Monday, March 28, 2011

Same Time Tomorrow

Same Time Tomorrow written by: mcgt


Summary: Dr. Masen sits and has coffee in the commons of the university every day the weather is nice. What happens when he meets the woman of his dreams in a most embarrassing way?

Ramble: I am pretty sure that I have read this story before, but just cannot figure out where. The story is told through Edward's journal. Quite a few time jumps, but it works. This author has quite a few interesting stories if I remember correctly.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Only Fooling Myself

Only Fooling Myself written by: k8ln713

Summary: Edward moves back to Forks, his non-existant music career over. He meets & joins a band, discovering that its mysterious guitarist is the beautiful brunette from school, & falls for her. Bella thinks she's only fooling herself to believe he wants her too.

Ramble: The power music has in our lives is showcased in this story. It has a way of pulling people apart or together, depending on how they use or see music in their own lives. Life after high school and some college classes.

Rainy Day

Rainy Day written by: k8ln713

Summary: Bella and Edward are having a baby, and Edward pulls away. After a big fight between them, Bella breaks up with him, later regretting it. Could a tragic accident on a rainy day bring them back together. BxE. ONE SHOT. SONG FIC. Rated M for language.

Ramble: Getting into a relationship, and bringing in a surprise at the six month anniversary might not have been the best way to break the news to Edward who is just starting his residency. A really short story, and moves in a really fast pace.

*Edit* So the author added another chapter telling the story from Edward's point of view. The added chapter is really interesting, and gives Edward a chance to 'explain' himself a bit.

Things We Do for Love

Things We Do for Love written by: Lori94

Summary: How would a couple who already plays around in BDSM get to be lifestylers? Bella and Edward demonstrate my version of events. WARNING! IN THIS STORY, DOMMELLA HAS GONE TO THE DARK SIDE. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE IDEA OF THAT PLEASE DON'T READ! One-Shot!

Ramble: A oneshot that seems to have potential of being expanded on a later date. Interesting to see that Edward is the one who stays at home to keep things running. Bella punishes Edward when she finds out about his sexting Mike. This is mainly focused on how she punishes him, and get a promotion from her boss at the same time.

Be My Master Head Master?

Be My Master Head Master? written by: rbsschess

Summary: Entry for the Forbidden Lemon Contest - Bella is about to graduate high school and is looking for a Dom. Edward is the Head Master at her school and he is who she wants. Problem - he is married, has kids, a friend of her father and 35. Can she get him?

Ramble: This is one of my favorite stories. I have been hooked to this story for a while now, and cannot believe that it is finally complete. Part of me is happy, that the story is complete, but another part is sad that such a good story is done. The story has lead me to adding the author to my favorite list. The different elements, complex plot, and spacing of time passing are really well used. It is pretty safe to say, that this will remain near the top of my favorite story list for a long while.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ethics Be Damned

Ethics Be Damned written by: krazyk85


Bella Swan is a 28 year old woman who is a narcotics detective for the Seattle Police Department. Bella is assigned to go undercover as a high school student to bring down a massive drug ring fronted by the elusive Drug Lord Aro Volturi. Bella soon finds herself falling for her English teacher Edward Masen...

Edward Masen is instantly attracted to this new student, but can't pursue a relationship with a young girl.

Will these two keep things in perspective or will their ethics be damned?

Based loosely on 21 Jumpstreet and Never Been Kissed

Ramble: Lots of twists and turns in this story. The plot is really well developed, and flows really nicely. Part of me is still wondering what happens to Bella and Alice at the end of the case, what had to be done, and how the investigation went. Romance is very well balanced with solving a case. I really like a line that was spoken towards the end of the story 'Romance is not an idea, but a state of mind'. One reason being, because Edward taught that to his students in his class, but just how true that statement is. A pretty long story, but the length is filled with an attention grabbing story that keeps readers glued to their screens.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hooters & Peckers

Hooters & Peckers written by: mylittlebakersdozen


Store clerk Edward deals with his boss, a flirtatious girlfriend, and some interesting customers during his shift at the local adult toy shop.

**2nd Place Overall Winner in the Pick Your Own Adventure contest!**

Ramble: The title is the name of the shop. Tanya is the owner of the shop, and Bella the girlfriend. It was written for a contest, and I have to say, that the words that were chosen were used very well in the story. Safe to say, that readers will get a good laugh out of Edward's reaction.

Grab a boob day

Grab a boob day written by: ronjarose

Summary: title says it all. it is about how Edward finds out that it is - grab boob day - and will use it in every way with his girlfriend Bella. ONESHOT

Ramble: It is about at day, as the title says. No surprises or anything. The story itself starts out a little bit before the day starts, but pretty much ends that day. A lot of citrus.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I'm Too Sexy

I'm Too Sexy written by: Jukeboxcontest

Summary: "It was the face any male model in the world would trade his soul for" Eclipse . Alice is having a fashion show. How will she get Edward to agree to model and what happens when Emmett finds out? Canon.

Ramble: Vamps cashing out on a bet that most of them forgot all about. A little more background is given about the Edward, Bella, and their daughter, and how the family is split around this time. The cost of the bet, is for Edward to model some of Alice's newest creations. Before he would agree though, she threatens that Bella would probably do it, but not liking the response, he agrees.

Cruel to be Kind

Cruel to be Kind written by: Jukeboxcontest

Summary: Jealous Bella can't get over her feelings for her best friend, Edward, who happens to be her ex-Dom. Will he move on and replace her? Lemony-goodness!

Ramble: In the beginning of the story, things were a little on the confusing side when it came to the different perspectives, and who each one was focusing on. Later, we find out that Edward was acting for Bella to let go of him, and they later come out to talk about it, and find out what really happened on a fuller scale.

If Angels Cry

If Angels Cry written by: Jukeboxcontest

Summary: Going from friends to more can be complicated, but it can also be easy. Sometimes, life can be a fairy tale, even if it has low points. E/B, AU/AH, fluff.

Ramble: There seems to be a lot in this story. Kind of similar to the story that is here right before this story, but instead of focusing on the beginning, where the relationship is being developed, this story is more about life after. What might happen, and after a time jump, what happens as they get older.

Edward Gives Me Fever

Edward Gives Me Fever written by: Jukeboxcontest

Summary: Nerdy Bella has always had a crush on her best friend Edward; he's always seen her as just a friend. What will Bella do to show him how she feels?

Ramble: A good old childhood friends who feel more for each other than they care to admit. Mix in some other friends who have been watching from the side lines, a plan or two later and they both realize that they belong together after one or two misunderstandings. While this story follows this pattern, it also adds a few twists that make it quite interesting.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

His Word is Good

His Word is Good written by: jadedandboring for: Jukeboxcontest

Summary: Bella's friends are convinced Edward isn't faithful to her because he's always on the road. What will it take to prove to them he always has been, and always will be, true to Bella?

Ramble: Kind of weird that I feel like one of the characters in the story.... Towards the end, Bella's recollection of waking up partly the first time is hazy, which is just like how I am feeling when thinking about what happened to lead Bella into the hospital... Other than that, this was a pretty good story about a long distance relationship, and how friends can cause a lot of pressure in that relationship.

Breaking the Fixation

Breaking the Fixation written by: Jukeboxcontest

Summary: Edward didn't want to be a bodyguard for a spoiled rotten rock star any more than Bella wanted to be babysat. Getting exactly what you didn't want can be a good thing.

Ramble: Edward enters the story as a protector/hired bodyguard. It is interesting to read about Bella and Edward being told similar things when discussing this one assignment. Mike acts as the catalyst in the whole thing, playing the role as the crazy obsessive fan of the band.

Friday, March 11, 2011

In Tune

In Tune written by: CrazyKate28 for: Jukeboxcontest

Summary: Edward is 25 & desperately trying to remember his life after an accident erased some of his memories. His solace is his piano. However, now he finds that his piano is in need of a tuning. Can Bella the piano tuner be the one to strike the right chords?

Ramble: After an accident, Edward learns how to live again, but cannot help but feeling that something is missing. While he tries to live with the effects of that fateful night, he seeks solace from the piano. Through the instrument he meets Bella, and it is through her that he learns more about the missing parts of his life.

Bella Swan: The Unwanted Bride

Bella Swan: The Unwanted Bride written by: tumblin' di

Summary: Bella is coerced into marrying a dying Edward Masen during the flu outbreak of 1918. The first time Edward sees Bella, he thinks she's an angel. The next time he sees her, he is sure she's the devil. Romance, humor, little bit of angst. Lemons later...

Ramble: When I first started reading this story, I thought that it would be a human to vampire story. There are quite a few twists and turns that change things around, right when you think you know what will happen. While reading, I was glad that the story was complete when I started reading it, because the words just kept going, even between the chapters (that, and when waiting for certain stories, I tend to loose my patience).

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

You Belong With Me

You Belong With Me written by: SparklingWand

Summary: OneShot: Bella was the class nerd, the best friend, and a hater of Valentine's Day. That was until she fell for her best friend Edward. Will Edward ever notice his best friend is more than what she seems? Can he change her mind about Valentine's Day?

Ramble: It is interesting to see how one bad experience can change someone's views for the rest of their life. Believing that she is the ugly duckling, Bella hangs out with her best friends in school, but does not let any boys get close to her. Changing when friendship becomes relationship. It is interesting to see how magical senior year can be...

Naughty Secrets

Naughty Secrets written by: A Little Distracted

Summary: Bella is a school librarian leading a naughty secret life. Edward is a history teacher with a naughty obsession. If he could only see what is right in front of his face... AU/AH - Rated M for Hot LEMONS! Each chapter alternates POV's

Ramble: Wow.... this is a really interesting read. Some parts were really intense and nerve wrecking, but all in all, it was really well written. The different perspectives allows the readers to have all the insider information on the the two. At first some of the characters did not seem to really match up with what one would assume they would do. Not everything is as it seems, and some of the curve balls that were thrown at the end were really good.

Monday, March 7, 2011

After All

After All written by: ILikeReading

Summary: Edward and Bella were childhood friends but drifted apart during high school. Graduation is just around the corner and it's time for them to come to terms with their relationship. One shot.

Ramble: A really sweet look at childhood friends, and how they might drift apart but still be within reach in the long run of things. The rating of the story seems a little high to me, nothing really explicit happens but it is a really nice look at the foundation of a strong relationship that 'will be' developing in people's minds.

Batteries Not Included

Batteries Not Included written by: MizzezPattinson

Summary: Bella Swan is single, in her late 30's and wishes she could turn back the hands of time to win over her much younger boss, big shot movie star, Edward Cullen. One night out leads Bella's inner cougar to surface.

Ramble: The summary gives really good hints, and overall feel of the story. It is on the short side, so things move really quickly. This seems to be the author's first story (at least on fanficiton) and it is really well written. A fun read, especially if wanting the kind where something pretend turns into reality.

The Sacrificial Lamd

The Sacrificial Lamb written by: mcgt for: Dommella's Dungeon

Summary: Isabella's name had been spoken by the great shaman Alissandra. What happens when she's the chosen one to save her hamlet from utter destruction? Lady in RED contest entry.

Ramble: Bella is chosen to be the sacrifice to the gods. Through this path, she finds out more about her birth and the path that she is supposed to fulfill. We follow as she follows her destiny and wait to see what will come out of the relationship between Edward and Bella in the long run.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Snapshots of Desire

Snapshots of Desire written by: ThroughTheLensAnonymousContest

Summary: An up and coming model. A photographer. A sensual photo shoot...

Ramble: A caring photographer gets to watch a model slowly relax and enjoy a photo shoot. There is an interesting suggestion made at the end, but that is for another story. Some of the other characters that were on the set at the beginning of the story fits in with my expectations of what they would have said in the same situation.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Bella Swan, Slave Girl

Bella Swan, Slave Girl written by: IHaveAFatCat15

Summary: Bella Swan has been a slave since she was 12, now she is 17, what will happen when Edward Cullen buys her?

Ramble: Not really what I first expected. It is a really short, and quick moving story. Although Bella is bought as a slave, she is treated like a lady for most of the story... That could be seen as a good or bad thing, I guess.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Public Relations

Public Relations written by: snshyne

Summary: Bella Swan, the President of Black-Swan, Inc, WANTS Edward Cullen Owner and Creative Director of ECSquared. What is she going to do about it? A fun fic mini-series. M, AH, OOC, E/B, canon pairings.

Ramble: Public relations are what gets this story started. At first I thought that this will be really short, but it turned out to be the perfect length. Shorter than most stories, but long enough to get interested, and be willing to step back when the story is done. We follow Edward and Bella's relationship as it develops, and watch as they have to deal with each others ex-boy/girl friends.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Developments

New Developments written by: luvrofink

Summary: AU/AH OOC O/S EPOV: Edward is a photographer for Skin Deep. He meets Bella Swan, a new tatoo model, and a budding friendship slowly turns into something more. Dedicated to Chartwilighmom. Lemons.

Ramble: Photographer Edward who goes around taking pictures of tattoos, meets Bella on one of his jobs. The two become good friends over the years. We follow them, as Edward goes to Japan for shots of the newest ink addition to Bella, and things develop from there. A wonderfully written lemon.