Monday, September 23, 2013


Daniel written by: DawnR

Summary: Daniel is Daniel Bennet, the eighteen-year-old brother of Jane, Elizabeth, and Lydia. This story's focus will be on Darcy, Elizabeth, and Daniel. Relationships will be the heart of the story. Families love, families protect one another, and sometimes the responsibility one feels to family can be all consuming. Somewhere along the way, Elizabeth Bennet has lost herself to this notion of duty, as her brother is being groomed to inherit her family estate. When a man from the northern country enters their lives, will Elizabeth even notice his silent observations of her, or has the woman in Elizabeth been overshadowed for so long by the role of devoted sister, that she is now unreachable?  (Meryton Reading Room)

Ramble:  A little different from most other Pride and Prejudice stories.  There is the fact that there is a male heir to the Bennet's property.  Elizabeth's role/character is a little different from most other stories and books.  She is more of a protector in this story.  Things are a little different in this story, but as a whole it makes sense.  While I didn't completely understand Daniel's quirks, I found him to be a very interesting character that reminds me of my own brother in some ways.  While it is not a really quick read, because of the length, it was very easy read and very captivating. 

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