Sunday, September 29, 2013

I Have Loved None But You

I Have Loved None But You written by:  sirladyknight

Summary: And as much as she wished she could simply concentrate on what her heart was saying and the amazing man on his knees in front of her, her mouth voiced the thoughts of her ever-practical mind: "I can't." K/D, Persuasion-esque story.

Ramble:  An interesting mix of the two stories.  There are some things that are changed in this story.  For example, where one of the girls get hurt in Persuasion, it is replaced with Yuki giving birth.  Other than that, everything is pretty close to how they were in the books.  The small twists made in each story are slight and as a whole, doesn't really change the original character's personality too much. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

How to Win the Heart of a Poet

How to Win the Heart of a Poet written by:  Dawnr

Summary:When Elizabeth Bennet;s computer company runs into difficulties, she calls an outside consulting firm, headed by Fitzwilliam Darcy.  (Meryton Reading Room)

Ramble:  Pretty different from the basic story.  The misunderstanding is different, and the ending of the story seems fitting.  I have to admit that there were snippets from a book in the story that I skipped over.  One of these days, I might read it if I ever reread the story.  There are posted sequels to this story, and I might get to them one of these days, but we will have to see how things go. 


Fallen written by: Confusedknight

Summary:  Kicked out of Page training, Kel becomes entangled in a bitter struggle for the suffering people of Scanra.  Four years later she returns to Tortall, a stranger to those who once knew her, a stranger who has not forgotten the promises she made...

Ramble:  This was one the the last work in process story in this category that I was interested in.  It starts out really different, as hinted to in the summary, but it is interesting how the middle of the story lines up really well with the book.  The twists were different but really good.  Not only that, but it is a very captivating story.  Long but captivating. 

Monday, September 23, 2013


Daniel written by: DawnR

Summary: Daniel is Daniel Bennet, the eighteen-year-old brother of Jane, Elizabeth, and Lydia. This story's focus will be on Darcy, Elizabeth, and Daniel. Relationships will be the heart of the story. Families love, families protect one another, and sometimes the responsibility one feels to family can be all consuming. Somewhere along the way, Elizabeth Bennet has lost herself to this notion of duty, as her brother is being groomed to inherit her family estate. When a man from the northern country enters their lives, will Elizabeth even notice his silent observations of her, or has the woman in Elizabeth been overshadowed for so long by the role of devoted sister, that she is now unreachable?  (Meryton Reading Room)

Ramble:  A little different from most other Pride and Prejudice stories.  There is the fact that there is a male heir to the Bennet's property.  Elizabeth's role/character is a little different from most other stories and books.  She is more of a protector in this story.  Things are a little different in this story, but as a whole it makes sense.  While I didn't completely understand Daniel's quirks, I found him to be a very interesting character that reminds me of my own brother in some ways.  While it is not a really quick read, because of the length, it was very easy read and very captivating. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Characteristics of a Misunderstanding

Characteristics of a Misunderstanding written by: DawnR

Summary: There are times when first impressions are unreliable at best. A short story where two people discover that there is more to the other than meets the eye.  (Meryton Reading, need username and password)

Ramble:  A short one shot that doesn't really follow the original story that much.  It actually starts with Jane's marriage.  There are some things that are present from the original story, but for the most part I really like this quick read.  There is a short time jump at the end for the epilogue and the story ends up finishing up really nicely.  The ending is enough to give a finished feel to the story will allowing readers to imagine how things continue for the two of them. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Another quick update

So the good news is that I got a new phone.  The bad news, is that there are still some emails that are stuck on my old phone. While I'll keep trying to post the stories that I read on my phone, there will be quite a few missing (and that is driving me nuts).  So between school and other things, I'll try to find time to read, and keep posting as well as back posting as much as I can.

In a way, this note is more for me than anyone else I guess.  This note probably has something to do with the fact that I came across a summary that sounds really familiar to me, but I can't find any record of reading it. :/

Ivory Keyed Up Edward

Ivory Keyed Up Edward written by: MarLea Pie

Summary: OS - Bella sings her heart out once a month with the help of the handsome mysterious pianist, Edward. Can these two find a connection outside of Newton's Tavern? Can they find it in themselves to take a chance in each other? RATED M.

Ramble:  An interesting and quick read.  There are a few funny moments that I really liked, and can really see someone doing if they could.  Starts out at a bar's open mike night and moves into the high school setting.  Since they were all at a bar, Edward and Bella are obviously over the age of 21 (so school in this case is a setting, they are not students!!!).