Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Punishment written by: daydreamer22688

Summary: Isabella learns to never cross her Master. Heavy D/s. One Shot. Rated M for sexual content.

Ramble: Part of me wishes that there was a little more background to the story... but that is just me being greedy, wanting to find more and longer stories. Perhaps it is time for me to add the story that started this for me... Anyways, back on track, there are many parts to this story, and it is not just punishment. The story does start out with caning, so be warned!

Becoming Isabella Cullen

Becoming Isabella Cullen written by: Unico'Angel

Summary: Edward is struggling to look after his little brother and his family's company after the murder of his parent's. Bella is struggling to pay her bills after dropping out of university and moving to London. What happens when Bella becomes Edward's nanny?

Ramble: This story has a very cute five-year-old Jasper and Alice. Although this is not the first business person in need of a nanny, it is one of the first where the nanny is for his younger brother. It is fun to read about how a young Jasper comes to accept a stranger, and unknowingly acts as a test for his brother's wife.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Silence Speaks the Loudest

Silence Speaks the Loudest written by: Rosette-Cullen

Summary: A shy, quiet boy seeks out the solace that only his best friend can give. His hardships give light to insecurities. Entry for the Exploration of the Senses contest.

Ramble: I have to admit that this is a lower rating than usual, but this is a really sweet story. The hardship pulls the friendship even closer than other friendships. A sweet story to get the mind off of reality for a while.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Exposure written by: EclipsedofSoul

Summary: The vampire court is a dangerous place for a human girl, but especially when she appeals to a certain one of them... SMC contest entry for 'Underworld'.

Ramble: A super short story where people of higher means/power takes what they want. Well, with in reason. It is not a cold blooded taking, more like taking collateral on a debt... It goes on to tell when the family is really interested in the said collateral. At least that is what really stays in my mind after reading it...

It's our Anniversary

It's our Anniversary written by: Skeezon

Summary: After 30 years of marriage, Edward finds a way to help Bella remember their beginnings...

Ramble: This one is like a very quick trip down memory lane for a vampire. It took me a while to realize that Edward and Bella are vampires in this story...

Simple Math

Simple Math written by: Skeezon

Summary: Baker Goddess Bella counts the simple connections she has with the dirty, hot construction worker next door to her bakery. Will her simple math have a positive outcome or is she destined for unfulfilled fantasies? My entry into the MEN AT WORK CONTEST.

Ramble: A cool oneshot with a baker Bella and construction worker Edward. the ending is really good, with slight restriction of the limbs in a newer fashion.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Move with the Times

Move with the Times written by: The Irish Cullen

Summary: What if Edward met Bella when he was human but still got changed? And then she got sick? Did he really have a rebellious stage? And how will the Cullen's react to this information. Rated M because where there's Irish there is lemons

Ramble: A story that takes place in the 'current' time, with snippets from the past. There is a little twist, where Edward and Bella met when they were human, but other than that not too many other changes. I have to admit, the fact that Bella works in a bar is really interesting, it reminds me of another story I've read before. *Note to self, add the story here when I get a chance*

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Misapprehension of Bella Swan Regarding the Inferior Intellect of Hockey Whores

The Misapprehension of Bella Swan Regarding the Inferior Intellect of Hockey Whores written by: hunterhunting

Summary: Edward Cullen is an anomaly as far as Bella Swan is concerned, defying all her preconceived notions about the whorishness of hockey players. Through incessant stalking and persistence, can Edward wears down Bella's resistence and teaches her to embrace her inner hockey hooker? A ridiculous love story.

Ramble: I have to admit, I feel like I cheated by waiting until the story was almost done before reading it. While reading stories while authors post, I always have to start from the beginning a lot of times, because my memory sucks. Anyways, about this story, a story that gets into hockey, but not too much. This story has a lot of funny and sad parts, but it is well balanced. I have to admit, that the last chapter is the funniest to me. So go off and read it, it is an awesome story!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Royal Pain

A Royal Pain written by: CullenGirl09


Carlisle Cullen is the King of England and has arranged the marriages for both his children: Emmett to Lady Rosalie, Alice to Lord Jasper, but now it's Edward's turn. Edward is torn. He's not in love with his fiancee, Tanya, but he knows the consequences of defying his father. When he meets and falls in love with Isabella Swan, a commoner, he decides to go against his father and refuse to marry Tanya, but will it break his family apart?

Ramble: At first when I saw that the story is 21 chapters long, I was kind of worried that it would take a long time for me to finish it because of all that is going on. But it turned out to be really easy to read, and feels quite short while reading it. At the end when Edward and Bella talk about movies and how similar their experience is like the said movie, I couldn't help but agree with what they said.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Rain Season

The Rain Season written by: elusivetwilight

Summary: After trauma of losing her parents, Bella receives a letter from old family friend Esme inviting her to come to Scotland where she and her family are currently settled. Angsty read with AH cast and perhaps Edward in a kilt.

Ramble: Scotland sounds like such an interesting place to live in if you don't mind the rain. The descriptions used in this story is really good. While reading the story, it felt like I was able to see some of the things described in the story. In this story, there are a lot of ups and downs in the characters' lives, but that is what makes the story interesting and seem more real, so I can't really complain about that.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Model Behavior

Model Behavior written by: elusivetwilight

Summary: Edward Fucking Cullen is the aloof model of perfection whose body of work is the living fantasy of women across the world. Bella is PA to her BFF who meets Edward Fucking Cullen at an industry mixer one night. Rated M for model lemons & dirty words.

Ramble: A short story where Jacob is a gay model who is friends with Bella, who becomes his PA. It pretty much tells of how Jacob gets Bella to go to a party where she re-meets Edward and the rest is history.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Love Song

Love Song written by: elusivetwilight

Summary: She was his, and when he left, he took more than himself away from her. She never moved on, and lived a quiet anonymity; until one afternoon she turned on the radio, and heard her very own love song. FGB auction win. AHAU E&B

Ramble: The whole reconnecting through a love song when one's other half is a famous musician. It is a short and sweet/cool story to read. A good story to read when readers need a break from longer stories.

Swimming With Swan

Swimming With Swan written by: FL95

Summary: 2nd Place Judges Choice winner for MEN @ WORK o/s contest-Edward gives swim lessons. Bella is afraid of the water. She wants to learn. Can this highly talented, too good looking for his own good swim instructor teach her more than she bargains for? BxE AH

Ramble: At first, I wondered how such a simple summary can lead to a multiple chapter story. Once I read it, I saw how the author was able to keep expanding. There is a part of me that actually wanted it to be longer after reading the last chapter. It seems as if the summary and how it is written, that it will be possible for the author to expand on it even more if they choose to do so.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The New Teacher

The New Teacher written by: xolauracullenxo

Summary: One-shot. Bella has a new Human Biology teacher. When she gets caught doing something naughty what will Mr. Mason do? Rated M for Language and Lemons.

Ramble: I've heard of improvising in life, but this really takes the cake; improvising on the punishment of a student. I would love it if the author continues this and make it into a longer story. The ending is like a cliff hanger, not knowing and the wait is really getting to me.


Appassionata written by: lisa89

Summary: When Bella's path crosses Edward Cullen's, an aspiring pianist, she's entranced by his beauty and talent. However, he seems to want nothing to do with her. Can they get past their own issues & find something more? Set in Toronto. REPOST FROM 2009.

Ramble: I've read this story before starting this blog, so I decided to just reread it. A wonderful story that has Edward and Alice as musicians. The bonds between people are tested throughout the story, making it even more complex. Going to school in Vancouver, we follow two groups of Americans as they work out their relationships (personal, family, and friendships) in the course of the story.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Game, Set, Match

Game, Set, Match written by: MandyLeigh87

Summary: Bella is hired as a photographer to do a photo feature on the cocky, playboy tennis pro Edward Cullen. Bella is determined to resist his charms, but Edward can't seem to leave her alone. Does love really mean nothing in tennis? Slightly OOC, AH. Rated M

Ramble: There is something about sporty Edward and a photographer Bella. The whole story is really good. I was almost stuck to the computer the whole time (I would have if I could but alas real life got in the way). Some family issues come up, but in general, the story has really strong families and friendships. This is the first tennis story I have read so far (I think...) but pretty good. I remember with my first exposure to tennis, I couldn't figure out why people said love-1 not knowing that it was the score (so it was really nice of the author to explain it early out in the story).

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chocolate smells like home ::

Chocolate smells like home :: written by: CullenLover30

Summary: Edward and Bella had a great relationship, but life happened and they took separate ways. What will happen when they find again? Edward will be surprised that s for sure. Sweet story M for the use and abuse of the F-word. Enjoy! ONE-SHOT COMPLETE

Ramble: A relationship that is placed on hold, where the two parities part without really knowing the whole truth, or what is going on to the other person. The power of chocolate in this story is really big.

Bring It On: All or Nothing

Bring It On: All or Nothing written by: lexiecullen17

Summary: Cheerleading was Bella's entire life. Making it to Nationals was the last step. What happens when a mysterious young man appears to distract her from that goal? Will she put her heart into her cheering or let it take a new direction? PLOT BUNNY CONTEST.

Ramble: This is a very interesting school story. Not really what I first expected from the summary. I don't want to ruin the story, by giving too much away, so just go read it yourself.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Edward Cullen, Weatherman

Edward Cullen, Weatherman written by: Melissa228

Summary: One-Shot Written for the Haiti fundraiser compilation. Edward Cullen is the Weatherman. Bella is Anchor Woman. Their paths cross outside of work and they see each other in a brand new light. AU/AH. Mature w/citrus goodies.

Ramble: One thing about doing this blog, is how I am finally noticing the authors writing. There are many times when I look up the information to copy and paste, only to see another story I have read from the same author. Anyways, this is an interesting view of what goes on before and after a newscast. Although news in itself is not super interesting, but it is a good place to get to know people.

What Candy Shop Counters Are Really For

What Candy Shop Counters Are Really For written by: Ms. Jessica Cullen

Summary: Bella Swan fantasizes about Edward Cullen regularly. When he shows up at her candy store and doesn't get the treat he came in for, he gets to eat something a little more... pleasurable. M, AH, AU, and a crazy, erotic one shot. Explosive, chocolatey LEMON

Ramble: Candy store..... awesome, surrounded by sweets, and all that you can ever want... well almost want that is. A good tale of high school crush, and an interesting perspective of what work can be like.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

This Is Not My Life

This Is Not My Life written by: isakassees

Summary: Follow Bella as she tries to survive a madman's abduction and keep a stranger's child from succumbing to his wild fantasies, and follow Edward as he tries to stay sane searching for his daughter taken right before his eyes.

Ramble: This is a pretty long story (37 long chapters) which is pretty nice after reading a bunch of shorter stories. It really does tell the whole story from both of their perspectives.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Survival of the Fittest

Survival of the Fittest written by: BruiserSkinGirl

Summary: Bella is a homeless girl, Edward is a member of organized crime. She's discovered in a dumpster after a hit is carried out by Edward and two others. Will he kill her like he's killed other witnesses? Or will he take her under his wing?

Ramble: The story itself is easy to read. Edward has connections to the leader of the organization (the nephew of the leader), and tries his best to keep Bella safe. There is a sequel to the story, so expect to see that up once the story is done (and of course, once I'm done reading it).

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Way the Cookie Crumbles

The Way the Cookie Crumbles written by: Lovin In The Oven Contest

Summary: Every baker has a little magic inside.

Ramble: A good food related story. Reading this story got me wanting the cookie they mentioned in the story. The way the cookie is described... I wish this story comes with a recipe.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Strip Poker

Strip Poker written by: MiraHale12

Summary: Bella played strip poker with her boss, Edward Cullen. But she didn't know that Edward had another thing in his mind. Lemons

Ramble: A romance that started out in high school, and lasting throughout the working world. In general, I really liked the idea of the story.

A Night in Friday Harbor

A Night in Friday Harbor written by: punkfarie

Summary: Outtake from 'Stripped' for Fandom Gives Back Auction. Bella and Edward's wedding night. Full of lip puckering lemony goodness. RATED M

Ramble: So I don't remember if I read the actual story, but man what a good wedding night!! There is a little hint of role play and domination, but I think all of that adds a lot to the story. Time for me to check out the longer story and add it to my list of stories to read.

Closets and Love Notes

Closets and Love Notes written by: Aisling-91

Summary: Oneshot: When Alice makes Bella try and find a box at her brothers appartment, Bella realizes her long time secret love - Edward Cullen - may share the same feelings towards her. Fluff lemon, AH.

Ramble: A good old meddling Alice story; with her playing matchmaker from high school to way beyond college makes it seem like a nice school sweetheart story. It is really nice and sweet lemon.

A Night of Firsts

A Night of Firsts written by: ooza

Summary: Bella is an exotic dancer. Edward is shy and inexperienced. What happens when they meet at a gentleman's club? My first one-shot. M for lemons, AH, OCC, ExB **COMPLETE**

Ramble: An unexpected story about an exotic dancer. I think I read this story before, but maybe not log it... I don't know, but here it is. A good old bachelor party but the groom is not the one to really get it off...

Just Thinking One Shot

Just Thinking One Shot written by: AmoreBella88

Summary: I awoke in the middle of the night to his side of the bed empty. What happened next could only descibed as one of the best nights of my life. Completed lemon, AU-AH, OOC, rated M for adult lanuage and situations.

Ramble: A quick oneshot of Bella and Edward who have dated for a while. I can't remember why I flagged this story to read in the beginning, but I am glad I did. A good thing I did through, because this is a good quick lemon.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Chunky Monkey

Chunky Monkey written by: afragilelittlehuman

Summary: Will a chance meeting with an old friend and a pint of Chunky Monkey make Bella's day better or worse? One-shot, AH, M for language and a big, huge lemon.

Ramble: I actually found this recommendation from the lustorium oneshot Thursday and decided to read the story. The snippets used in the recommendation really caught my eye, and I finished it, hence it is here!!