Sunday, May 16, 2010

Don't Forget To Remember Me

Don't Forget To Remember Me written by: Oliviamk1218


Edward Cullen and Bella Swan were inseparable best friends in college, but when he gets accepted to Harvard Medical School, they are forced to face their deeper feelings and find themselves enthralled in a passion like neither have ever known. The words he whispers each time he leaves her, "Don't Forget To Remember Me," become an tragic foreshadowing when an accident robs Bella of all memory of Edward and their relationship. As her physical injuries heal and she still doesn’t remember, Edward agonizes between his need to have her remember, and his need to protect Bella from the very secret that she is subconsciously choosing to forget. This is their journey back to each other and a story of a love so transcending that even if her mind can't remember…her heart and soul simply won't forget.

Ramble: Wow, it took a while for me to finish this story, but it is really worth it. The plot is not pulled out too long, and has quite a few twists and turns. Starting in college, and moving to when their jobs are more stable. The characters, especially Edward and Bella act accordingly. Both stubborn and head strong, with a little mention/threat from Jacob. A few well placed lemons in the busy love life of everyone. There is a lot of mention of cooking too!! Not only that, but there will be a sequel to this, so I will be keeping my eyes open.

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