Friday, October 21, 2011

Sometimes a Girl Needs Her Daddy

Sometimes a Girl Needs Her Daddy written by: Fetish Fanfic


Outside their home Bella and Edward are both high powered executives. Inside is a whole other story.

TRIGGER WARNING! READ WITH CAUTION!stories/41335/images/SAGNHD_banner.jpg

Banner by the fabulous MisKingAtYourService

Ramble: First off, I would say to read the author's note at the beginning really well (when the author says that there are 'triggers ahead' and 'read with caution', listen and really think about it before reading). I found the story as a whole written really well, but some parts of it was surprising to me, just because this is a little different from other stories like this that I have read. It works really well as a oneshot.

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