Friday, April 6, 2018

Enlisted Love

Enlisted Love written by: WeeKittyAndTAT

Summary:  Between deployments and deaths, will Bella and Edward find their happy place together? When they find their love, will it survive the war they're surrounded by? Tissue warnings are given, but a happy ending is promised. All Human.

Ramble:  A very interesting military story, where a lot of the main characters are enlisted.  In this story, it seems like Bella and Edward have very interesting timing.  There is a character death, which is well marked by the authors.  A few nail biting moments but the they do mention that it is a HEA ending. The fact that Edward and Bella are trained in the medical field makes things that much more interesting for me.

Singing With Lucy

Singing With Lucy written by: WeeKittyAndTAT

Summary:  Little Lucy Swan is turning five and her birthday wish is to sing with hot country star Edward Cullen. When her momma wins tickets to see him in concert, will little Lucy's birthday wish come true?

Ramble:  I feel like a lot of the stories by these two authors are really good reads.  They make the story, easy to read, and ends with a similar feeling to finishing a good book.  The joy of finishing a book, but at the same time sadness that the story is over, and the emptiness that the story is finished.  A sweet story focusing on Lucy, who is the daughter of Bella.  In this story, the world is pretty small, seems like everyone knows everyone.  Lots of cute child moments and quite a few mentions of singing.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Home Coming

Home Coming written by:  MyWindowIsOpen

Summary:  Sergeant Edward Cullen wants to surprise his daughter with his homecoming. Can he pull it off?

Ramble: A short and sweet one shot.  The summary says it all. :)

Family Secrets (the Redo)

Family secrets (the Redo) and the out takes written by: glassbug

Summary:  What happens when Bella is attacked and her mob family find out she's pregnant? How does a protective family act when one of their own is attacked? No one knows for certain, the only thing they do know is they will kill anyone in their way to protecting her.

Ramble:  First off, a big thank you to the author.  There are a few chapters that has some details that can be triggers.  I really like how the author mentions it, and even has a safe chapter for those who what to skip the gory details.  From what I can tell, the author has the censored version in bold, I'm guessing so people know what was changed between the two versions. 

An interesting mob story where Edward and Bella pretty much grows up together.  A quick warning, this story isn't for people who like Charlie.  There were quite a few times when I wanted to go in and smack him around myself.

The Christmas Ship

The Christmas Ship written by:  Alisa Pearce 

Summary:  Hedge fund manager Edward Cullen didn't make the Forbes list this year and thinks he's a failure, just like his father and teachers in small-town Forks always told him. Only one person ever believed in him, but he left her behind to chase his fortune in New York City. Can a longtime Seattle holiday tradition bring magic and love back to his life? AU, AH, E/B, HEA. Co-authored with Sophia Amador, who also made the banner. **TOP TEN COMPLETED FICS OF DEC 2015 on TwiFanfictionRecs **

Ramble:  Short and sweet story.  Love how it includes Edward's memories of school and growing up.  In a way, this is like a mini Christmas package.  It is well written, focusing on the 'current' and includes enough background for the characters.  And everything is wrapped up nicely by the end of the story.

Valentine's Miracle

Valentine's Miracle written by:  WeeKittyAndTAT

Summary:  Edward meets the love of his life, but a tragedy threatens to take her away on New Year's Eve. Will he get a Valentine's miracle, or will he have to learn how to move on without her?

Ramble:  I have to say, this is probably one of my favorite combination of authors.  From what I can remember, all of their stories are well written, and the topics/characters covered makes me want to be attached to my phone/computer until I'm done.  That being said, my productivity and studies thank them for this shorter story.  It is enough to capture my attention, and short enough not to distract me too much when I'm working on other stuff.

The Experience

The Experience written by:  aliciaw68

Summary:  When a review about his restaurant appears on a renowned blog and shocks Chef Cullen, he plans the best way to make the reviewer understand his passion.

Ramble:  A quick oneshot.  The summary is a wonder one, that gives enough information to get you interested while saving the steamy details for the story.

Bound to the Family

Bound to the Family written by: heartfortwilight

Summary:  A Mafia/BDSM story. A Don who is a Dom; two powerful personalities bound together in one body. Will it be too much for one woman to handle, or is she exactly what is needed to balance this man.

Ramble:  Ok, so I'm going out of order, but this one is just too good to pass up, so I need to get this down!  I had a hard time putting this story down, I mean, Edward who is a don and a dom?! Another aspect that I really loved about this story is how it reminded me of reading story on blogs.  Through out the story, there are (well were) pictures to show what some of the items described in the story.  While seeing pictures like that sometimes takes things out of imagining things for your self, I find the pictures to be wonderful additions.  Sometimes I have no idea what an author is describing, but am too absorbed in the story to stop and look it up and this fixes a lot of that problem.  While yes, this story does end with some loose ends... it is part 1 of a 3 (I think) part series... and the other good news? It looks like the other parts are also marked as complete!  So off I go to find out what happens (even if I should be doing other stuff).