Monday, February 28, 2011

What's Best For Us

What's Best For Us written by: AgoodWITCH

Summary: 7 months ago, Edward dumped Bella because he thought he wasn't good enough, closing himself off from everyone. Alice's wedding brings them back together & this time Bella isn't backing down. Is there still a HEA possible for them? Fic A Pic contest entry.

Ramble: There are quite a few stories, that have Edward characterized as the one who takes on too much on himself. He makes decisions, thinking that it is the best for the people around him (good intentions) but in the long run, those decisions backfire. In this story, the family and Bella all want Edward back, but he looks down on himself which causes the people who he pushed away a lot more pain.

Paging Doctor Cullen To One LoveSick Patient

Paging Doctor Cullen To One LoveSick Patient written by: TwistingTwilight

Summary: Bella Swan has always loved her best friend since the day he saved her life, Doctor Edward Cullen. Five years later and she hasn't told him. Until one kiss and one night of passion when their feelings are revealed. ONE SHOT. LEMON.

Ramble: A fun look at how a ball can pull people together. The whole keeping feelings from the other person, thinking that there is no way the other person feels the same. I really enjoyed the last comment the author made, about how it relates to real life; it is always fun to read stories like that.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Out of Her League

Out of Her League written by: Victoria Sara Cullen

Summary: English waitress Bella Swan has been in love with Hollywood heartthrob Edward Cullen for years. Edward has been whoring his way around LA for just as long. What happens when a chance encounter with a long lost friend put Bella directly in his path - AH

Ramble: Bella and Alice are childhood friends. When Alice's parents died, she moved to America to live with her aunt and uncle. The two run into each other in London, and a between friends, family, and some coincidences, a relationship is formed between Bella and her Hollywood crush. We follow as their relationship blossoms in Hollywood and watch as the family begins to grow.


Unexpected written by: booty492


Bella is a Doctor. Edward is a Police Officer. Charlie tries to play matchmaker between the two, but Bella is tired of Charlie always setting her up with his idiot co-workers. Bella is putting her foot down and not giving in to her dad. Esme though...

Ramble: Fun matchmaking parents try to get their kids together, without really knowing what the other set is doing. The couple moves really quickly, and there is a small time jump by the end of the story. As the title states, the unxpected happen in this story.


SexEdwritten by: mcgt


What happens when the host of the popular nightly talk show SexEd finds his relationship in a rut? Will they be able to spice things up before all is lost?

Second place winner in the Eat Your Heart Out Contest!

2nd place

Ramble: The incorporation of food in this story is really good. A little bit of information when the TV show was being recorded, and it is really the end that is really lemony. Simple, in the way that a couple is having problems, and by the end of the story, everything gets sorted out. Now, let me go see if I can find a few other stories from this contest.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Love in My Box

Love in My Box written by: cosmoandmarvar

Summary: Bella's an intellectual free spirit and Edward is a reserved, slightly geeky med student. They have a brief, but intense encounter on Sp Brk in Miami. Can they find true love through emails? There will be lemons and laughs. Look who's writing this!

Ramble: Lots of coincidences and luck in this story. The summary is really accurate, with the description of Edward. A lot of information is shared in the story, about other characters. While Edward does eventually become a doctor, and have to go through rotations, there is little to no focus on that aspect of the story. Pretty long story, and reading some of the e-mails in the story was fun too. Most of the first part of the story is told through e-mails between Bela and Edward.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Calving written by: vbfb1


Volturi Dairy by fetish-fanfic fan piece. What happens the first time Bella gives birth.


Ramble: After following a few pages, I got to this, and decided to give the story that inspired this a try. Both stories are about people who live in a certain lifestyle that suits them. While the way they meet rather unique, I feel that their relationship benefits from that, because of the trust they need in order for that particular lifestyle to work.

Twenty Tickets

Twenty Tickets written by: JK5959

Summary: Edward is a geek and madly in love with Bella. To his dismay, they only interact in Biology class. During the school carnival, a none-too-pleased Edward is forced to participate in a kissing booth. How will his night end? AH B/E One-shot

Ramble: With hidden feeling for each other, it takes a kissing booth to get the couple together by the end. That and it is a really short and sweet story.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Giving It A Shot

Giving It A Shot written by: xoxPureFireworksxox

Summary: Bella is in Las Vegas and not enjoying her little sister, Alice's, bachelorette party. She meets a mysterious man at the bar. They thought their night together was over, but everything is not always planned. BxE O/S

Ramble: A fun one-shot that starts out in Vagas. A drunken night later, people are traveling across the country to meet up again. Going through a dark time in the world around them, the finally realize their true feelings.

In Your Eyes

In Your Eyes written by: 107yearoldvirgin

Summary: VDay One Shot: Bella Swan and Edward Cullen are starring in the remake of Say Anything. Their attraction is obvious. Where will their chemistry come from during the pivotal backseat sex scene? AH-ExB- Rated M because that's what one shots are for.

Ramble: A fun story about the behind the scenes when making a movie. Interesting to see how a project can pull people together. There are other stories where an actor and actress are really having sex while pretending for the camera, but I really like how this one offers some more background for the characters.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Are the Odds?

What Are the Odds? written by: Missus T

Summary: Best selling author Edward Cullen gets roped into being on The Bachelor. He feels a connection with a reluctant bachelorette on the first night, but what are the odds it will sustain itself until the final rose ceremony? Pick a Pic Entry

Ramble: A story about the bachelor, secret celebrity edition. For the length of the story, it does not have as many twists and turns as some other similar stories have. It seems like a simpler version of the story, while covering the main plot.


Parachute written by: KitsuShel

Summary: After finding an abandoned child on the streets of Seattle, Bella Swan raises him for five years as her own. What happens to their life when his biological family is found? AU/AH

Ramble: This story has a lot of coincidences, and luck for everyone. A 19 year old Bella finds a young child on the street and she takes care of him while looking for his family. Over time she finally gets a pretty strong clue, and decides to reunite the child with his family, even though she does not know what the results will be. We follow as the true story come out, and relationships start to develop. A really good long story, that does not have a lot of lemons, and outtakes being posted.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Billionaire written by: BoydBlog


It was just a bit of fun, a chance for an all-expenses paid vacation, and a favor for her bestie. Never in a billion years could Bella have imagined just how much meeting Edward Cullen would invert her world.

Thanks to Belindella for the beautiful banner.

Ramble: I really like how this story worked out, but still wishes that the story was longer... What starts out as a favor becomes real, and identities are revealed. While we do not know what was exactly said in some parts, the imagination is very powerful, and everyone can probably come up with different lines.

12 Days (One-shot)

12 Days (One-shot) written by: naelany


12 days

Jasper's out of town on work. On the anniversary of their meeting, he arranges for Edward to get a gift - a digital frame, which'll give a clue for Edward to puzzle out in the 12 days before Christmas. What will his reward be in the end? Xmas gift for SC

Ramble: Follow the hints and clues to discover the Christmas present. We watch as Edward tries to figure out what his gift is from his partner. It is a sweet story that has love from a significant other, and close family ties.

Friday, February 18, 2011

His Personal Assistant

His Personal Assistant written by: NorthernLights17

Summary: Bella Swan, personal assistant to handsome, rich, successful Edward Cullen, decides to take her friends advice and make her oblivious boss fall in love with her. AU/AH.

Ramble: A student Bella who gets to work in CIC at first as the third assistant, and eventually working up to the position of first assistant. By then, she falls in love with her boss, and needs help getting his attention. The couple goes through some twists and turns before they get into a relationship. Family in general puts a lot of pressure on various relationships. Edward in this story has his own view on things, and often makes things a lot worse than they should be.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blast from the Past

Blast from the Past written by: Shaz-xoxo

Summary: Edward Cullen is a superstar and is atteneding Forks high for his senior year because his father is forcing him. What happens when he meets Bella Swan?

Ramble: There is a lot of drama before and during the story. A lot off high school drama, getting together, and breakups. While the story itself is pretty good, but the ending of this story is more of a set up for the sequel. Unfortunately the sequel has not been published yet.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Exactly Where We Belong

Exactly Where We Belong written by: Shaz-xoxo

Summary: 6 years after their relationship ends; they meet again at a party. But neither knows who the other really is.

Ramble: While it is not really a misunderstanding, this could kind of fit into that category. High school lovers who are secretly engaged, but experiences happen, and the relationship falls apart. Years later, both parties are trying to face the reality differently. It just so happens, that they reunite during a masquerade party, and do not realize who the other party is until later.


S&M written by: StarkidPotterFan

Summary: What was supposed to be a romantic dinner, turns into a wild night. Bella must be taught a lesson...Dominant Edward and Submissive Bella story. Smut with emotion.

Ramble: Starts out with a short punishment scene before readers find out why the punishment is occurring. This is more like a snapshot of the relationship, it gives some basic information, and very little drama.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Crouching Sissy, Hidden Crusher

Crouching Sissy, Hidden Crusher written by: prassacut

Summary: Domme Bella is back and has a Sissy kneeling in her dungeon, who happens to also be her boyfriend. HA,OOC,BDSM Birthday present for my friend Dariachenowith.

Ramble: After reading the other story, and paying attention to some of the descriptions given of the characters, it is easy to see who the sub in this is. This is similar to the other story, and focuses a lot on the pain the BDSM world can offer to some people.

Crouching Painslut, Hidden Strapon

Crouching Painslut, Hidden Strapon written by: prassacut

Summary: Entry for the Dommella's dungeon anonymous contest.Voted second best entry by Judges. A last scene with a sub, a painslut kneeling in her dungeon. Bella is ready for one of her favorite game. AH, OOC, BDSM

Ramble: A serious BDSM, detailed scene. Bella is the Domme, and working with two subs. The scene itself was done in a lot of detail. With all that detail, it is really easy to get caught in its web. The title itself gives a big hint that there will be pain.

Friday, February 11, 2011

To the Moon and Back

To The Moon and Back written by: MandyLeigh87 for: LoveIsInTheAirContest

Summary: When I took a job as a tour guide at the Kennedy Space Center I didn't expect to meet him. Astronaut Edward Cullen aka the "youngest and best looking one in NASA"...his words, not mine. Houston we have a problem.

Ramble: NASA... never though that it would be the setting of a story like this one. Things move kind of fast, and the lemon rushed a little, but when reading it, this is a good story.

Come Fly With Me

Come Fly With Me written by: Jenny0719 For: LoveIsInTheAirContest

Summary: Despite her fear of heights, Bella books a flight to Chicago to complete a book deal with a demanding author. Bella learns that the man sitting next to her on the plane isn't who she thought he was at all.

Ramble: It is a really small world in this story. And the funniest thing is that the world is really small in reality. While nothing like the meetings in the story happened in real life, but darn close to it. The fanfiction touch was a really nice detail to add.

Intimate Strangers

Intimate Strangers written by: LoveIsInTheAirContest

Summary: Bella and Edward. A delayed flight. A free hotel room. Rated M for lemons. AH.

Ramble: At first, I was wondering what was happening, and how things seemed to be moving so fast. By the end of the story, everything gets cleared up, and makes more sense.

XRayted Searches

XRayted Searches written by: LoveIsInTheAirContest

Summary: Summary: Comedy with a slice of awkward lemon. We've got our Bella who is a little neurotic. Suffers from anxiety, may or may not be paranoid, a possible hypochondriac, traveling home for the holidays. Enter, sexy TSA Edward doing his job in security.

Ramble: More lime than lemon for this one. Have to admit though, the situation it happens in is quite funny.


Cufflinks written by: lizzylillyrose

Summary: 2nd place voters choice in Twisted Twilight Tales competition: What happens when the boss of 'Swan's Domestic Services' organises an extravagant ball for her birthday? Will Edward win the heart of the woman he fantasises about? Rated M

Ramble: It is based on a twisted version of Cinderella with the characters from Twilight. The summary gives a lot of hints as to how the story will turn out.


Cracked written by: antiaol

Summary: Edward is ever the romantic & loving husband who worships his wife's body with each touch. Bella, however, is hoping for a little kink. Can she crack his facade and get him to unleash his dominating side? One-shot for D/s b-day contest. AU/AH *LEMON*

Ramble: After mentioning about wanting some kink in their lives, Bella is given what she wanted... when she least expects. The scene itself is not a really elaborate one, but enough for a 'beginner' dom in this case.

All Over Me

All Over Me written by: Mrs.Robward

Summary: "I want you... all over me." There's skinny dipping, dancing, finger fun, and car sex. A lemonicious Edward and Bella o/s wrote for and published on Southern Fanfiction Review Blog for Tantalizing Tuesday. Rated Mmmm -like seriously, AH

Ramble: A really fast paced lemon that starts out while clubbing. Bella and Alice are friends, that that is how Bella meets Edward who is Alice's brother. Schooling wise, I think E and B are one year apart. This is a quick pick-me-up lemon for any one who needs it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Charmer written by: TeamBella23

Summary: "You're like a towel straight out of the dryer," Edward whispers into my ear. We're waiting in the short line that leads to the keg. "You're the chocolate to my milk and the whip to my cream." : Originally written for Twilighted's smut Monday.

Ramble: Looking and doing research on which college you should attend? Checking out the frat party, and the people who go there can really change your mind... if you are still debating.

Mistress Isabella

Mistress Isabella written by: Somebody's Bella

Summary: Mistress Isabella shows her submissive some love. E/B, AH. Rated M for a reason.

Ramble: Sweet and really short story. It has a very well described scene, and good transitions before and after the scene. As a whole, the story ends at a really good spot. I wonder what other stories will come out from this.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Virtual Intimacy

Virtual Intimacy written by: theladyingrey42

Summary: Bella is too shy to approach the pierced, tatted boy at the back of the lecture hall. But when she begins chatting with a classmate with an unusual screen-name, she lets a bolder side of her personality through. Lemon-shot Christmas present for antiaol.

Ramble: Interesting to see how teachers are modifying the curriculum to include the use of technology. While I might not really take part in a communication class, the internet does give people the feeling to freely express themselves the way they want. This is probably what professors do not want people to be doing in class, kinda. Personally, having classes in lecture halls are a pain, unless you some how manage to get a good seat, and keep it.

The iMac Fiasco

The iMac Fiasco written by: hunterhunting

Summary: My contribution to Nina's Happy Birthday compilation. New librarian, Bella Swan, is caught with inappropriate websites open on her personal computer by the school principal, Edward Cullen.

Ramble: It is really similar to how it seems to be in the summary. This is a story that I know I have read before, and did not really forget. Only one complaint about this story is that, this is it. Part of me wants to know what comes after this really awesome oneshot.


Poughkeepsie written by: Mrs.TheKing

Summary: AU. Bella is at the train station when a homeless man gets attacked. Even if the other train passengers can turn their backs on 'Crazy', the man that pretends to play piano on cardboard, Bella can't.

Ramble: A really short oneshot. It has a rather simple plot, and a really good set-up for readers to imagine what will happen beyond the story.

*Edit* In the second chapter that is posted, we find out that Edward has some family members who have a roof over his head. That, and he found a cute little puppy, but needs help taking care of it. Since there is another chapter, I guess this can no longer be labeled as a one-shot.

Something New

Something New written by: mskathy

Summary: Bella surprises Jasper, after a business trip, with a little something new in the bedroom. A submission for the Twi-Girl Revolution Under Her Thumb Challenge.

Ramble: A little different from the couple normally here, but this is a really interesting story. While it is not something that most people would do some times, it is really fitting in this context. Looking at a couple who are starting to explore the world of BDSM. This is another BDSM story with Jasper in in, that I cannot wait to see if the author will do anything else to.

Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned written by: DefinatelyStaying

Summary: Edward suffers Jasper's wrath for sexting him at work, nearly causing him to be fired. ExJ – some BDSM elements. Written for @boywholikesboys.

Ramble: Not really what I first expected. It mixes a little bit of office relationships (like boss and worker, but no romantic relationship in the office). Thinking about it, this is pretty much the only boy/boy couple I read. Found this while looking at other profiles, links, etc. This would be an interesting story to see continued. I am totally going to be following this author for a while.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Colours of Cullen

Colours of Cullen written by: Fashionista27

Summary: When Bella is offered an internship at one of the best design houses there is, she doesn't hesitate to take the offer. But the world of fashion is demanding and the many colours of her boss, Edward Cullen, only make it more difficult. UPDATES DAILY.

Ramble: British Edward who is the head of a designing company. The ideas and details that are in the story are really good. But there were a few times where the story seemed a little choppy, perhaps because of the sudden different time jump that took place...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In a World of Chaos

In a World of Chaos written by: TheVampirnator

Summary: Edward Cullen, an Italian mob boss from Chicago. Isabella Swan, an FBI agent from California. One night stand turned into something more. One-shot, rated M, Lemons. Enjoy.

Ramble: A good example why one night stands are not the best things to have, especially after drinking with a stranger at a bar. The concept of lovers being on opposite sides of the law caught my eye. For stories with that kind of relationship, there are a few good ones under the Beka Cooper Series, and there is a set that is really good.... It can be found under Adagio To A Wolf on fanfiction, and is a collaboration with another author. That story is really good, I have already reread the story quite a few times already (so I really should add the story here...).


Undercover written by: AnnaVamp

Summary: Isabella Swan & Emmett McCarthy are two deadly agents. They go undercover in Forks HighSchool to prove that a teacher is a pedophile that assaulted many students. What will happen in that school? Who will they meet? Cullen family. They are teachers. / AH

Ramble: A really good CIA story. There are lots of different types of relationships, and a lot of trust in each one. Everything is done for the reason, of getting scum away from the public. Most of the story takes place while Bella and Emmett are undercover, and through this assignment, is when they meet everyone else. Not much else to say about the story, other than to go read and enjoy the story.