Monday, May 30, 2011

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (oneshot)

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (oneshot) written by: earthprincess4


Edward has always had three best friends: Bella, Emmett, and Jasper Swan. Growing up they were inseparable until divorce ripped them apart. Now all they have is summertime each year. This is a coming of age story about how Edward goes from seeing Bella as his best friend to realizing he's in love with her.


Ramble: A long story about children growing up. Going from young birthday parties up to when the small group gets separated. A little later, girlfriends get added to the mix, before they have to make the final decision as to where they will stay.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Redemption written by: luvrofink

Summary: AU/AH OOC BDSM O/s Isabella must redeem herself in the eyes of her Master. See how she finds freedom in her redemption. For sadtomato

Ramble: Wow! This is just a one-shot, but really good. I can't really find the right words to describe it...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Blast From My Past

Blast From My Past written by: luvrofink

Summary: AU/ALL HUMAN OOC. Bella leaves Forks her Freshman year b/c Edward turned her down. It's senior year and she's back. Can her and Edward finally have true love? I don't own Twilight Smeyer does. Future Lemons.

Ramble: Have to say that the story is on the shorter side. It has the group growing up together, being separated, and then reunited their senior year of high school. Some minor mix-ups, and really simple plot line.

Coming of Age

Coming of Age written by: luvrofink

Summary: AU/AH ONE SHOT EPOV: Edward runs into a student he taught during his internship. With nothing holding them back will they explore each other the way that they've dreamed of doing? E/B

Ramble: So much revolves around coffee shops and the spilled drinks that often come with it. As an intern, Edward falls for student Bella. He steps away by teaching at a different school. A year later, they run into each other and things start to get really interesting from there.

The Anatomy Lesson

The Anatomy Lesson written by: kimpy0464

Summary: When Edward asks Bella to help him study for a test, she has no idea that it is a hands-on learning experience. Rated M for citrus fruits.

Ramble: Bella is drafted into helping Edward study for his classes. Starts out as a full body exam, that has a few procedures that will not be used in the clinics, but they are just practicing. By the end, it is pretty clear that Bella has helped Edward study anatomy before.

Bookworms: Silence

Bookworms: Silence written by: kimpy0464

Summary: Bella and Edward challenge each other to an erotic game of chicken-who will be the first to utter a word while they ravage one another? One-shot from Haiti compilations.

Ramble: I know that I read this series out of order, and even out of order, they are really good. Focusing on bookworms, and books bringing people together, and how the relationship slowly changes over time.


Bookworms written by: kimpy0464

Summary: Bella Swan is a reserved writer whose Saturday routine includes her favorite coffee, reading in the bookstore, and watching Edward Cullen. They trade furtive glances, until Bella decides to risk it all and introduce herself. FGB O/S for Marijee.

Ramble: A story about bookworms who meet at a bookstore, and eventually get to know each other very well, before being faced with a bad weekend where things do not really fit into the routine.

Bookworms: Revenge

Bookworms: Revenge written by: kimpy0464

Summary: After Edward "punishes" Bella for a misdeed she didn't commit, it's her turn to give Edward a taste of his own medicine. As they say, revenge is a dish best served cold, but Bella decides to serve it piping hot. Originally written for Fics for Nashville.

Ramble: Have to say that dominate Bella is up there with dominate Edward when it comes to the stories I read. While the revenge is done in a lot of details, the finale is rather quick, and that kind of makes sense to me since both of them took their time teasing each other.

Bookworms: Crime and Punishment

Bookworms: Crime and Punishment written by: kimpy0464

Summary: Bella has been a very naughty girl, inducing Edward to have erotic daydreams. For this egregious crime, she must be punished accordingly, in the most erotic of ways.

Ramble: Slight BDSM in the scene because of the tying. Edward has some daydreams, and from those decide to punish Bella for having him in such a state. The tables were turning by the end of the story.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bookworms: Birthday

Bookworms: Birthday written by: kimpy0464

Summary: Bella Swan captures a glimpse of a beautiful man, then starts to receive a series of sexy texts. Who is sending them to her? What does he want? To show her the stars. A smut shot written in honor of TFX's birthday.

Ramble: It is Bella's birthday, and while out, she sees some one she is interested in. Later, she starts getting instructions of what to do. As the story goes, the BDSM parts start to come out.

Million Dollar Baby

Million Dollar Baby written by: clpsuperstar


When Renee is diagnosed with a terminal illness, Isabella makes the ultimate sacrifice. Selling herself to the highest bidder to do with her as they please may just prove to be more than she bargained for. OOC AH/AU


Ramble: Although Edward and Bella do not meet up in the best way, they do and eventually get every thing straighten out. Sounds simple? Not really, there is a reason why I am a reader and not an author. Finally had some time to read this one, and it is really good!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Isle of Dreams

Isle of Dreams written by: savannavansmutsmut

Summary: A plane crash leaves Bella stranded with a baby, a handsome but odd, angry man, and his peculiar luggage on an uncharted island in the Bermuda Triangle. Will these three strangers survive? AH EXB

Ramble: I kept 'running' into this story quite a few times, so I decided to give it a shot. This is a longer story. While I was a little hesitant from the summary, but it turned out pretty well. I found that the story reminded me of a movie I watched a while back. The author offers a different reasoning for Edward and Alice's powers. Not only that, but what come up towards the end is quite interesting too.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

To Serve Is Divine

To Serve Is Divine written by: texasbella

Summary: Master Edward has arranged a special day for his submissive Isabella. To celebrate 1 year of her being collared, she will have her limits tested and pushed by humiliation, pain and most of all pleasure. Domward/BDSM

Ramble: In the beginning, I almost thought that I would have to stop reading for part of it, because of all the help Edward gets from other doms. The first few chapter alternate between Edward and Bella's perspectives, allowing readers into both of their heads. It is a very good example of what some people will do for the people they love.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Promise to Remember

A Promise to Remember written by: Wendi Triplet Mom

Summary: P&P and An Affair to Remember crossover. Elizabeth and Darcy meet as children. Over the years their feelings grow for each other, but what will happen when unfortunate circumstances and interfering family members seek to keep them apart? Regency

Ramble: Although I have not read An Affair to Remember, I have heard bits and pieces of the story. I really like how this story is written, and how it weaves in with the original Pride and Prejudice so well. A happily ever after story, with a lot of twists and turns.

Labs and Duties (oneshot)

Labs and Duties (oneshot) written by: ecklecktick


He was a thirty two year old Biology teacher who had a bargain with a twenty eight year old English teacher concerning lab reports and cafeteria duty. (B/E, smut)

Ramble: Edward and Bella are teachers who have some kind of deal going in regards to grading the grammar of Biology labs, and working together for cafeteria duty. They seem to enjoy each others company through out the day. Not much plot in this story, but a quick lemon at the end.

House Call

House Call written by: luvrofink

Summary: AH/OOC/Slash Carlisle makes an unannounced house call after Edward injured his knee during football practice. CPOV Lemon.

Ramble: Hmmm... What can I say about this story. Good for a quick pick-me-up kind of story. Mainly a look at how Carlisle and Edward feel and act to and with one another. Nothing else to really say...


Bellatouille written by: cookybabe

Summary: AU: All human. Bella is a chef in a classy restaurant. She learns that passion for food and another chef can whip up one tasty and incredible recipe. Filled with fun tales of the restaurant life, a giant splash of romance, and a dash of clumsiness. BxE

Ramble: I can't believe that it took me so long to add this story here. This is one of my favorite stores on fanfiction. Cooking can be so much fun, and that is captured really well in this story. The plot in itself is rather simple, but the details that fill this story are awesome!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Cruel to be Kind by Luvtwismut

Cruel to be Kind by Luvtwismut written by: Jukeboxcontest

Summary: Jealous Bella can't get over her feelings for her best friend, Edward, who happens to be her ex-Dom. Will he move on and replace her? Lemony-goodness!

Ramble: I know that stories with similar plots have been written in the past (I am sure I've read something similar before) but this is placed in a different context. Best friends, who share some kind of special bond, combine that with Edward's need to sacrifice his own feelings for the people he care about... You get the drift...

Teacher's Pet

Teacher's Pet written by: AngelGoddess1981


**Companion Piece to "Making the Grade."**

Please read "Making the Grade" before you read "Teacher's Pet" in order to understand what's going on.

Professor Bella Swan has been given an assignment: To seduce five of her students. If she succeeds, she will gain the ultimate prize: To dominate her Dominant.

BxE Rated M for language & extreme citrus content.

Ramble: The 'continuation' of the previous story. It offers some insight as to what happened during Making the Grade, and even expanding it a little bit. The touch of BDSM in this one is a little stronger than the other story. Have to admit, that the last chapter is my favorite in this story.

Making the Grade

Making the Grade written by: AngelGoddess1981


Professor Swan is notorious for her difficult grading curve and being a hardass...

Who would you do for an A?

Follow five Seattle U students and learn their answers to that question...


Ramble: Don't really know why the professor acts as she does, but there are some hints to the actual reason. The chapters are rather choppy, but link up at the same time. It almost seems like three short stories rolled into this one. This story is a set up for the next story.

Diving Right In

Diving Right In written by: AngelGoddess1981


Entry for the Fun With Your Clothes On contest. Eighteen year old Bella has been off the deep end for her best friend's older brother for years. Now that she's come of age, is Edward going to dive right in and make her his? Or will they need a little push?

Ramble: When the parents are not home, a high school pool party in Phoenix. Combine that with an 18 year old Bella. Along with a long time crush.... A quick and fun romance of what was thought to be a one-sided crush. Not only that, but some fun revenge between two couples.

Learning to Love

Learning to Love written by: midnightmist101

Summary: Bella is deaf and abused by Phil. She's finally had enough and decided to Move in with Charlie. Will she learn to trust men? And what is special with a guy named Edward Cullen? Rated m just in case.

Ramble: The summary sums up this story pretty well. The only thing, is that Bella had an older sister, and Jacob is a friend from Phoenix, instead of Forks. Oh, and the fact that Bella already knows about vampires before meeting the Cullens.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Emmett's Sister

Emmett's Sister written by: midnightmist101

Summary: Bella and her big brother Emmett got into an arguement and he stormed off. They were both changed. But they both think that the other one is dead. So what happens when they meet 100 years later? all vampires.

Ramble: There is a lot of background of what happened to Bella after Emmett disappears. Personally, I really liked a lot of the plot details, but after a while, I kind of whished that they were developed a little bit more. A lot of songs wand lyrics were used throughout the story.

It's a Sign

It's a Sign written by: CaraNo

Summary: Edward's the single father to an amzaing little girl... with a hearing disability. "Imagine my surprise when she crouched down to Emma's level... and began signing with her." Rated M for language and lemons. No angst. EPOV.

Ramble: Lots of tags for this story. Edward and Jasper each have a little girl who is deaf. Both run into relationship problems with their child's mother. Edward comes up with the music for the musicals and some jingles, where Jasper deals with more technical aspects of a production. Their girls are around the same age. Bella meets Rosalie in the gym, and runs into her again at the grocery store. The story keeps developing, and evolving. Have to wonder though, what ended up happening to Bella's request towards the end of the story....

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Girl Named Bella

A Girl Named Bella written by: Dirty-Bunny

Summary: What happens when edward meets a young hot convenience store clerk lemons OOC EXB

Ramble: Looking at the labels I have for this story, I realize that Pretend/Role Play kind of fits, but not in the way I normally use this label. By the end of the story, it is revealed that Bella kept some information hidden from Edward, and that is the basis for that label. The summary is pretty self-explanatory....

Wedding Belles for Prince Edward

Wedding Belles for Prince Edward written by: up2late

Summary: As the Spare Heir, Prince Edward is looking to blow off a little steam as the festivities ramp up for his big brother's wedding. Inspired by the royal wedding. Rated for language and LEMONS! O/S E/B WARNING: Some E/Alice and E/Jessica action too!

Ramble: I can see how this is inspired by the royal wedding. Well, more like an interpretation of what happens at the rehearsal dinner, but still a well done lemon (if that makes any sense).

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Work Appropriate

Work Appropriate written by: thewasofshall

Summary: Bella's read her employee handbook cover to cover, but that doesn't mean she can't take pleasure in what her office forbids. One-shot written for the "Tattward & Inkella" contest; AU/AH.

Ramble: Bella is really easy to tease in this story. Between Jacob and Alice, she is constantly being teased. There is some mentions of ink on Edward and Bella, but I wish there was more information about where it is placed, and what the tattoo looks like. Everything comes together pretty well in the end of the story, and everything starts to make sense. A fun office, boss/receptionist kind of relationship.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Final Countdown

Final Countdown written by: mehek18

Summary: AH Canon OCC. Bella is involved in a gang with kidnapping, drugs and sex trafficking but her cover has been blown and her partner is 1,200 miles away. How does she get to him and escape the gang world before the Final Countdown? Thriller One Shot. My ent

Ramble: There is a little bit of everything. Some police/undercover work, doctors, organized crime, sex trafficking... So many factor rolled into one, and actually working out in a really good way.

Midnight Show

Midnight Show written by: Pastiche.Lethe

Summary: Bella Swan is your ordinary P.A by day, but by night she's a paid entertainment for just one man. But just because the two of them become alone at the strike of twelve, doesn't mean something more can happen? Or is there?

Ramble: Have to admit that I was really curious to find out what kind of paid entertainment she provides. Some of the times did not really make sense to me in the beginning, but other than that, this was a well written story.

Sitting on Santa's Lap

Sitting on Santa's Lap written by: Lfcpam

Summary: Bella is working as Santa's helper...see what happens when a new Santa arrives ExB holiday lemons

Ramble: One of the perks of Christmas is seeing Santa and his elves. But I have to admit that I am glad that I was not aware of such stories when I was a young eager child to take a picture with the jolly man...

Running into My Future

Running into My Future written by: Lfcpam

Summary: O/S Contest Entry:Isabella Swan is a flight attendant running late for work; she crashes into a handsome stranger and her future. She what happens when love is found on a flight bound to LA.

Ramble: Wow, clumsy Bella strikes again. The three flight attendants falling for three men in the same flight... Sounds like an interesting story to have developed into a longer story, to hear more about Bella's travels through her job, but this works too.

My Little Dove

My Little Dove written by: Lo21

Summary: Bella moves to Vegas to ease the pain of an emotional breakup and life altering decision. She starts over in a new fast-paced life that includes jobs as a waitress, phone sex operator, and a club DJ. M. ALL HUMAN. *Winner! see full summary inside*

Ramble: I have to say that this story is a job well done. High school lovers, and their fight as they grow up. Being separated, and being pushed to the side of society when things start to go wrong. Slowly getting back up, only to run into the past as everything starts to go your way again.

Clinical Love

Clinical Love written by: shpwhitney

Summary: Bella finds the perfect man in Edward; what's not to love in a sexy, cultured, successful, rich doctor? Well, the fact that he is somewhat clinical in every aspect of relating! Pineapple Awards Contest entry; A/H, lemons, hilarity

Ramble: I should learn to trust some of the summaries people put up with their stories... This is a really funny story! At first, there is the background of Bella's past relationships, and how she got into the relationship she is in with Edward. Yeah, clinical in every aspect should be taken rather literally.

Breakfast in Bed

Breakfast in Bed written by: shpwhitney

Summary: My entry for Dirty Cheeky Monkey's Squeeze My Lemon Challenge! Bella decides to serve Edward his favorite dish on their first morning in their new home...A/H, lemons

Ramble: I have to admit that I found this story through a different story. But I am really glad that I read this story!! A fun college story that is really short and sweet. Not only that, but how breakfast in bed does not really work out the way you plan it to go...

My Girl in the Pink Pajamas

My Girl in the Pink Pajamas written by: ericastwilight

Summary: A short story of a boy who falls in love the night of his neighbor's slumber party. Watch them grow from kids to young adults. Former witfit prompt.

Ramble: Have to say that the stories where they meet as children, and slowly grow closer as time goes on, is really sweet. Reading about children's plans, and how they can backfire. The things children say, mixed in with the same people's reactions later in life just hits the spot.


Centerfield written by: KitsuShel


A sweet moment shared between a married couple.

My entry in TwiNetwork's First Iron Pen Challenge.

Ramble: An interesting challenge where the phrase "the bases are loaded" has to be used, and the story written within a certain time limit. In the beginning, I was a little confused with who Edward was, but it really didn't matter in a bit. Super duper short story that also makes sense.


Voyeur written by: GothicTemptress

Summary: A demure princess visits Cullen Castle. She discovers a few things about the inhabitants and Prince Edward discovers that beneath her veil, a dangerously inquisitive creature lurks. A pervy One shot in honor of the Royal Wedding!

Ramble: The title describes the story really well. I did not really expect the two to go so well together. Really well written story, and hits the spot really well for titles and such.

Love Bite

Love Bite written by: MCvelvetkitten

Summary: Bella is a young tattoo artist, Edward is her first 'canvas'. OOC.

Ramble: Haven't read any stories focusing on tattooing for a while now. This one is pretty short, and has Bella as the tattoo artist. A really short and quick look into how Edward and Bella's relationship develops over time.

I'm Diving In

I'm Diving In written by: Spring Fever Contest

Summary: Bella reluctantly agrees to go scuba diving during Spring Break to visit Alice and Emmett's brother, Edward, in Maui. She's worried about diving, but excited to see Edward again. Will she be glad she took the risk?

Ramble: Learning how to dive was not really on Bella's to do list, until that meant that she would be able to see Edward again. When he first sees Bella, he wonders if his parents sent him, to talk him into going back. Things happen during the first dive, and eventually pushes Edward and Bella together. A little scary/tense at times, but overall a pretty relaxing story about spring break.

Not What It Seems

Not What It Seems written by: Awkward Turtle Contest

Summary: When Bella sees something truly shocking on Edward's laptop, what is her reaction? Written for the Awkward Turtle contest.

Ramble: A fanfiction that has mentions of the characters reading/doing something relating to fanfiction. Combine that with lots of shopping with Alice, and a little too much information being revealed in a public setting....

A Slip of the Tongue

A Slip of the Tongue written by: Awkward Turtle Contest

Summary: A chance meeting on an airplane and a slip of the tongue. Who knew saying something so wrong could make everything so right?

Ramble: Talk about an awkward situation. I have to say, that I love the Cullen family that is described in this story. Almost like the whole family is involved in one thing, but add to it a little differently. We watch as Edward and Bella meet, and get to know each other.


Translations written by: twiXlite

Summary: Tattward&Inkella contest entry. Covered in indecipherable ink, Edward attempts one last time to find out what the words on his skin mean. Will Bella be able to translate the ancient texts or will Edward be left in the dark once again? OOC ExB

Ramble: I wish this story is not a one-shot. The plot line and such are mapped out in a lot of details, and really well. Spreading the story out a little more, it would be wonderful to know what happens to Bella and Edward beyond this first chapter. Not only that, but the actual translation of the ink would be wonderful too. That, and how did Bella get her's, is there a story behind her tattoo, or was it just something she got on a whim... so many questions for such a short story.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Swim Class

Swim Class written by: YazPistachio19

Summary: Bella helps out the sexy DILF she meets at her niece's swimming lesson.

Ramble: Edward and Bella meet while bring children to a swim meet. Bella's niece Kate, and Edward's daughter Alice are classmates in the same class. After helping Edward with Alice, they decide to meet up for a date. In general, one big lemon that ends on a very funny note.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Be Mine

Be Mine written by: TallulahBelle

Summary: AH/AU Bella Swan is very anti-Valentine's Day, but what happens when a secret admirer is persistent in making her his? It's going to be a day that she'll never forget.

Ramble: A really good story about love skeptics during Valentine's Day. The day itself is not that bad, it is just the way people tend to act on that day. As a reader, I found that there were a lot of hints in the beginning and middle of the story as to the identity of Bella's secret admirer.