Monday, May 24, 2010

Almost Doesn't Count

Almost Doesn't Count written by: Mrs_Robward

Summary:Bella is a family attorney & Edward seeks her help. Friendship abounds, maybe more? AH, AU, OOC, Rated M for later, they are adults & will do adult things! Canon Couples

Ramble: A sweet story about adoption. Doctor Edward finds a little boy while working abroad, and asks for the best adoption lawyer from his friend jasper. Bella who works Whitlock and associates get assigned to the case. The two get closer as the case progresses. In general, a sweet love story that manifests itself in the adult world, but really started in high school.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Seeking Asylum

Seeking Asylum written by: jeansnbling

Summary: The Cullen Retreat was recruiting for a new psychiatrist, and Bella found herself accepting the job. The benefactors were quite a mystery and the most intriguing was the youngest, most irritable son, Edward. AH/ANgst/Mystery/Lemons!

Ramble: Both working in the retreat to help people with mental problems. There are a few parallels to the book Twilight, of how Edward wants limited contact, and that he is not a good friend for Bella. Eventually, everyone gets a pretty good chance at living after going through a lot of bumps in the road.

New York Love

New York Love written by: Srorywriter101

Summary: Edward is a Mafia boss, Bella is a waitress studying Ballet. What happens when he decides he wants her? Will Bella give in? Set in New York, all human. Rated M for lemons. Mainly E/B, but some forced J/B. WARNING; Dark Jacob.

Ramble: A good old story with two endings, letting readers choose which to read, or which they like better. The way the story goes is a little out of the ordinary for me, but it was a good read.

Bella Swan, FBI Babysitter

Bella Swan, FBI Babysitter written by: Kismetian

Summary: FBI agent Isabella Swan has to 'babysit' a witness in the Witness Protection Scheme but Edward Cullen is not who she was expecting.They have a history. Alice and Jasper and Jake also work for the FBI, Can they pose as a happy family? Lemons later. Rated M

Ramble: A little less intense than the other stories I read. Good old witness protection story, where the protector and the one being protected have a history that makes working together on the awkward side. The age old posing as a married couple to throw people off the trail. I really liked how Edward Sr, and Elizabeth Mason change their name to Cullen because of the witness protection stunt that needs to be pulled.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Such Great Heights

Such Great Heights written by: SydneyAlice

Summary: Edward Cullen is in desperate need of a nanny after his wife walks out on him and their five-year-old son. Bella Swan is a teacher with no job prospects. Can she find her true place in the world while helping father and son overcome their pain? AH

Ramble: A long story that is really good. There is lawyer Edward, Jessica the wife/ex wife, Rose the sister of Edward, and Bella the nanny/teacher. In the middle of all the drama, there is a cute little boy Riley. Even though it is a 'fall in love with the nanny' story, it has a lot of twists and turns that really draw you in.

The Escort

The Escort written by: RobMyDream

Summary: Edward is a sweet guy who likes it rough and is having trouble finding a girl who isn't freaked out about his sexual mannerisms. When his best friend recommends a place called ON THE DOWN LOW, he decides to give it a try and finds more than just sex.

Ramble: I really like how the story was eased into the BDSM direction, but found it lacking when it comes to lemons. The ones that were there, I felt was not up to potential. I'm just a picky, tired reader who cannot really find what I want to read... Maybe I will add to some of my rambles when I'm in a better mood...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Forgotten Love

Forgotten Love written by: GabzR

Summary: Before Bella moved to forks she travels back to 1917 and meets a human Edward. They get engaged and married and Bella ends up pregnant while 2 months pregnant Edward gets sick and dies and Bella returns to the year 2005. Edward does not remember her.

Ramble: I really like how the story ended, but there were a few places where I got confused.... Other than that, it was pretty good. The story went beyond my expectations.

Concubine Conquest

Concubine Conquest written by: kejce

Summary: Written for the Age of Edward contest. Edward is an Englishman living in China, running a successful company there, shipping cotton home to England. One night as he's out walking, he passes by a house of ill-repute and acquires a concubine. M for lemons

Ramble: Rather on the short side, but really good story. The combination of Englishman and concubine is really interesting. Not only that, but this offers a 'softer' side of Edward, and the reasons why he does what he does.

Taking Liberties

Taking Liberties written by: Babette12

Summary: Alone, running a subsistence farm in New Hampshire, Bella is visited by a wounded Revolutionay War soldier. Written for the Age of Edward contest.

Ramble: A really nice story, based on a letter. Well written with enough of a lemon to make the ending right. It has potential for being expanded to a full story, but is alright at where it is now.

Dream A Little Dream of Me

Dream A Little Dream of Me written by: Pbroken

Summary: Bella has been dreaming about her best friend's older brother, Edward, for a few years now. Little does she know he's been dreaming about her too. What happens when dreams become reality? Ladies be warned, beware Dirty Talking Edward. AU/AH One Shot

Ramble: A good old party lemon that is just right. Both parities dreaming of each other, but do not think they can be together... the insecurity they face makes the romance feel that much more real.

Office Romance

Office Romance written by: Allieamyxxx

Summary: AH Bella has been working at Masen inc for six months and has wanted her boss, Edward Cullen since she started. What will happen when she gets called into his office when she tries to get his attention? ONE-SHOT! Rated M for lots of lemony goodness!

Ramble: Although the lemon is not quite ripe yet, it is still a lemon in the office, so yeah...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

First Time

First Time written by: Welcome2MyWorldxoxo

Summary: Entry fot the Forbidden Lemon Contest. After seeing something she shouldn't have Bella with the help of Alice decides that she will seduce Edward. Does it really matter that he's nine years older and her legal guardian? ExB Lemons

Ramble: I was a little hesitant to read this story at first, but it is pretty good. Wonder if the author will be expanding the story further...

The Self Help Section

The Self Help Section written by: robots will cry

Summary: Edward is a thirty-year-old virgin and needs help. He meets Bella, a librarian, while looking for research on why he can't get intimate. Can she help solve his problem?

Ramble: I am a little disappointed by the rating of the story. Ok, it is mainly because of the lack of lemon for the rating (if you look at the ratings of the stories I have been reading, you know what I mean). Other than that, it is a pretty good story. There are a few places where it could have been expanded a little bit more, but that is just my opinion.

Autograph Signing

Autograph Signing written by: readingmama

Summary: Bella prepares for the moment she has been waiting years for. An autograph signing of her favorite actor is just the setting to make her fantasies come true. *Lemontastic*

Ramble: This is a really good mood lifter story. A short story that has a quite a bit of laughter through out. The lemon itself is alright, but the story line is on the funny side. Just looking at the way this story is labeled gives a lot away, don't you think?

Don't Forget To Remember Me

Don't Forget To Remember Me written by: Oliviamk1218


Edward Cullen and Bella Swan were inseparable best friends in college, but when he gets accepted to Harvard Medical School, they are forced to face their deeper feelings and find themselves enthralled in a passion like neither have ever known. The words he whispers each time he leaves her, "Don't Forget To Remember Me," become an tragic foreshadowing when an accident robs Bella of all memory of Edward and their relationship. As her physical injuries heal and she still doesn’t remember, Edward agonizes between his need to have her remember, and his need to protect Bella from the very secret that she is subconsciously choosing to forget. This is their journey back to each other and a story of a love so transcending that even if her mind can't remember…her heart and soul simply won't forget.

Ramble: Wow, it took a while for me to finish this story, but it is really worth it. The plot is not pulled out too long, and has quite a few twists and turns. Starting in college, and moving to when their jobs are more stable. The characters, especially Edward and Bella act accordingly. Both stubborn and head strong, with a little mention/threat from Jacob. A few well placed lemons in the busy love life of everyone. There is a lot of mention of cooking too!! Not only that, but there will be a sequel to this, so I will be keeping my eyes open.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Prince and Me

The Prince and Me written by: xoxPureFireworksxox

Summary: Bella can't afford any distractions as she works hard to achieve her dream of a John Hopkins acceptance letter. Edward, a playboy, is desperate to escape his royal duty. What happenes when these 2 meet? Will Edward change? The Prince and Me film crossover

Ramble: I watched this movie a while back, and this is like a retelling of the movie with the names Edward and Bella added in. A sweet story that stays pretty true to the movie. After reading this story, I really want watch the second movie...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Spy High

Spy High written by: Coolio101

Summary: One boy hiding his hurt and loneliness behind a mask of conceit and arrogance. One girl who grew up protecting her heart. Two different pasts and worlds. One school where secrecy is the top priority. What will happen when you put them all together? AH

Ramble: Ahh a good old story about young spies, going to school, working with cool gadgets... A really good spy story with a little romance mixed in. The ending leaves the future hanging a little, but finishes this part of the characters' lives really well

Lord of the Authority

Lord of the Authority written by: Cullensgirl90

Summary: They took us from our homes and sold us as slaves to the Cullen family. Edward says he will train me to be the perfect wife, but I refuse to give in. Dark Edward.

Ramble: This story has some similarities with another story I am reading right now, Emancipation Proclamation. Both stories are really similar, on the long side, and are written really well. I will be adding Emancipation Proclamation to this blog once I am done with the story. This story is a lot shorter than that one, but be warned, the beginning of this story is on the dark side.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Office Temp

The Office Temp written by: Lori94

Summary: Bella just moved to NYC. She away from her friends and family. She takes a postition at a temp agency and they send her to the law offices of Cullen McCarty and Whitlock. Will she find what she's missing or is this just another job? **One Shot**

Ramble: A good old juicy office romance. Now I will have to go check out the community/contest going on when I have time.... But totally worth the read, lemon+office+lawyer... need I type more?

An Edwardian Birthday Surprise

An Edwardian Birthday Surprise written by: javamomma0921

Summary: AU/AH: Chicago, 1924. Bella is raised in an ultra conservative home. She married Edward Masen, but he is afraid that she will never really love him. It's Edward's 23rd birthday and Bella has a surprise for him . . . what might it be?

Ramble: An interesting take on how women and men can come to different conclusions, from they they see. The perspective offered really emphasizes what was expected of the wife. I have come across some other stories that have something similar, when it comes to the knowledge women have regarding to their marriage.


Symphony written by: JenWordSong

Summary: Edward puts on quite the first rate performance for Bella.

Ramble: A sweet gesture from Edward to Bella. The idea of a symphony, and knowing the talent and connections Edward has... the possibilities are enticing...

Husbandly Duties

Husbandly Duties written by: icecoldhamster

Summary: Bella is naughty, Edward punishes her. NC-17. AU Human. WARNING: Bondage.

Ramble:Not as intense as I thought it would be with the word bondage in the summary. Beyond that, it is still a really good story with light b/d situation. A few quick doctor mentions were a bonus in this case.

I'm Okay

I'm Okay written by: LionsLamb

Summary: September 11, 2001
Edward finally has a day off from his busy job as a fire fighter to spend some time with his 'new' wife, Bella. Little do they know that their 'happy ever after' may be threatened as a national, and international, tragedy sweeps the nation and the world.
Will love be enough to keep Edward alive?

Ramble: A little hopeful story form the tragic events that happened on 9/11. This, perhaps is a good reminder to people,to remember and be thankful for firefighters, and the risks they put themselves in for people like you and me.

The Doctor Is In

The Doctor Is In written by: XShear

Summary:Nurse Swan faints and Dr. Masen insists on examining her. Part of my series, "Smut, Please". Please enjoy.

Ramble: A good doctor story. There isn't a lot of medical terms, but I cannot wait for there to be some longer stories that are based in the medical field....

Making The Grade

Making The Grade written by: ObsessingOverEdward

Summary: With college almost over there is one class Bella is not sure she will be able to complete. Will she be able to get over her humiliation and fear to finish the class and receive the grade that she deserves? Or will the hunky Professor make life hard for her. Lemony goodness. BxE

Ramble: Another one of those 'not really what I was expecting' stories. I expected a little more spice, and... yeah, can't really decide on what I want to reveal here, but you get the drift...

Date Night

Date Night written by: RedChevy

Summary: One shot. Written for the Dirty Talking Edward Contest. Edward is anxious to see Bella again after a week apart, making plans for their reunion. What happens when Bella has made plans of her own? AU AH OOC BXE. First Fanfic.

Ramble: An indulgence of doctors and slight d/s relationship. I was surprised at how the story came through. This one will be added to my list of rereads...

Gun Powder and Lead

Gun Powder and Lead written by: emarroquin

Summary: Officer Edward is sent to check on Chief Swan's daughter while she's home visiting from college and seeing a creepy guy. He's nervous to see his true love again, but troubles arises as her date is not so nice, but Bella fights back. Lemon and fluff. One shot Only

Ramble: The good old chief's daughter knows, and will be protected at all costs. One of the few stories that includes an officer Edward. I don't want to give too much away, just in case someone else stumbles upon this blog. They should have a chance to read the story for themselves, without it being ruined here.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Turned On Master

My Turned On Master written by: ObsessingOverEdward

Summary: Example for the Steamy Movie Crossover Contest. Major Edward Masen has a tough life keeping up with his beautiful Genie, Bella. But, when a crazy mix up happens, nothing is stopping him from getting all that he desires. LEMON

Ramble: This story always gets me going down childhood memories. Bewitched was a very entertaining show, that I always liked. This story changes things around a little, and adds a lot of spice to it!!

Somewhere Other Than The Night - One Shot

Somewhere Other Than The Night - One Shot written by: kyla713

Summary: Bella and Edward met after college, and have now been married for almost two years. Edward works for his father managing hotels, and is now a bit overwhelmed with work when more duties are handed down to him, which leads to a very sexually frustrated Bella. And she has finally had enough…

Ramble: Since it is a family business, I was expecting a little more intervention before the lemons actually came out. Even though there are two chapters, it will still be a one-shot, because the second chapter is like an outtake.

New Team Driver- One Shot

New Team Driver- One Shot written by: emarroquin

Summary: Edward's racing team is getting a new driver, too bad it's Bella Swan. Lemony.

Ramble: Weeeee!!! Fast cars, and fast romance!!! Now it has me wanting some more racing stories... oh goodness, these stories can be so addicting sometimes.

Late Nights

Late Nights written by: icecoldhamster

Summary: Edward comes home after working late and accidentally wakes Bella. NC-17. Lemon.

Ramble: Nothing really special about the plot of the story. The super short, without lemon version is that a husband, who happens to be a doctor, gets home late, and ends up waking up his wife. As I said, nothing really special or out of the ordinary.

Something Different (one shot)

Something Different (one shot) written by: Phoenix Rising

Summary: Bella is stressing out from her new job as an English teacher, and Edward decides to take the pressure off of her for a night of sexy fun! Lemony one shot, a little OOC for Dom Edward, AH!

Ramble: The mention of dom Edward got my attention for this story. Although I wish the scene was a little more intense, I will take what authors post and gives. Even with that, it still hits the spot when readers are craving a little ds to read.

Love in an Office Space

Love in an Office Space written by: suspenders

Summary: A lemony one shot originally written for a Steamy Movie Crossover contest. Bella is working her way through her Master's degree by waitressing and a local theme restaurant. When Edward sits in her section the afternoon they share makes the copy machine blush. A very loose crossover with Office Space. AH.

Ramble: A good old office romance. Nothing really new, but how I love the good old, (sometimes overly done) lemon on a copy machine... Maybe a new category should be added to this...

Taking Turns

Taking Turnswritten by: eroticfan

Summary: Our favourite couple take a walk on the wild side. Forever is a long time, after all, and variety is the spice of life. Edward, Bella, leather, whips and ripped negligees - a series of alternating D/s scenarios. NC-17 to the hilt.

Ramble: Haven't seen a good d/s story for a while now. So far, I have found some communities and authors who write really good stories about that kind of relationship. There are a few really good ones that I have read before this blog started, so that's why there are not that many BDSM stories here.

Home for Halloween

Home for Halloween written by: SubtlePen

Summary: Two single parents, a two year friendship, one night when everything changes, and 'home' begins to mean something new.

Ramble: A good old two single parents, working together to take care of their daughters. There is mention of a doctor Edward, which is an added bonus.

Going for the Gold

Going for the Gold written by: bethaboo

Summary: Edward Cullen, an Olympic swimming star, goes to Beijing with winning gold medals on his mind, but is distracted by the beautiful but clumsy reporter he meets on his way. All Human AU.

Ramble:I can't believe that this story is not already in here!!! This story caught my eyes around the same time Phelps did his record gold medal thing at the Olympics. There is another story about it, except it is about Edward as a swimmer, and Bella as a gymnast. Once I find that story again, it will also be up here. But until then, I'm off to find more stories...

Auction Block ONE SHOT

Auction Block ONE SHOT written by: starsonfire

Summary: After suffering heartbreak at the end of her relationship with Jacob, Bella decides to play the field on her own, disappointing Alice and Rosalie. Morning after morning, she finds herself stumbling office after a long, unfulfilling night. That is until Rosalie and Alice take her to a charity date auction and help Bella bid on the gorgeous Edward Cullen. Used to going after what she wants, Bella finds herself falling into bed with Edward with complete disregard.

Ramble: The good old place your bets for a date/slave, all money made will count as a donation to charity/hospital. Wow, a really good one-shot that gets to the point with a rather good story line. Personally, I would love for this story to be expanded into a full story...

The Rebel

The Rebel written by: openlystaind

Summary: Isabella is sent to the past, 1598, to find her cousin Alice after she went missing 1 yr prior. What she doesn't expect to find is her soulmate, Edward. AU-H, OCC, Lemons, BPOV/EPOV. *summary sucks, give it a shot*

Ramble: I don't really know what I was looking for or expecting in this story. It is a really good story, except I don't really see any lemons. This story reminded me that the rating can also be for violence... Perhaps there will be an outtake on the story that includes a lemon, so I will be on the look out for that.

August 9, 2012 Side note:  I am sad to say that I do not have a copy of the story.  I know that a lot of people are looking for it, and if I am able to find it, I'll change this note.  Till then, I hope someone will be able to find a copy.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ethan Church

Ethan Church written by: dryler

Summary: When Bella accepts an offer to write the biography of a severely reclusive author, the old, dying man she’s presented with and the young, too perfect man she meets while there convince her she’s missing some very important parts of the story. E/B, AU.

Ramble: The story itself was a little confusing for a while, but well worth the read. A really interesting combination of vampire and taking on an alias to keep the privacy of well known people. Although the ending leaves things a little up for grabs, it fits with the rest of the story, and pretty much allows the readers to guess the ending without really writing everything out.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Love Story

Love Story written by: silenceofthemoon

Summary: Bella met Edward in 1918 when her family were hosting a party. There, they met, danced and soon after, were engaged in secret. Almost 100 years later, after Edward's "Death" they meet again in Forks High School both as Vampires

Ramble: I cannot say that I was surprised with how the story went. The title was a big clue, especially since the Taylor Swift song is so popular right now. Although it is a multi-chapter story, it is a relatively short/quick read.

Monday, May 3, 2010

~~Knights of Honor~~

~~Knights of Honor~~ written by: katmom

Summary: Lord Edward is an Honorable Knight on a secret mission, Bella is offered to him as a gift from the Evil Duke Aro.

Ramble: I originally read this story on FFN, and later at The Writer's Coffee Shop. It is a really good epic tale story. And it portrays Mike as a 'nice' guy (even through we don't get much details about him... at least he tries...). This is labeled as royalty, even though the main characters are not necessarily royalty, there is mention of serving a king/queen in the story.

The Eyes of the Dragon (One-shot)

The Eyes of the Dragon (One-shot) written by: AccioBourbon

Summary: Sir Edward wishes to capture the attention of his Queen. Lady Bella is in love with Sir Edward. They both seek the help of Merlin, who has plans of his own for our hero and heroine. Step into a world of magic, romance -- and oh, yes -- dragons... where not all is at it seems.

Ramble: It has a quick mention of Jasper, but other than that, it is all about Edward and Bella. It is a nice 'Knight of the Round Table' period story, but at the same time,I wish it was longer. Other than that, there really isn't anything to say.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Kingdom for a Kiss

Kingdom for a Kiss written by: crc0170

Summary:My contest entry for the Love through Lemons Contest hosted by tby789 and LolaShoes.
E/B lemon, AH.
Friends, turned friends with benefits, will eventually end up one of two ways. This is the way we all hope it ends.

Ramble: Not really the 'doctor' story I was looking for, but it hits the spot. A brief glance at the medical field, throw in a strong friendship, stress, and some friends with benefits, and here you are.

Tropic of Virgo

Tropic of Virgo written by: In_a_blue_bathrobe

Summary: He's a young but jaded keyboard player writing lyrics for his band, Breaking Dawn, and she's a naive and frustrated poet looking to break out of her shell; their words collide on-line.
What happens when they meet in high school, unaware of their literary connection?

Ramble: A cool long story about meeting over the internet, and in real life. Getting jealous because of the on-line self....

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Colony

The Colony written by: shell29bell

Summary: It began with a simple flu. And 3 months later, all hell broke loose. Now they are just trying to survive. Can Bella help Edward find the cure when every last thing he cares about is on the line? BxE

Ramble: Not really what I first expected when I read the summary. It feels like an interesting cross between Twilight and Gravity (by Tess Griffin... I think). Not only that, but it combines the idea of a national pandemic, which isn't that far, since we have been getting mutated diseases that killed a lot of people not too long ago.