Friday, July 29, 2011

Want No More

Want No More written by: Savage7289

Summary: Bella's new job takes an unexpected turn when terrorists take over her office building. Bella is taken hostage, but the sexy head henchman seems to be exactly what Bella wants and needs. BPOV. Rated M

Ramble: Another one of those stories I know I've read, but probably before starting this log. A short story, where not a lot is revealed throughout. I mean, as I am reading, I make some assumptions, and there is enough information here that would give the reader a sense of completion, but at the same time leave enough out to let the author continue for at least a chapter or two.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

We must discover and fly

We must discover and fly written by: Silverdust101

Summary: Bella and Edward have just met in person but they have known of each other's presence since they were both conceived. See as Bella discovers herself and Edward discovers exactly what he is, together. Secret powers will be unravelled. rating may change

Ramble: There are a few time jumps in this story, earlier in the childhood, but once they grow up, time passes in a more stable manner. An interesting family background for the Cullens... I don't want to say anymore just because it is pretty interesting to find out as one is reading.


written by: sadtomato


Ramble: Ummm... This is kind of weird, because I can't see the summary nor copy the linked title of the story... I guess computers really do hate me right now. This story is a super duper quick one-shot that is lemony, and funny. Seriously, just a lemon, that was inspired by a picture! Can't really go wrong with that, now can you?

Friday, July 22, 2011

This is My Daddy

This is My Daddywritten by: A Man In Uniform OS Contest

Summary: Widow Bella Swan receives an unpleasant surprise when an unexpected messenger shows up on her door step. However, it forces her to face the truth and brings up conversations with her daughter that she's been avoiding for years

Ramble: So the pairing threw me off for a bit there at the beginning. It would be interesting to see Edward's point of view for this story, but I guess this will have to do for now. Bella has a daughter, her fiancee died while fighting in the war. She seems to be dealing with the death, and meets a new deputy while dropping something off to her father.

With Every Breath I Take

With Every Breath I Take written by: A Man In Uniform OS Contest

Summary: On the night of Edward and Bella's third anniversary, Edward, who is a firefighter, is sent into a burning building which collapses with him inside, leaving Bella at home to wonder if he will make it home alive.

Ramble: This one hits closer to home for me than the others so far, just because of family. At first, I expected it to be more like a few other stories I've read in the past, but am glad that it turned out a bit differently. Personally, this one is up at the top right now.

Ice Cream and Rain

Ice Cream and Rain written by: A Man In Uniform OS Contest

Summary: Things were perfect until Edward's bravery and patriotism made him join the army. Now, a year after he left, Bella has lost all touch with him and believes that he's dead. Then why is she so anxious when there's a knock at her door in the morning?

Ramble: So, this one sticks to the original book a little when it comes to Bella's family history, and up to her entering Forks High. After that, the meeting, dating etc. changed a little bit. I don't really know how to put the rest of the story in the ramble without giving too much away, so if it looks interesting enough to you, go and read it!

I'll Wait Forever

I'll Wait Forever written by: A Man In Uniform OS Contest

Summary: A lonely 18 y/o boy meets a lonely 16 y/o diner girl on his way to basic training before heading to the Vietnam War. Years of letters, promises, and a child, are all they have to hold on to. Will Edward make it back or will Bella be left alone forever?

Ramble: Parts of this story seem familiar, and yet there are different twists and turns in it. The story focuses on Edward and Bella, with some mentions of Emmett and Rose, along with Alice and Jasper. Parents beware, the parental figures in this story seems to push the 'traditional' roles of a woman quite a bit (at least that is how is seems to me).

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Disorder in the Court

Disorder in the Court written by: A Man In Uniform OS Contest

Summary: Bella has a minor traffic violation. She ends up with much more than a fine at the courthouse…

Ramble: The summary may be short, but is really accurate. Not only that, but it is interesting to read about how quickly things change, and how fast everything is cleared up. That, and the good old waiting in line, for a violation...

Deployed by Fate

Deployed by Fate written by: A Man In Uniform OS Contest

Summary: When single mom Bella gets deployed, she is forced to leave her baby in the hands of those she trusts the most. Will a member of their family end up being more than just a friend by the time she returns?

Ramble: I have to say, that the reason Bella is a single mother is different from what I first thought... Anyways, the way Edward and Bella meet is actually quite nice. So far, this is one of my favorite stories, just because things move slowly in the relationship, and the transitions are really smooth.

Anchor My Heart

Anchor My Heart written by: A Man In Uniform OS Contest

Summary: After a devastating end to a relationship, Bella vows to never date another man in the Military. Can a handsome U.S. Coast Guard Lieutenant change her mind?

Ramble: Cost guard Edward and Bella who is interested in marine life. Edward has to hard in the beginning, because of Bella's history with a man in uniform... but that will be revealed in the story, so go check it out, if you want to know.

A Major's Promise

A Major's Promise written by: A Man In Uniform OS Contest

Summary: The search and rescue of war prisoner, Jasper Whitlock, has Jasper reflecting on a promise that he made to the one he loves.

Ramble: Very quick story. Focuses on Jasper, and cuts between what happens to him, and flashbacks of his relationship with Alice. I can see the rating being lowered a bit, but that's just me.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

TPAP Outtake 1 for mujisan Will You, Nil You

TPAP Outtake 1 for mujisan Will You, Nil You written by: WriteOnTime

Summary: An outtake from The Port Angeles Players, created especially for mujisan as part of the Support Stacie Author's Auction. The Players return to the stage for "The Taming of The Shrew".

Ramble: Goodness, I can't believe I missed this! I guess late is better than never. A really fun look/continuation as the group moves on to the next Shakespeare play!

Cash Only: OneShot for Haiti Relief

Cash Only: OneShot for Haiti Relief written by: WriteOnTime

Summary: College student Bella spends her day making change for commuters as a toll-booth collector on a NYC bridge. The kind of change she's made for smitten, Volvo-driving Edward, however, adds up to more than a few quarters. AH

Ramble: Ah, the good old, change the morning routine in order to spend some time with a crush. While it seems a little far fetched in a way, I can see this happening. Personally, I would rather ride the train, just because I would hate to get stuck in the middle of the bridge. Good one-shot though.

Closed Stacks Carrel

Closed Stacks Carrel written by: deJean Smith

Summary: Spanking the Monkey contest entry. Bella Swan lives for Thursdays. It's her favorite day of the week because Dr. Edward Cullen always visits his closed stacks carrel on Thursdays.

Ramble: This one pretty much screams school/college to me. Gives things from Bella and Edward's point of view. I'm so glad that the author is already plotting out what happens next. Given the information we are with the benefit of both perspectives, there has to be more to the story than this first chapter...

Who's Your Papi

Who's Your Papi written by: Welcome2MyWorldxoxo

Summary: Winner Of The Fetlife At Twilight Voter's Choice. Every political figure has their skeletons and this Senator just likes to play Daddy. Enter the call girl, a woman who gives men exactly what they want.

Ramble: So the summary pretty much sums everything up. There are a few Italian words in the story, but they are defined at the end, for readers. The one-shot, pretty much ends with this one chapter. I mean, it can be expanded if the author really wants to, but at the same time, it would work with just this one chapter.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

To Be Branded

To Be Branded written by: rbsschess

Summary: Edward is a submissive that has been abused. He is brought to Miss Isabella's ranch to heal. He feels the pull & wants to be hers for eternity but can he heal enough for that to happen? Can he heal enough to be branded? Good thing time isn't an issue!

Ramble: While I've read stories focusing on a similar lifestyle, it is interesting to read something similar in the contest. Part of me wants to ask for an epilogue to the first chapter, but I guess only time will tell...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Molto Bella

Molto Bella written by: ObsessingOverEdward

Summary: Bella is an up-and-coming chef and Edward is a persnickety restaurant reviewer with an axe to grind. Watch out! Things get pretty hot in the kitchen!

Ramble: While I am not a really big fan of the way the story ends, the author does explain why there is a sudden jump at the end of the story. Not only that, but the author did tie up some loose ends before ending the story. Where some authors might have left the story without an epilogue, this author was kind enough to end the story in a more proper way.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Strange Brew

Strange Brew written by: Magnolia822

Summary: Soon-to-be college senior Bella Swan needs a summer job. Edward Cullen needs a worker for his new tasting room at Cullen Creek Brewery. She doesn't know much about beer, but she knows how to push his buttons. Romance/Humor, ExB, M for Lemons/Language

Ramble: A fun look into how a brewery works. Edward is working on getting a divorce from Victoria throughout the story. Bella is a college student who gets hired to work in the tasting room at the brewery. Things happen and stuff... now, I don't want to give too much away...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Office Desires

Office Desireswritten by: Lis123

Summary: Bella Swan was great at her job, always exceeding her boss's expectations. That was until she started to work as Mr. Edward Cullen's secretary. How is a girl supposed to concentrate with such beauty in the room? Teen/Mature? BPOV

Ramble: This is a really short, and quick read compared to some of the other stories I have read. I would put this on the list of stories that I feel should have their rating changed. The most graphic scenes focus on Bella and Edward kissing... But other than that, this story is a nice quick read.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Anger Management

Anger Management written by: theonlykyla

Summary: I'm pissed off...My anger is at all time high. The best way to relieve that frustration and stress is using my willing new assistant for some release. She prances around in those see through blouses and tight skirts. *Strong Sexual content & Domination*

Ramble: While there is some domination, I don't feel that it is a big enough part of the story, to add it to the BDSM label. The chapters are quick reads, with the focus on Edward and Bella. Jasper and Alice are included, but only mentioned. Both pairs spent some time exploring in the past, and their relationships strengthen through out the story.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Jack, Jill and a Foosball Table

Jack, Jill and a Foosball Table written by: twilly

Summary: SPANKING THE MONKEY CONTEST entry. Edward and Bella are best friends so they can't touch each other; but that doesn't mean they can't touch themselves. Things explode as they struggle though assembly instructions littered with nuts, rods and ball cups.

Ramble: The pressures of having pushy friends... that, and some fun times assembling a foosball table, can it get any better?!?!


Maybe written by: Pingvingirl

Summary: Contest Entry for Spanking the Monkey: Bella walks in on her roommate, Edward, during a private moment. Trouble is, she can't walk out. And how will she pay him back?

Ramble: A really good roommate story for the contest... This one is a little longer than the first one I read, but both start out as a single thing that slowly evolves...

From Pain to Pleasure

From Pain to Pleasure written by: GrayMatters

Summary: My entry for the Spanking the Monkey contest! A missed dinner date, a lonely wife - when Edward has to work late again, Bella takes matters into her own hands, but is the pleasure enough to overcome the pain?

Ramble: So this is actually the first story in the contest I've read. I will probably read a few more, but here is the first one. The summary is really accurate and well written for this one, so I won't take any time out to describe it.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Silk & Satin

Silk & Satin written by: sadtomato

Summary: Edward's afraid to reveal his love of lingerie to his new boyfriend, but he's forced to confront the truth when Carlisle finds his panty drawer. Will Carlisle be into it or will he GTFO? Slash. Lemons. Panties.

Ramble: A super steamy story that kind of takes place in snippets that go together really well. Told in Edward's point of view, and personally, I really like the last comment made in this story. Now, to continue to follow the trail the author so kindly left...

Hospitals and High Heels

Hospitals and High Heels written by: I Drive Like a Cullen16

Summary: Bella is visiting her sister, Alice at the hospital when she falls and breaks her lucky pair of high heels. She thinks her luck's worn out and her day can't get any worse; until sexy Dr. Edward Cullen comes to the rescue. Were her heels lucky after all?

Ramble: A really cool one-shot that actually ends with one chapter! Sometimes, now a days, I wonder why people put one-shot, only to leave the ending as a TBC kind of thing. Anyways... Doctor Edward helps Bella when she twists her ankle. Bella is the one with a tattoo (I think it says that she has more than one, but only one gets described). Short, sweet, and lemony!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Across the Airwaves

Across the Airwaves written by: Isabel0329

Summary: Bella Swan is suffering from another bout of her continual insomnia when she comes across a velvety voice on the radio late at night. AU, All-Human. Rated M for lemons.

Ramble: I feel like I've been going down memory lane these last two days. With this story, both Edward and Bella suffer from insommia, and the only cure they have is each other. Be warned, things move really fast in this story!

Flight 2804

Flight 2804 written by: movieandbookgirl

Summary: Edward is a US Air Marshal working to protect our country from air attacks. Bella is a flight attendant on one of the flights he's monitoring. What happens when he can't get her off of his mind? Can he protect her and an entire flight from imminent danger

Ramble: This is another one of those stories that I know I have read before this blog was started. The twists and turns in this story are done really well, enough to keep it interesting, and not so many that it gets hard to keep track of. Falling for a flight attendant makes for a pretty good story line, and a really good read.