Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Voice

That Voice written by: Dolly1981

Summary: Captain Wentworth prevents Louisa from falling on the Cobb, but with grave injury to himself.  A shorter road to happiness.  (Completed (AHA)

Ramble:  A slight change that changes (and speeds up) the story.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

I Hope You Dance

I Hope You Dance written by: LissaMU

Summary:  No summary posted (Completed AHA)

Ramble:  I have to admit that part of me took a look at this story because I recognized the song title.  Not only that, but I found myself listening to the song as I read the story.  This is short and sweet, and to me, it was worth it to take the time to find the song.  A nice reflective piece that follows a character as he listens to the song.  To me, it has a sweet ending.  Just be warned, some might want some tissues handy just in case. 

The Bet

The Bet written by:  lindablanche

Summary: Best friends Fitzwilliam Darcy and Charles Bingley make an innocent bet.  Will Fitzwilliam Darcy come to regret that bet especially when he meets the intriguing Elizabeth Bennet? (Completed AHA)

Ramble:  Another amazing story that takes place around the same time as the book.  Most of the events are changed.  While there are some things that are similar to the original book, they only make up a small percentage of the story.  By the end of the story, I know that my mind was reeling with all the information I tried to keep track of all that happened in this. 

Rain and Retribution

Rain and Retribution written by:  ldb531

Summary:  No summary posted (Completed AHA)

Ramble:  I liked this story for the most part.  I have to admit that there were points in the story that got me confused, because some of the characters in the story are very different from the book.  With that being said, this story gave a really interesting perspective on some of the other characters.  The two characters that were really different and threw me for a loop the most are Mr. Bennet, Jane, and Georgiana. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

If Only In His Dreams

If Only In His Dreams written by:  D'Arcy in Utah

Summary:  No summary on site (AHA Completed)

Ramble:  This is a little different from the original book.  The Bennet parents are not really in this story, and there are only three Bennet siblings.  one older brother, Jane and Elizabeth.  Not only that, but Darcy's mother is still alive in this one.  Part of me was surprised because no one is the mean/evil person.  I mean, there are some characters that do some mot so nice things, but they are kind of excused as we read on and learn more about them.  Love the last chapter with the quick fast forward. :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

By The Numbers

By The Numbers written by:  jancat

Summary: Social worker Elizabeth Bennet hates bankers. Will Darcy is an artistic soul trapped in a banker's world. Beer is spilled, barbs are thrown and love emerges. (AHA completed)

Ramble:  A rather quick modern story.  There is no crazy aunt on the Darcy side of the story this time.  Not only that, but the relationship problems between Charles and Jane does not really have anything to do with Darcy in this story.  The summary holds true, and seems to be a really quick read.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Perfect Fit

Perfect Fit written by:  Linda Wells

Summary: Billionaire Fitzwilliam Darcy is burdened with maintaining his family’s legacy following the tragic deaths of his parents, and must also attempt to restore his young sister’s spirit after becoming the victim of Internet luring by a former family friend.  Elizabeth Bennet is a popular author of young adult mystery novels, written as a way of escaping first the behavior and then the memory of a dominating former lover.  These two lonely people meet at a wedding, over a broken shoe, and learn that once upon a time can lead to a happy ending. (The book can be found on Amazon too)

Ramble:  A modern twist on the classic story.  Elizabeth has a history with Collins already that isn't that happy.  While their history is not covered in a lot of details, readers are able to see how it shapes Elizabeth's character.  At first, I thought the story could have ended earlier, but after reading it, the author ended it at the right place.  I guess my original thought stemmed from where the classic story ended, so imagine my surprise when I got to where I thought the story will end, but see a more pages to the story.  :)

Saturday, March 2, 2013


I know it has been a while since I last posted.  I've been reading on my mobile instead my computer lately and have a bunch of comments and such saved in my e-mail.  When things calm down for me, I plan on back tracking and posting those up.  Right now, I am not sure when that will be but I will try to make a few posts here and there.

Ever since the start of this semester, I feel like I've been behind on everything.  Every thing non-school related has taken a back seat.  Family and other real life obligations are not really helping me in finding time to do stuff for me.  I'll try to keep things up when I'm near my computer, so there might be a post or two here or there while I'm 'taking a break'. :)

Forget with Silence and Tears

Forget with Silence and Tears written by:  Angela's Daydreams

Summary: Modern day story inspired by Jane Austen's Persuasion

Ramble:  So this is from a different site.  You have to log in before you can get to the story.  This is slightly different from the usual stories for Persuasion.  It has a modern twist to it.  Most of the story takes place in the Bay Area and Seattle.  Anne is a nurse, and Frederick joined the Peace Corps and is involved in technology.