Monday, May 14, 2012

A Different Cinderella Story

A Different Cinderella Story written by: Laura the explorer 91

Summary: Lily McManus lives with her evil Stepmom and sisters who are always giving her hassle, ever since her dad died nothing has been the same. One day online though she stumbles across a chatroom and meets a guy named MacMan.. could he be her Prince Charming?

Ramble:  A little different. Instead of high school, this story takes place in combination between university and real life. Lots of similarities to the movie.  Closet writer along with creator of Family Guy (I didn't know that till the middle of the story). 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Realizing Reality

Realizing Reality written by: 1heart1love1life

Summary: What if Austin had taken Sam's mask off at the Dance? He know's who his Cinderella is. Sam rushes off claiming she's late for reality.But Austin is determined to make her realize that he, and what they have is the reality.Regardless of their status

Ramble:  Many changes from the original movie.  There is a lot more lovey dovey details before the happily ever after.  I consider this to be a rather quick read, perfect for short study breaks.

Fairytale Romance

Fairytale Romance written by: Gabriella Somerfield

Summary: Sam and Austin life before they know who each other and after they know who each other is. Starts at the beginning of the film with a lot of texting and chat rooming between Sam and Austin but with some changes after the dance.

Ramble:  A little different from other stories.  Most of the story is based on the messages between Sam and Austin.  It does not follow the film completely, but has some pretty nice changes.

Intentions and Insinuations

Intentions and Insinuations written by: Eyes-of-Pearl

Summary: FINAL CHAPTER COMPLETED Modern Persuasion and P&P The blending of two stories, and two cultures in a tale where the only thing that stood between two people was circumstance. It was that and love, mankind's greatest folly.

Ramble:  To tell the truth, I got really sad a few days before finding this again, not knowing that the author moved it to the crossover section on  It is one of my favorite Persuasion stories that I've come across so far.  This story pretty much puts all the characters from both stories in the same area with each other.  For readers who have read both stories, it is easy to see what comes from which story, but readers who have read only one of the stories would not get lost.  So before I dig myself a bigger hole, I'll just leave it at that.

Silk & Satin

Silk & Satin written by: sadtomato

Summary: Edward's afraid to reveal his love of lingerie to his new boyfriend, but he's forced to confront the truth when Carlisle finds his panty drawer. Will Carlisle be into it or will he GTFO? Slash. Lemons. Panties.

Ramble:  I have to admit that I was a little reluctant to read this in the beginning.  I mean, I know I love reading sadtomato's work, but the summary looked a little intimidating to me (don't know why, but it was for a while).  After thinking about it, and seeing a few other people who recommended it, I decided to dive right in.  This story got me hooked, in the first chapter.  I have to admit, that I've already read this story a few times by now.  While it is a little different from what I normally read, this truly is a must read.  The summary gives reader a general idea of what the story is about (every now and then, I read a story that does not really match up with the summary).  Personally, I found  this to be a really nice change from some of the other stories I've been reading (or rereading as the case may be).

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Masque

The Masque written by: ElizabethAnneSoph

Summary: What if Darcy and Elizabeth meet at a masque? And Darcy did not make his rude comment? And had met as children? What if Jane and Elizabeth had been stolen from their biological family?

 Ramble:  This is a little different from other Pride and Prejudice stories.  It actually offers a reason as to why Elizabeth and Jane were so different from the other Bennett sisters.  This is a quick and easy read with little to no 'beating around the bush.' 

Good Things for Those Who Wait

Good Things for Those Who Wait written by: linsadair

Summary: Alice doesn't get it and Jasper can't tell her. For the Remember When This Was Fun contest. Jasper POV

Ramble:  I have to admit that this caught my eye on Twitter, and got me intrigued.  Between the post by the author herself, as well as recs from one of my favorite author of all time, I had to give this story a try.  Alice and Jasper are a sweet couple, and this story has a super duper sweet Jasper (the perfect example of a Southern gentleman).  This is a short one-shot that is worth every word!!  So stop reading my mediocre words, and click on the link, you won't be disappointed!!