Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I Wish I Could Hate You

I Wish I Could Hate You written by: Jral

Summary: When Edward leaves Bella behind with no explanation, she turns to his family and their friends for support. Two years later he returns, only to find that he left behind so much more than just a heartbroken girl. Canon couples AU/AH M for language/lemons

Ramble: It is stretched out a little long for me, but other than that, it is a pretty good story. There is an appearance by Tanya in the middle of the story, and trust me, it is a really fun scene. In the middle of all the drama, there is a cute little kid, Anthony who seems like such a cool little kid (he is not really that fussy in the story).

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Tie written by: The Danish Biscuit

Summary: Once they were the best of friends, but growing up they fell apart. Along the way they started fighting. Will they ever see what is right in front of them and come to a tie. Contains a fair share of swearing and a bit of lemon. AH oneshot

Ramble: Wow, this story is not really what I first expected. It is a high school fic, I mean it has all the drama, and arguments to make it seem like a high school story. Childhood friends are hard to come by, and this story goes to show how things in life changes, and there are times when we wish to go back and change things. The story is really good right now, but part of me wants it to be continued. And yet, at the same time, I want it to stay this way, letting my imagination go wild as to what is in store for the characters in their future.

His Absence Is Everywhere

His Absence Is Everywhere written by: Kismetian

Summary: Bella met Edward in Junior year at Forks High. Seven years later, and they are blissfully happy, married, ready for a family. Edward went for cigarettes and never came home. He now lives in a coven of vampires, the Cullens. Can he ever return to Bella?M

Ramble: The description of the children in this story is sooo cool!!! I haven't read Breaking Dawn, so I don't know how the kid was introduced in the actual story, but the one in this story is just awesome. There are some sad parts in the story, so it is not a super happy story, but the way it is written makes sense.

Unexpected Explanations

Unexpected Explanations written by: SammieLynnsMom submitted to: A Picture Says It All contest

Summary: #40. Bella was forced out of LA when she was 12. Now back nearly a decade later helping her uncle make sense of clerical issues in his office, Bella meets someone who catches her attention. What happens when the reason she left comes back to haunt her?

Ramble: After reading the story, the title fits very well. Family relationships between the characters, well some of them are different from what authors normally use. Picturing a little/young Bella in this story is really fun. It is a little fun, but really gloomy (?) story to me. Well, a little gloomy, but kind of ... I don't know, I'm still trying to figure out what emotion I'm associating with this story. Not necessarily happy or sad, but like a combination of a lot of emotions...

Brown Eyed Girl and Green Eyed Boy

Brown Eyed Girl and Green Eyed Boy written by: Erika-Whitlock

Summary: Bella and Emmett own a bar in New York where Bella is about to meet Emmetts girlfriend, her brother and his girlfriend and his girlfriends brother. Little does she know is that she already know some of them. M for safety.

Ramble: I would like this story more if, there was more to it. While reading it, I really liked what the author put up, but the plot could be developed more, and into a chapter story. There is something about the ending that doesn't really give the conclusion feeling oneshots should end with. It would be really cool if this story is developed more. The resulting story would be really cool, especially if continuing with the plot that has been revealed so far.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Life's Journey

Life's Journey written by: JoeMomma1214


Bella is left with a baby that's not hers. What happens when she meets Edward the Pediatrician? Follow us on Life's Journey.

Rating for language, violence, and citrus...

LJ_Banner2.jpg Life's Journey Banner 3 picture by joemomma1214

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Ramble: I have to admit, that this story doesn't really match up with what I personally think of as NC-17. There are some violent scenes in this story (more like mentions, nothing in a lot of details). A cool story where Bella takes care of her goddaughter as her own. With troubles from a stalker, Bella is even more motivated to move into an apartment on the same floor as Edward.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Breakaway written by: A Cullen Wannabe


Raised by her single father, Isabella Swan grew up in the land of men. Their favorite pastime when she was younger was to spend the night at the local dirt track, feeling the energy of the cars as they fought for position. Was it any wonder that eventually she would end up on the track herself?

Having paid her dues, Isabella (Izzy) Swan has made it to the big leagues, officially racing for a franchise in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series. Can she hold her ground against a track full of men who want to see her fail, especially her teammate Cocky Edward Cullen?

Breakaway Banner

Ramble: This is my all time favorite racing story. I mean, in most of the other ones I've read so far (that I can remember) Bella is just a bystander, or a fan etc. Where as in this one, she shares some of that fame with Edward on the track. The two do not have a relationship that seems 'normal'. By normal, I am referring to how the author presents it in this story. This is a must read-again story for me!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fate's Recipe

Fate's Recipe written by: LyricalKris

Summary: Bella is a young girl trying to make a life for herself in a land of Knights and Kings when she meets a beautiful boy. Can they find a happy life together when his family can destroy them both? AH/AU

Ramble: This is a very interesting human story. With the mention of guilds, and magic, this makes it one of the most interesting stories I've read. But be warned, the ending is really sad. I don't really don't want to give too much away, so this ramble will be really short.

Vuvuzela's Revenge: A oneshot

Vuvuzela's Revenge: A oneshot written by: 1Blue25

Summary: One-shot written for Fandom Gives Back. Bella has a successful career to maintain and Edward is a soccer player who is determined to make her bend the rules for him.

Ramble: A famous Edward, who really likes Doctor Bella. There are problems with the whole doctor wanting a romantic relationship with a patient, the two try to work through the problems. The world cup is kind of involved with the story, as the title hints at. Well, the rest is up to you to figure out, or read!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Into the Wild, A One Shot

Into the Wild, A One Shot written by: LeahTheWeary

Summary: Bella Swan puts up daily with the snarky orders of her boss, Edward A. Cullen. Cullen Marketing has a presentation to run at a luxurious lodge. What happens when these two leave the flourescent lighting and endure each other amongst the evergreens? AH

Ramble: Although this is not my first story where Edward is the boss of Bella, this offers a glimpse of why the relationship seems so strained between the boss and an employee, especially when she seems to be close to other male workers. This story can also explain why some people are able to get away with more than other people. With mentions of Tanya (playing a similar part in most other stories) and Mike, this story is pretty awesome. I think it would be even better if the story is written in Edward's point of view, but then again, that is just my opinion; it really depends on what the author thinks and want to do...

Remember Me

Remember Me written by: CullenGirl09


All human. Just a one shot about our nation's greatest tragedy. Bella and Edward are looking forward to their upcoming wedding and birth of their first child. Edward works at the World Trade Center, and Bella is at the hospital awaiting for him to arrive when the unthinkable happens. What happens to our favorite Twilight couple? Rated M to be safe.

Krazichik made this lovely banner for me, thank you so much!

Mkystich made this banner for me, thank you so much!

Ramble: A very sad story about the fateful day, 9/11/2001. I think this is a very nice story, with a touch of religion to ease the mind a little. For people who do not like sad stories, please do not read. Reading the summary should give people an idea of how and what the story is about.

Enjoy the Silence

Enjoy the Silence written by: CullenGirl09


Bella has been living with her handicap her whole life. Renee couldn't handle her handicap so she took off when Bella was an infant, leaving Charlie to take care of her. She's spent her life attending special schools but will she be able to fit in at Forks High School?

Ramble: This story has a deaf Bella who was born not being able to hear. High school life (I feel) is a little exaggerated in this story (or maybe my high school was not this dramatic...). This was a pretty fast read. Although it is 14 chapters long, it goes by really fast.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Babies on Their Mind

Babies on Their Mind written by: Aussiemum1204


Life in a maternity unit is full of ups and downs!

Bella Swan, an experienced midwife at Forks Hospital meets the new obstetrician, Edward Cullen and the attraction is instant.

As their hands touched, she gasped softly as she felt the shock of electricity that seemed to pass through their skin. Dropping his hand abruptly, her brown eyes wide in surprise, Bella stepped back. Without volition, Bella felt her face flame with another cursed blush. Damn, she was 26 years old. When was she going to stop blushing like a schoolgirl?

Banner by Twimom817 @ TA

Ramble: This is a pretty long story. It is a good thing, as long as you have time to read it of course. Having both Edward and Bella working in the hospital in the beginning is really interesting, especially since both of them seem reluctant to start a relationship with a co-worker. Reading the summary should give a hint of how babies will be making a lot of appearances in this story. There are some ups and downs, and for the really down parts, the author was kind enough to mark it for the readers who would not feel comfortable reading things like that.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction written by: ange de l aube


Summary: Bella is a rising fashion photographer. She isn't as lucky in her love life as she is in her professional one. She's hired by Edward, an American model with great popularity in Europe, to take some pictures for his book. Will he be just what she needs, or just another thorn in her side?

Banner made by me.


Note: This is an O/S that as of now I have no intention to continue.

Ramble: It is a little sad to see that this will stay a oneshot, but at the same time, it is really good as is. Model Edward and Photographer Bella makes a really interesting story. Although the roles have been done by other authors, this is one of the fist where the couple meets with this kind of 'problem'. There is something about this story, that really strikes me as reality, or something that can happen in reality (maybe the assumptions characters make?). Really cool banner too!!

Beautiful, Dirty, Rich

Beautiful, Dirty, Rich written by: Kikiblue


One Bet. One Week. No Rules.

Bella bets Edward that after a week of some raw sexcapades he won’t want to stop. He bets her otherwise.

A slightly tongue in cheek smutathon and my first fan-fic.

Ramble: I have to admit, I don't really remember what happened in the beginning of the story in detail. This is one of the reasons why I read only completed stories most of the time. When I first saw this story, it looked really interesting, so I started reading but right before the last chapter was posted (I was only two chapters away!!) I started getting busy and distracted by life and other stories and left the story alone for a long while. It wasn't until I was hunting for a story just now did I realize that it is finished!! Anyways, a short blurb about the actual story.... it is a very unique version of Forks High. It would be hard to find another version of high school live quite like this one. This story is one of the ones you have to read to really see what makes it so different.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fitting Room Fun

Fitting Room Fun written by: CXC-02

Summary: Bella Swan works in a suit shop for part of the Masen Enterprises Ltd. franchise, but what will happen when the heir to the company, the georgeous, rich and single Edward Cullen comes to get fitted for a suit when only Bella is in the shop? Smut one-shot

Ramble: At first I wondered if there would be an added label for this story. But then again, this works out pretty well too. There are some missing pieces which would work well with more chapters, but at the same time, there are enough details for readers to come up with their own thoughts of what happens.

Wait Till You See My Smile

Wait Till You See My Smile written by: SydneyAlice

Summary: After her son is injured on the playground, newly single Bella Swan is in need of a dentist. Thankfully, Dr. Cullen is close by, and he ends up healing more than just a broken tooth. One-shot. AH. Rated M for the usual reasons.

Ramble: Ok, so Dr. Cullen is really a dentist, so no ER or surgical talk in this story. Seeing a little kid being bribed by his uncle is such a cute scene!!! I don't know how readers imagined the smile they, but after reading the whole story, I had a smile on my own face.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Crush on the Hot Chemistry Overlord

My Crush on the Hot Chemistry Overlord written by: IvoryAdulation

Summary: One Shot-Bella lusts after her Chemistry professor and while they get along, he never shows any interest in her beyond class. One night in the lab changes everything but can they survive anything beyond that? Is there even a them? AH-Rated M for a reason.

Ramble: This is a fun college story. There is the student and teacher falling in love with each other, but at the same time, this is presented in a different way. A totally cool school one shot, really worth at least one reading.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Will Remember You Eventually

I Will Remember You Eventually written by: Katarina Isabella

Summary: Bella and Edward have been madly in love for eight years, when all of a sudden Edward gets into a life-altering car crash. What will Bella do to get Edward to remember her, along with his life for the past nine years? All Human, ExB.

Ramble: Edward goes through memory loss after an accident. It is written in Edward and Bella's points of view. Readers follow the couple from when Edward wakes up in the hospital as he tries to gain his memory. There is a lot going on in the story, but it was really easy to follow.

Don't Ever Forget Me

Don't Ever Forget Me written by: Freezegirl8000

Summary: An accident leaves Bella homeless. What happens when her best friend Alice and her family agree to adopt her? Will Edward harbor the deep feelings he has for Bella, or will he struggle to fight the internal battle? People change. Anything is possible.

Ramble: The way people change through time. Although there are some times when character's motives were sometimes questioned on my part, this is a story that have a few lasting impressions. It serves as a good reminder of people who have to judge which has a higher priority, work or family. Not only that, but plans are made to be broken, and life shows that a lot of times. Readers follow the couple, as they go from acquaintances to lovers (and how distance can put a strain on the relationship).

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Teasing written by: everlastingdaydreams

Summary: Bella uses her ability to stretch her shield to tease Edward during a wedding. A touch of lemony tange. Years after Breaking Dawn.

Ramble: This is really a 'mess with your mind' story. I mean, it is really a story that puts special abilities into use. :D

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Abandoned Girl

Abandoned Girl written by: MissTay

Summary: "When's my mummy coming back?" Bella Swan is left at a run down Orphanage aged 4, and she has always held some hope of her mother returning. Now aged 16, can a new family help Bella forget her mother and move on? Or will the past come back to haunt her?

Ramble: An orphanage story. This one was a little different from the other ones I have read so far. It is well written and everything, but there were a few twists and turns in here that really keeps readers up. Watching the relationships Bella has with the other characters in the story is really interesting. The development of romantic relationship, family, and friends; going from having 'nothing' to having what she has always wanted.

Sonata No 3, in E

Sonata No 3, in E written by: PurdueLiz

Summary: When Bella hears a new sonata a mystery presents itself in the form of the composer. When she seeks him out, what will she find?

Ramble: I have to admit, this is a little different from when I first bookmarked this story. A student who graduated high school when she is 16... there is something about that fact, that draws me in.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Master of the Universe

Master of the Universe written by: Snowqueens Icedragon


Bella Swan is drafted in to interview the reclusive, enigmatic Edward Cullen, multi-millionaire CEO of his company. It's an encounter that will change her life irrevocably, leading her to the darkest realms of desire. Adult themes, AH AU, Bella and Edward.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Banner by Lace

Blinkie by Rose Arcadia

Ramble: This is a nice long story. Have to admit that the ending is pretty different from what I thought it would be, but then again, I will have to wait to see what the author decides to do next. The ending itself is not bad, it is just that I personally wished that there was a little more conclusion, instead of the open ended ending the author chose to go with. But this story is well worth the multiple chapters if you are interested in BDSM. Although I do not really like part of it (just the ending if you haven't gotten the hint yet) it is a really good story. One of the best multiple chapter D/S story I have read so read so far.

Classroom Secrets OneShot

Classroom Secrets OneShot written by: Little Ms. C

Summary: Bella has wanted her teacher Mr Cullen since she was 16,now 8 years later she's fresh out of college and looking for a job- turns out she's taking over from her favorite history teacher. Sparks will fly but the diff now is they can create fire works!

Ramble: At first, I thought there would be a little more to the story, like expanded beyond the first chapter. This is a pretty good story line, but it felt like a snip of a whole story. I can see how the author can expand the whole story if they wish to, but it is alright the way it is now. This way, readers will have to imagine how the story will end in the long run.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Dominant Edward

Dominant Edward written by: Twilightfans

Summary: Bella's family have been Edward's family's slaves for years and Edward claims Bella as his own. r&r please M for language and lemons. NEW VERSION.

Ramble: I really wish this story is a little longer. This story line has a lot of potential, but at the same time, I guess I can see why the author stopped at this point. Expanding the story out would be really interesting, but there is not a lot of other things that can be added to the story without forcing it. Other than that, I really like this story.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Heartbreak Remedy

Heartbreak Remedy written by: dariachenowith

Summary: When he told her that he was into BDSM, she didn't really know what exactly he was talking about. But she knew that she trusted him, and loved him, and was ready to embark onto the journey of her life.

Ramble: I can't believe I forgot about this story for a while!!! Although this was not my first BDSM story, it is up there near my favorites. There are a few threesomes in this story, but in the end, the story really revolves more on Edward and Bella. A definate re-reading story, the continuation of the story is in the works too!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mistress Esme's Declaration

Mistress Esme's Declaration written by: ladyeire3

Summary: Mistress Esme has a special evening planned for her sub, Carlisle to thank him for a weekend of jobs well done. She also finds it is time to declare her true feelings for him. Will he reciprocate or is theirs truly a relationship solely for pleasure?

Ramble: Now, I am starting to branch out on the couples I read about. This is probably one of the first ones that I have read where Esme is the dominant one, and Charlisle the submissive. It is something different in a good way. Part of me wishes that the scene they did was more intensive, or have more toys etc. but other than that, it was a wonderful story.