Tuesday, December 28, 2010

If It's You, I'm Willing To Do Anything

If It's You, I'm Willing To Do Anything written by: Dare2Dream97

Summary: How should Bella react when Edward, her childhood friend, confessed his love to her? BxE One-shot. Full Summary inside. Please read, it won't take you very long.

Ramble: A sweet school love story.

Falling Into You

Falling Into You written by: karry4harry

Summary: "Well, I have to get my big speech sorted and plus, you'll never know what interesting person you'll bump into while pacing and rehearsing a speech…" I trailed off when a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around me. "Hmmm...My thoughts exactly."

Ramble:A fun AH story. Kinda which that more details were given for the plot. Interesting, how the story begins and ends with similar words.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Look Who's Realizing Now

Look Who's Realizing Now written by: ajr818

Summary: Edward gets stuck in Denver while on a business trip and Bella is back in Chicago giving birth to their first child. Not a good situation. My entry for the Fandom for Preemies compilation.

Ramble: A story about realizing what really is important in life. That, and how well people can act sometimes, especially when they believe they are doing the right ting. It would be interesting to see what comes after this story; if the changes mentioned really changes the old habits.


Sugar written by: antiaol

Summary: "I need your cock," I blurt, my eyes still connected with his, well, cock. I hear a strangled cough from Hottie Neighbor Guy before I realize what I've just said. "Sugar," I correct & hold out my measuring cup. "I clearly meant sugar." Rated M. Obviously

Ramble: This story moves really fast. It deserves the M rating, and has a few instances, that embarrasses Bella, but is really funny!

Can I Keep You?

Can I Keep You? written by: insomniac4liFe96

Summary: "See I told you that I was a good dancer. Can I keep you?" gasp "Edward!" "Hello Isabella." My first fanfic enjoy rated M but should really be rated T

Ramble: I agree with the summary, the rating for this story should be lowered, that or something can be added to the story. This is a really short story, and has a really sweet plot, but I wish more happened...


Memories written by: vbfb1

Summary: Bella and Edward have been together for 10 years, as they look to the future, they look back at just how they got to where they are. 12 Days of Christmas Writing Challenge Entry

Ramble: An quick look at Edward and Bella's relationship. This is a really sweet holiday story, that is a really good re-read story.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Six written by: Share Your Inspiration

Summary: Six years, six weeks, six perfect words. A summer wedding provides the perfect opportunity for everything to finally fall into place for Edward and Bella. Source of Inspiration: rowboat photo

Ramble: There are a lot of 6's in this story. Personally, I found it a little shorter than I thought it would be. It covers the interactions between Edward and Bella really well. Shows how powerful moving and a wedding can be.

Misguided Arrangement

Misguided Arrangement written by: SammieLynnsMom

Summary: Isabella Swan has never measured up to her families expectations. An arranged marriage to Edward Cullen provides a lucrative business arrangement between families, but will the secret Edward keeps destroy them all? O/S Written for Fandom3Premies Rated M

Ramble: This story has an element of surprise. I guess the part, where Bella had to go take classes to become more ladylike gave the story an older feel to it...

Monday, December 20, 2010

English Class

English Class written by: SexPixxi

Summary: English class. Edward as Bella's teacher. You get the idea. Read it and review. It's sexy. One shot. AH. Characters are Stephanie Meyers.

Ramble: First time teacher Edward, who has a soft spot for his best student Bella. Jacob makes an appearance as the annoying friend of Bella who tries to protect her, much to her frustration. A high school story that pretty much ends after graduation.

Meant To Be

Meant To Be written by: JacobBlackismysecretlover

Summary: Bella and Edward are in a relationship that Edward can't seem to commit to. Bella wants more, can she convince him that love is the best feeling in the world, or will he grow tired of her wanting more? Are they doomed, or are they meant to be? AH. RATED M

Ramble: Have to admit that this story is a little shorter than I expected it to be. A really quick, slightly lemony story!

Unthinkable Oneshot

Unthinkable Oneshot written by: TwilightObsessed11

Summary: Bella Swan 22 years old and a virgin. Tired of the teasing of her best friends, she decides it is time to let it go. As her and her friends plan to go to the club Friday night, Bella is womanized by someone she least expects it. Language&Lemons!

Ramble: A really fun story, that partly does not really make sense to me, but I still really like it. The thing I do not really get, is why the name stood out (look at the label)... Other than that, the story is well written.

Leave From The Army

Leave From The Army written by: HPTL

Summary: Edward is on leave from the army. Bella is nervously waiting for her husband, finally getting to see him after a long time. But when Edward gets home, he has a surprise for Bella. Oneshot. Cannon.

Ramble: I only have one question about this story; what was Ruth doing at the airport? It is probably just because the plot is focused more on Edward and Bella and Ruth was mainly there to comfort Bella so that she would not go crazy while waiting. There are a few flashbacks to some of the more important parts of the relationship.

The Naughty List

The Naughty List written by: SnowWhiteHeart

Summary: Bella only wants one thing under her tree this year- take a wild guess what it is. Canon but AU timeline E never left . Holiday lemony goodness- only up for a week, so enjoy!

Ramble: Although this story will not be up for too long, since I read it, here it is. A quick story about a girl trying to get off the naughty list, so that she gets her present...

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Underworld written by: for: EvilTwinsCopyrighted

Summary: Entry for 'Two for the Price of One contest' - Their boss set their teeth on edge. Their boss loved to make their work days miserable. Their boss, they found, liked to be tied up and dominated. What would you do? J/E/B

Ramble: I actually found this as a contest entry. Although personally, I do not read that many stories that have more than two people in a relationship, this one is pretty good. Slowly, I am starting to read different types of story, and logging it here, so here is a new category, again. There is a little business/job related details in the story, but not a lot, and what is given in that sense is more for context.

And so the Lion Fell in Love with the Fluffer

And so the Lion Fell in Love with the Fluffer written by: danieller123

Summary: Edward is a pornstar. Bella is a fluffer. One shot. Slightly crack, slightly hot, mostly fun. M for immature words and dirty body parts. Handcuff me for being a dirty bird.

Ramble: I will probably have to read the story again to see who Mike recommended Bella to, but other than that, it is a really good quick read that was easy to understand.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas written by: SarahCullen17

Summary: One-shot. Edward, a lonely soldier in Iraq, can't make it home for Christmas. But a naughty picture of his wife Bella and some alone time are enough for him to have a happy holiday of his own. Rated M for lemons. A Christmas gift to you from me!

Ramble: By the end of this story, I was expecting Bella to randomly appear in the middle of Iraq. The summary for the story describes the story really well.

Garage Play

Garage Play written by: LexyW

Summary: My one-shot contribution to the Haiti compilation that was done awhile ago. Rated MA. Edward needing work on his car finds a garage and a nice surprise when he shows up.

Ramble: The title hints at some kind of play in the story, so that is always a good sign. This one has a very interestingly named garage. At first the characters seemed a little out of character, but all gets cleared up by the end of the story...

Monday, December 13, 2010

My Santa Baby

My Santa Baby written by: ScorpionsAngel2009

Summary: Edward has a bad day at work. See what Bella does to help him get rid of his tension. Longer summary inside. Merry Christmas!

Ramble: Vampire doctors. It ties in really well with Christmas, and shows a glimpse of what vampires do to relax after a mentally draining day.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Wrapping

Christmas Wrapping written by: Ironic Twist

Summary: Bella and Edward have been like "two ships passing in the night" all year. What happens when you add a sprinkling of Christmas magic? This one-shot was first posted on the Southern Fanfiction Review's 2010 25 Days of Edward-mas. Rated: M. Complete.

Ramble: I really like how this song is incorporated with the story. This story is done in Edward and Bella's perspective, and includes situations that are really possible.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Broken written by: IAmAutumnDawn

Summary: Can Bella's education as an RN prepare her for the struggle she will face caring for a wounded, traumatized vet? Or, better yet, will the war prepare Edward for the internal struggle he will battle with his pretty new nurse?

Ramble: A story that really highlights how difficult people can be sometimes. Edward has some problems in this story, that he and Bella have to try to meet in the middle for what they want. The story itself is a longer one shot and seems to speed up a lot towards the end the ending is really funny and quick. I do wish that this story is a little longer, perhaps covering some of the later days in Edward and Bella's lives and relationship down the line, but that is something totally different.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


HOT FOR A TEACHER written by: mme.cullen

Summary: Isabella Swan is Beverly Hills High School's It-Girl. She spends one amazing night with a gorgeous stranger. On the first day of school, she is caught off guard as she meets the new Music teacher, Mr. Cullen.

Ramble: The summary is pretty accurate for this story. It does kind of leave the end of the story up in the air, but the author is working on a sequel to the story, so it makes it a little better.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Mine written by: The TwilightTwin

Summary: A one shot about Bella who is looking through photos and is having flashbacks about the time they were taken. Based off the song Mine by Taylor Swift. Summary sounds bad but its a good one shot. Rated M for language. No lemons.

Ramble: A nice trip down memory lane through pictures. Getting lost in doing something, not knowing how much time really passes. Not only that, but the author reminds readers not to look for lemons right from the beginning.

Can't Get Enough Of You

Can't Get Enough Of You written by: Blue Loves

Summary: Bella has to stay behind after class about a test with Mr. Cullen. Lemons.

Ramble: For this story, I have a similar problem of it being too short. I like the plot and the details that are given in the story, but wish that there is more. Perhaps expanding it into a longer story since there seems to be so much potential for that...

If Only in My Dreams

If Only in My Dreams written by: ooza

Summary: What happens when you mix Christmas, Edward, & penetration? One-shot written for Southern Fan Fiction Review. Bella/Edward, AH, Rated M for lemons!

Ramble: They meet in school, and later in the office, and yet nothing happens until she realizes he is quitting. In an attempt to try out a relationship, she visits Santa, hoping to get help from him. Later, both parties realize that things could have been different, a long time ago if they acted on their feelings in the beginning.

Ho, Ho Ohh!

Ho, Ho Ohh!written by: lizzylillyrose

Summary: Christmas comes early for Bella as she visits a toy department and has her own visit to Santa. Every woman's fantasy comes true as Santa gives her his own private present. Christmassy fluff! Rated M

Ramble: One thing about this story... it is really short!! A little to short for me. Other than that, it is a really good story.

Jingle Bella All the Way OS

Jingle Bella All the Way OS written by: Kagome Hanyou

Summary: After 4 years of dating and 4 years of dodging around the main issues of their relationship, Bella snaps. Is this a good or bad thing for Edward? Starts out nice but don't be fooled. Edward's PoV, AU, AH Naughty entry for the 'Naught Nice Holiday Contest'

Ramble: Edward and Bella have been in a boyfriend girlfriend relationship for a while. Read on to see what becomes of the relationship.


Overdue written by: Duchess Michelle

Summary: Bella Swan is the new librarian at Forks High. It's the last day of school before the Christmas holiday and most students have turned in their books, except for Mr. Popular Edward Cullen. What happens when Bella calls him into her office?

Ramble: Popular Edward has it all, the family, money, team captain, and good grades. Yet, he has books that have been checked out for over 6 months. What is his punishment, and why were those books checked out for so long? Read to find out.

Oh Horny Night, A Christmas Tale

Oh Horny Night, A Christmas Tale written by: ExquisiteEdward

Summary: Bella goes on a ski trip with her best friend Rose. Bella and Edward despise each other. What happens when they end up in a hot tub together? Rated M for language and lemons. A naughty entry for the Twi-Muses Holiday Contest.

Ramble: Towards the end of the story, Bella thinks of something that I really like. Not wanting to tell too much, she pretty much comments on how much can change over a week. There is the whole they despise each other, but do they really, or is it all an act?

Snow, Light and Angels' Flight

Snow, Light and Angels' Flight written by: Vampire Extraordinaire

Summary: Bella Swan went to the Chicago Symphony with the state's Golden Boy on Christmas Eve. She left him to find Edward Cullen, the famous composer, her secret infatuation, as if he were waiting for her. 'Nice' Entry for Naughty or Nice Holdiay Contest.

Ramble: The state's golden boy in this case is Mike. By the end of the story, it is clear why Edward was described to be in such a bad mood at the beginning of the story. While it is tied in with the whole Christmas theme, I think the rating for the story can be lowered...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Wimbledon Affair

A Wimbledon Affair written by: sue4442

Summary: Edward Cullen is coming to the end of his pro tennis career and is playing at Wimbledon, Bella Swan is currently the number 1 in the womans divison with quite a few years to go, their paths cross and romance blossoms...

Ramble: The summary for this story really sums up the story really good. There are a lot of twists and turns in this story, and is long enough to let the plot develop enough. Jasper is Edward's manager and brother, so there are some instances where he acts more of a manager than the brother Edward needs at the time.

Forever and Ever

Forever and Ever written by: theladyingrey42

Summary: Edward has been Bella's best friend since kindergarten, and so far he's made good on his promise to always do everything with her. But now that they're older, she finds herself wanting more. Can "forever" as just friends be enough? For The Cherry Exchange

Ramble: A story about childhood friends, how things change through the different years. While there are a few miss communications between the two friends, readers follow them as they work out the problems that arise. Two people growing up as best friends, knowing each other better than themselves; that is what this is all about.

Homeward Bound

Homeward Bound written by: frantic-daydreamer

Summary: An invitation to perform with FHS marching band has Bella recounting her memories of Edward Cullen. Is it true what they say: you can't go home again? Winner in the "I'm With the Band" O/S contest

Ramble: An interesting way to look back on the past. Flashbacks in this story are well placed and well used. Starting out with the invitation, that leads to a quick trip to all the 'important parts' of her life so far.