes between them. Will the air be cleared of the problem? An interesting illustration of the phrase: "if you love something set it free..." as hinted at in the summary.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Studio 33

Studio 33 written by: FloridaChickie

Summary: Edward is the host of The Price is Right & Bella is a show model. Come on down and watch as he elicits "oohs" and "aahs" from Bella inside the walls of Studio 33. Rated NC-17 for lemons and naughty Plinko. Silly, ridiculous fun.

Ramble: Not really what I first expected when I saw the story. But have to admit, it is a good story, even though it doesn't really fit into the phase I am into right now...

Monday, June 7, 2010


Emergency! written by: EJ Santry

Summary: Bella is a student at the UW whose clumsy tendencies has landed her in an ER more than once. One fateful fall lands her into the eager hands of a hot attending ER doctor. Written for "Forbidden Love Affair" A Contest of Hidden Desires. BxE, AH

Ramble: A mix of what I like to read. Meeting up in an emergency room, without really having other contact, add a splash of jealousy on both sides... Add all of that up, and you have yourself a cool story.

The gentlemans club

The gentlemans club written by: FBMC-LewisFlame

Summary: Set in the 1920's and Edward is a big time gangster and one of his dancers Bella wants more than to dance for Edward. Used to be for the Age of Edward Contest, the name has been changed reacently.

Ramble: This one is not marked as complete, but it seems like it is complete, so I am adding it to the list. Not really what I expected, personally I would have loved a little more smut... but that is just me...

Anonymous Meetings

Anonymous Meetings written by: rbsschess

Summary: For Twi-Girl Revolution's Under Her Thumb Challenge-Edward needs a Domme but has trouble submitting and is labeled a troublemaker. At the club's anonymous play night will he find what he needs? With no information on the new Domme can he find her again?

Ramble: Finally a good story about a male sub... there are not many out there (or at least out of the ones I have found so far...). This story kind of falls in line with another story I am reading on the side. That story also deals with BDSM, and has Edward subbing for Bella... (*hint check out the profile of welcome2myworldxoxo*)

First Time

First Time written by: Welcome2MyWorldxoxo

Summary: Entry fot the Forbidden Lemon Contest. After seeing something she shouldn't have Bella with the help of Alice decides that she will seduce Edward. Does it really matter that he's nine years older and her legal guardian? ExB Lemons

Ramble: I cannot wait for this to be expanded!!! There is forbidden love, but at the same time, it isn't really that bad. Just read the story, and you will see what I mean, I hope. If you are interested in reading the expansion of the story, be sure to do an author alert!!

The Shooter

The Shooter written by: Welcome2MyWorldxoxo

Summary: After his best friend is killed in Iraq Edward quits the army and lives a quiet life until the government come asking him to help defend the president from assination by The Shooter. Will he save him or will he be the one who needs to be saved.For PPOG

Ramble: Since I'm on a roll, I'll just keep posting the interesting completed stories that are linked in this author's profile for a bit. This is one of the stories I have read before, but before I started doing this blog. This leaves somethings open, and readers wanting more, but then again, lots of stories do that to me...

A Night Surprise

A Night Surprise written by: Welcome2MyWorldxoxo

Summary: Edward gets a promotion and decides to surprise his wife Bella in the kitchen with a little celebration. Lemon.

Ramble: I have been reading some other stories, a lot of which have not been finished yet, or I haven't gotten to the ending yet. This is a little more tamed than the other story from the author that I just read (check out the profile, for a cool BDSM story with Bella in charge). This came through from 'surprise sex', and while I would love to read more into the situation, and have this pulled out into a full story, having it like this for now is alright too.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

In Secret

In Secret written by: Sonja Jade

Summary: Six weeks after Aoshi's return from Shishio's compound, he makes an important decision regarding Misao and the last of the Oniwabanshuu's enemies. Rated M for a reason...

Ramble: This story lets readers see the Aoshi that Misao sees. A cute little glimpse into how the strict and traditional Aoshi can be. If you don't mind me ruining the surprise, it is interesting to read about how they go against some traditions, and their secret...